%Database of EP related literature, to be processed by blue.fmt.
%Version Aug 1994
%Files: lit.dat (data this file)
%C.G. van der Laan, Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB, Garnwerd, The Netherlands
%                                        05941-1525, cgl@rc.service.rug.nl
%Note: Don't include blank lines! (TeX ends paragraphs then and will
%                           disturb your typeset list of references.)
%      Don't use \verb|...| or so for verbatims (catcodes are fixed once read)
%Auxiliary macros
%\def\thepage{\folio} %Necessary when with tugboat.sty
%\def\tubissue#1(#2){\TUB~#1, no.~#2}%To be independent from tugboat.sty c.q.
                                     %                      ltugboat.sty.
%Conventions entries                     
%\def\<name>                               %Key for database, add a, b, ...
%    {<family name> <initials> (<year>):   %All with minimal interpunction
%     <title>                              %No discrimination
%     <source>                             %ISBN for books in here, pages as range
%     \annotation{<Comments, annotations.>}% <numbers>\dash<numbers>
%}%end entry                                       
   {Association of American Publishers (1989): 
    Markup of Tabular Material.  
    Version 2.0 AAP Inc.
   {Association of American Publishers (1987): 
    Standard for electronic manuscript preparation and markup. 
    AAP inc. 
    \annotation{Association of American Publishers, 
    2005 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20036,
    Phone: (202) 232-3335.}
   {Association of American Publishers (1989):
    Author's guide to electronic manuscript preparation and 
    AAP inc. (2$^{nd}$ version.)
   {Association of American Publishers (1989):
    Reference manual on electronic manuscript preparation and markup. 
    AAP inc.
    (2$^{nd}$ version.) ISBN 1-55653-084-6.
   {Association of American Publishers (1989): 
    Markup of tabular material. 
    AAP Inc. ISBN 1-55653-085-4.
    (2$^{nd}$ version.). 
   {Association of American Publishers (1989): Markup of
    Mathematical Formulas. 
    AAP Inc. EPSIG.
    (2$^{nd}$ version.)
    {Abrahams P.W (1990): \TeX\ for the impatient.
   {Adobe  (1985):
    PostScript Language Reference Manual.
    Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-10174-2.
   {Adobe Magazine (1995):
    The Technology of type.
    Adobe Magazine, 2, 16\dash19.
    (A nice survey of the outline fonts in relation to truetype.)
   {Aho A.V, R. Sethi (1988):
    Maintaining Cross-references in Manuscripts.
    Softw.Pract.exp.,  18, 1, 1\dash14.
   {Alexander J.C (1986):
   Tib, a reference setting package.
   \tubissue{ 7}(3), 138\dash139.
   \annotation{An update note is in \tubissue{8}(2), 102.
   A C program inspired upon troff's refer (and its successor bib).
   It is a preprocessor tailored for use with (All)\TeX.
   It allows for a few citation styles, and a publisher can extend these.
   It provides also for a powerful word-definition citation search.
   Flexible in general.
   Tagging of the entries a la refer has to be obeyed.
   From the UKTuG meeting of 1990 the following characteristics.
   It consists of:
   tibdex, a hashing program to speed up access to
   large collections of citations, by creating an index to the bibliography;
   tiblist, to format and print the database;
   looktib, a program to query the database;
   tib, main program goes through the source document and looks for
   keywords between [ and ].
   Advantages: 1-pass, pattern-matching citation no need to invent unique
   key, compatible with UNIX refer databases,
   good toolbox of style elements, single index
   of bibliographies, formatting more-closely related to \TeX.
   Disadvantages: pre-processor system, possible wrong matches, possible errors
   in repeated citations, non-algorithmic style language, left up to Tib
   to work out citation type, lack of extensibility in field,
   not very robust (crashes).}
%\lst\amsa {AMS (1989):   AMS-\LaTeX. AMS.}
 {AMS (1991):
 A look inside the AMS.
 \annotation{A nice brochure of what AMS is all about.}
  {AMS (1991):
  Think about publishing with the AMS.
  \annotation{Another nice brochure about the merits of
  publishing with AMS: effective marketing, extensive promotion, world-wide
  distribution, better sales, longer life of book, royalties, support
  worthwhile noncommercial activities for the benefit of the scientific
  community at large, for example the \TeX\ project.}
 {AMS (1993):
 \AmSTeX\ User's Guide 2.1.
 {AMS (1993):
 \AmSTeX\ Installation Guide 2.1.
 {AMS (1993):
 \AmS-\LaTeX\ User's Guide 1.1.
 {AMS (1993):
 \AmS-\LaTeX\ Installation Guide 1.1.
 {AMS (1993):
 AMSfonts. User's Guide 2.1.
 {AMS (1993):
 AMSfonts. Installation Guide 2.1.
 {AMS (1993):
 Guidelines for preparing electronic manuscripts.
 \AmSTeX\ (booklet, 52p), and the mirrored one
 \AmS-\LaTeX\ (booklet, 58p).
 \annotation{The first is very well-done.
  I have not seen a guideline of similar quality of yet!
  Simply the best available. Much experience is embodied to learn from.
  The second is verbose, incomplete, and deals at length with issues
  an author should not be bothered with.}
   {Amstel J.J van, J Bomhoff, G.J Schoenmakers (1978):
    Inleiding tot het programmeren 1. 
    Academic Service.
   {Appelt W (1987):
   Macros with keyword parameters. 
  \tubissue{8}(2), 284\dash287.
   {Appelt W (1988):
   Typesetting Chess. 
   \tubissue{9}(3), 284\dash287.
   {Appelt W (1988):
   \TeX\ f\"ur Fort\-geschrit\-tene\-\Dash 
   Pro\-gram\-mier\-tech\-ni\-ken und Makro\-pa\-kette.
   {Appelt W (1988): 
    Introduction to \TeX. Addison-Wesley.
   {APS (1992):
   The REV\TeX{} input guide.
   (From the file server.)
   {Arsenau D (1992):
   overcite.sty, drftcite.sty, citesty.
   (From the file server.
    No longer needed when BLUe's Bib, especially as part of blue.fmt,
    is used.)
   {Arsenau D (1993):
   Typesetting paragraphs of a specified shape.
   MAPS 93.2, 191\dash193.
   {Asher (1992):
    Inside Type \& Set.
    \tubissue{13}(1), 13--22.
   {Aurbach R.L (1987):
    Automatic Index Generation for \LaTeX.
    \tubissue{8}(2), 201\dash209.
   \annotation{The IdxTeX program provides the external processing
   and generates a file of \LaTeX{} source which may be included 
   in a document to produce the desired index.}
   {Batagelj V (1994):
   Combining \TeX{} and PostScript.
   Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 83\dash90.
   {Barlett F.H (1991):
    Contra-\LaTeX, or what really works in the publishing world.
    TUG '91. \tubissue12(3), 367\dash371.
   {Barron D (1989): Why use SGML? 
    Electronic publishing, 2,1, 3--24.
  {Bechtolsheim S. von (1988): 
   Tutorial on \cs{futurelet}.
   \tubissue{9}(3), 276\dash278.
  {Bechtolsheim S von (1988): 
   Using the emacs editor to savely edit \TeX\ sources. 
   \TeX niques 7, 195\dash202.
  {Bechtolsheim S von (1989):
  \cs{csname} and \cs{string}.
  \tubissue{10}(2), 203\dash206.
  \annotation{Apart from the basics, SvB discusses the convenient 
   (read non-double) loading of macro files, and 
   the cross-referencing. Common to both applications is the use
   of \cs{csname} and \cs{string}. No nesting of \cs{csname},
   and no mentioning of associating \cs{csname} with arrays.}
   {Bechtolsheim S von (1993):
    \TeX\ in Practice.
    2.~Paragraphs, Math and Fonts
    3.~Tokens, Macros
    4.~Output Routines, Tables
   {Beebe N.H.F (1988):
   A \TeX\ driver family.
   \TeX niques 5, 71\dash113.
   {Beebe N.H.F (1989):
   \TeX\ and graphics: The state of the problem.
   Cahiers GUTenberg, 2, 13\dash53.
   {Beebe N.H.F (1991):
   The TUGlib server. 
   MAPS 91.2, 117\dash123.
   (Also \TeX line 11.)
   {Beebe N.H.F (1992):
   \LaTeX\ Editing Support. 
   MAPS 92.1, 91\dash114.
   {Beebe N.H.F (1993):
   Bibliography prettyprinting and syntax checking.
   \tubissue{14}(3/4), 222, respectively ?\dash?.
   {Beeton B.N (editor, 1991):
    TUG Resource Directory.
    \annotation{It contains: TUG membership list,
                  \TeX\ User Associations,
                  Sources of \TeX\ software,
                  Output Device Drivers,
                  \TeX\ archives,
                  Electronic Discusion Lists,
                  \TeX\ bibliography.}
   {Beeton B.N (1990):
   \TUB{} production: \TeX, \LaTeX, and paste-up.
   SGML-\TeX{} meeting, Groningen. \annotation{Unpublished}
   {Bell System Technical Journal (1978):
    UNIX Time Sharing System.
    BTJ, Vol 57, 6, part 2.
   {Bentley J.L (1986): 
    Programming Pearls. 
    ISBN 0-201-10331-1. Addison-Wesley.
   {Bentley J.L (1988): 
    More programming Pearls---confessions of a coder. 
    ISBN 0-201-11889-0. Addison-Wesley.
    {Berry K (199?):
     Expanded plain \TeX. 
     From the file server.
     \annotation{A toolbox to cooperate with Any\TeX. It contains
      a fancy cross-referencing scheme, and left justification
      of math displays, among others. An announcement of
      the availability of the toolbox\Dash and its contents\Dash 
      has appeared in \tubissue{11}(4), 571\dash572.}
   {Best R (1993):
   \TeX\ zonder omhaal; voor ATARI PC en andere PCs.
   MAPS 93.1\&2, 57\dash68, resp.~111\dash114.
   MAPS 94.1\&2, 31\dash34, 35\dash36, resp.~43\dash44.
   (Also ATARI-ST Journal.)
   {Bienz T, R Cohn (1993):
   Portable Document Format Reference Manual.
   Adobe Systems Inc. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-62628-4. 
   {Bleeker J (1989): Electronische verzending, 
    bewerking en opslag van wetenschappelijke artikelen. 
    In: SGML de consequenties. 
    De eerste Nederlandse SGML conferentie. 
    SGML User's Group Holland. (Dutch)
   {Bloemen P (1993):
   4all\TeX: NTG's \TeX{} for MS-DOS.
   MAPS 93.2, 141\dash154.
   \annotation{The announcement of this working environment. For simple users only
    1 HD flop, and in its full glory over 30 HD floppies. Available
    from NTG's shop. Shareware.}
   {Bloemen P (1993):
   Shells for \TeX.
   MAPS 93.2, 155\dash159.
   (It discusses \TeX Shell and 4\TeX.)
   {Bloemen P (1994):
   \PS{} fonts in \TeX.
   MAPS 94.2, 139\dash148.
   {Bodenheimer B (?): 
   Frequently asked questions.
   comp.text.tex newsgroup. 
   (Adapted by Van Oostrum in MAPS 91.1, 85\dash92.).
   {Booth V (1975): Writing a scientific paper. 
   The Biochemical Society, London.
   {Borceux F (1990): De la construction de diagrammes.
   Cahiers GUTenberg, 5, 41\dash48.
   {Botway L, C Biemesderfer (198?):
    \LaTeX\ command summary.
    \TeX niques 10.
  {Braams J.L (1991):
  Babel, a multilingual style-option system for use with \LaTeX's standard
  document styles. 
  \tubissue{12}(2), 291\dash301. 
  (Pre-release MAPS 91.1;
   updated \tubissue{14}(1), 60\dash61.)
   {Braams J.L, V Eijkhout, N.A.F.M Poppelier (1990):
    The development of national \LaTeX\ styles. 
    \tubissue{10}(3), 401--406.
  {Braams J.L (1991): 
  Babel, a multilingual style-option system 
  for use with \LaTeX's standard document styles. 
  \tubissue{12}(2), 291--301.
  (Early version in MAPS 91.1.)
  {BRIDGE. Monthly of the NBB (Dutch Bridge Union).
  {Br\"uggemann-Klein A, D Wood (1989):
  Drawing trees nicely with \TeX. 
  EP-ODD, 2, 2, 101\dash115.
  (Also in \TeX\ Applications, Uses and Methods, Malcom Clark, editor.)
   {Bruin R de, C.G van der Laan, J.R Luyten, H.F Vogt (1988):
   Publiceren met \LaTeX. 
   CWI Syllabus 19.
   (See also Addendum `Publiceren met \LaTeX' in MAPS 92.1.)
   {Bryan M (1988):
    SGML, an Author's Guide to the Standard
    Generalized Markup Language. 
  {Bryan M (1993):
  A \TeX{} user's guide to ISO's Documentstyle Semantics and Specification
  Language (DSSSL).
  Proceedings TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), ?\dash?.
  {B\"urger D (1990):
  \LaTeX\ for scientists and engineers. MC Graw-Hill.
   {Bzyl W, T Przechlewski (1993):
    An application of literate programming: creating a format for the Bulletin
    of the Polish TUG.
    TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 296\dash299.
    \annotation{Very promising this using of the experience embodied in {\tt tugboat.sty}
     via transformation into Web and modify this with GUST's mods via
     change files. As a bonus there is an index.
     Handy to locate commands, but it won't help to locate
     the various @begin$<foo>$ commands because these are invoked via
   {Cameron P.J (1990): 
    Adventures of a new \TeX nician.
    \TeX line 12, 2\dash3.
    {Carlisle D (1992):
     From the fileserver.
   {Chem-\TeX (?): 
    From the  file server.
  {Chen P, M Harrison (1987): 
   Automatic index preparation.
   CSB-TR 87/347. UCB.
  \annotation{A nice survey of issues relevant to preparing indexes
  automatically. Existing indexing tools in use in various systems
  are discussed. The paper emerged from the experience gained in writing
  the makeindex C program.}
   {Cheswick B (1990):
   A permuted index for \TeX\ and \LaTeX.
   CSR 145. AT\&T.
   (Also \TeX niques 14. Handy for looking up if a command is already in use.)
   {Childs B (1989): 
    Teaching \TeX.
    \tubissue{10}(2), 156\dash163.
   {Childs, B (1989): 
    Answers to \TeX\ tests.
    \tubissue{10}(3), 319\dash323.
   {Clark A.F (1987): 
    Halftone output from \TeX. 
    \tubissue{8}(3), 270\dash274.
   {Clark M (1987): 
    More symbols for \TeX. 
    \TeX line 5, 7\dash8.
   {Clark M (1988): 
    A note comparing \TeX\ to SGML.
    SGML User's Group Bulletin, 3, 2, 67\dash68.
   {Clark M (1988): 
    A note comparing \TeX\ to SGML.
    SGML User's Group Bulletin, 3, 2, 67\dash68.
   {Clark M (1989): 
    \TeX\ and/or SGML. 
    Proceedings Euro\TeX89. Karls\-ruhe. 
    \annotation{Context sensitivity as a tool for checking
     input correctness is stressed; 
     an example of how to do this within \TeX\
     is given.}
   {Clark M (editor, 1990):
    \TeX\ applications, uses and methods.
    Proceedings of Euro\TeX\ '88.
    Ellis Horwood. ISBN 0-13-912296-6.
   {Clark M (1992):
    Portable Graphics in \TeX.
    Proceedings TUG '92. \tubissue{13}(3), 253\dash260.
    (Also as chapter 17 in his \TeX\ Primer.)
   {Clark M (1992):
    A plain \TeX\ primer.
    Oxford University Press. 480p.
   {The Chicago manual of style (1982).
    University of Chicago Press.
   {Coffin G.S (1954): Bridge Plays:
    Four classics. Faber and Faber. London.
   {Comm ACM (1988):
    Special Issue: Hypertext.
    Comm. ACM, 88, 31, 7.
    \annotation{It contains:
     An overview of hypertext, by J.B Smith, S.F Weiss;
     KMS: A distributed hypermedia system for managing knowledge in
          organizations, by R.M Akscyn, D.L McCracken, E.A Yoder;
     Reflections on notecards: seven issues for the next generation of
          hypermedia systems, by F.G Halasz;
     HAM: A general purpose hypertext abstract machine, by B Campbell, J.M
     Abstraction mechanisms in hypertext, by P.K Carg;
     Hypertext and the new Oxford dictionary, by D.R Raymond, F.W Tompa;
     Searching for information in a hypertext medical handbook, by
           M.E Frisse;
     Hypertext '87: Keynote address, by A van Dam.
     There are conferences devoted to the subject at least each year.}
   {Coombs J.H, A.H Renear, S.J DeRose (1987):
    Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing.
    Comm. ACM, 30, 11, 933\dash947.
   {Cowan R.F (1985):
   Making tables with macros. tables.tex \& tabledoc.tex.
   (Available from file servers.)
   {Crowhurst E (1986):
    ACOL in competition. Pelham. London.
   {Damrau J, M Wester (1991):  Form letters with 3-across
   labels capability. TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(4), 510\dash516.
  {Dobrowolski A, E (1992):
  Typesetting SGML documents using \TeX.
  Proceedings TUG '92. \tubissue{12}(4), 409\dash414.
    {Dol W, E.H.M Frambach, M van der Vlerk (1993):
    4\TeX: a \TeX\ workbench for MS-DOS PCs.
    MAPS 93.1, 53\dash56.
    {Dol W (1993):
    The ease of including graphics in \TeX{} documents using 4\TeX.
    MAPS 93.2, 171\dash176.
    {Dol W, E.H.M Frambach, S Kroonenberg, M van der Vlerk (1994):
    \TeX{} \& 4\TeX{} Guide.
    (Booklet to accompany NTG's 4All\TeX{} CD-ROM.)
    {Doob M (1990):
    A gentle introduction to \TeX.
    \TeX niques 12.
    (Also from the file server, as is my review.)
    {Doob M, C Platt (1993):
    Virtual fonts in a production environement.
    TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 275\dash281.
    {Doumont J.L (1994): 
     Pascal pretty-printing: 
     an example of `preprocessing within \TeX.' 
     Proceedings TUG '94. \tubissue{15}(3), 167\dash173.
    {Downes M.J. (1991): 
     Dialogue with \TeX. 
     Proceedings TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(4), 502\dash509.
    {DRILCON (1990): A program for conversion between \TeX\ and wordprocessors.
     KUB. The Netherlands.
     (It uses an intermediate language.)
 {Duchier D (1990):
  \TeX, ex\-ter\-nal tensor pro\-duct. 
  \TeX HaX 90.20.
 {Dunnr A (1987):
  Using \PS{} with \TeX. 
  \tubissue{8}(2), 171\dash173.
  {Durst L.K (1989): Bibliographic citations, or variations
   on the old shell game. \tubissue{10}(3), 390\dash394.
   \annotation{It discusses how to cope with \TeX ing a bibliography. BLUe's Bib
    has undoubtedly been influenced by this work, because I read it
    at least a year before creating BLUe's Bib. Durst does not use the
    list separator \TeX nique, and therefore the encoding is a little more
    complex. Also the writing to a file and the external sorting makes it
    more cumbersome. In the paper it is not worked out how to use it within
    one of \TeX's flavours.
    The basic approach is very similar to mine, however.}
   {Durst L.K (1990):
   Long-winded endnotes and exercises with hints or solutions.
   \tubissue{11}(4), 580\dash588.
   \annotation{A comment is given in Hefferon (1991): Getting {\tt\char92answers}
    in \TeX.}
   {Durst L.K (1991):
   Some tools for  making indexes: Part I.
   \tubissue{12}(2), 248\dash258.
   {Dyson M.C (1992):
   The curriculum as a hypertext.
   EP-ODD, 5, 2, 63\dash72.
   {Dyson M.C (1993):
   Teaching digital typography\Dash the Didot project.
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 329\dash332.
   (Also MAPS 93.2, 216\dash218.)
   {Eijkhout V (1990):
   Unusual paragraph shapes.
   \tubissue{11}(1), 51\dash53.
   {Eijkhout V (1990):
   An indentation scheme.
   \tubissue{11}(4), 613\dash616.
   (Also MAPS 90.2.)
   {Eijkhout V (1990):
   A {\tt\char92parskip} scheme.
   \tubissue{11}(1), 616\dash619.
   (Also MAPS 90.2.)
   {Eijkhout V (1992):
   \TeX\ by Topic. Addison-Wesley.
   {Eijkhout, V (1993):
    The bag of tricks. \tubissue{13}(4), 494\dash495.
    (It is about how to layout a macro. What I like most of it is the
     summary of how to counteract unwanted spaces. At the end the important
     difference between the \cs{ifUndefinedCS} and \cs{if}\cs{UndefinedCS}
     has been treated.)
   {Einarsson B, W.M Gentleman(1984): 
    Mixed Language programming.
    Soft.Prac.Exp., 14, 4 383\dash396.
   {Eppstein D (1985):
   Trees in \TeX.
   \tubissue{6}(1), 31\dash37.
   {Ferguson M.J (1991):
   INRS-\TeX\ (new version).
   (See also his multilingual reports, \tubissue{11}(4), 514\dash515)
   {Fine J (1992): Some basic control macros for \TeX.
   \tubissue{13}(1), 75\dash83.
   {Floyd R.W (1978): The paradigms of programming.
   Comm ACM ?\dash?. 
   Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
   ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
   {Furuta R, J Scofield, A Shaw (1982):
   Document Formatting Systems: Survey, Concepts, and Issues.
   Computing Surveys, 14, 3, 417\dash472.
   {Genussa P.L (1987): 
    Document Preparation Method
    of the United States Aire Force 
    Automated Technical Order System.
    SGML Users' group. Bulletin 2, 1.
   {Gibbons J (1993):
    Footnotes with verbatim material.
    TTN, 2, 4, p.9.
   \annotation{\LaTeX's footnote implementation has been modified to allow also for
    verbatims similar to plain's encoding. Basically it comes down to handling
    the `argument.' Really nice.}
    {Glendown G (1990): Round boxes for plain \TeX. 
    \tubissue{10}(3), 385--386.
   {Goossens M (1993):
   POSTSCRIPT en \LaTeX, de komplementariteit in de praktijk.
   MAPS 93.1, 101\dash113.
   {Goossens M, F Mittelbach, A Samarin (1993):
   The \LaTeX-companion. Addison-Wesley.
   {Goossens M, F Mittelbach, A Samarin (1993):
   Customizing \LaTeX's lists.
   MAPS 93.2, 177\dash183.
   {Goossens M, S.P.Q  Rahtz (1994):
   Colour slides with \LaTeX{} and Seminar.
   Baskerville, 4,1, 8\dash12.
   {Goossens M, S.P.Q  Rahtz (1994):
   Simple colour design and colour in \LaTeX2$\epsilon$.
   Euro\TeX, 196\dash205.
   {Graham R.L, D.E Knuth, O Pastashnik (1989):
    Concrete Mathematics. Addison-Wesley.
    \annotation{The macros for formatting this book are available from the
     CTAN and known as gkpmac.tex.}
   {Green I (1992):
    (From the file server.)
   {Greene A.M (1989):
   \TeX reation\Dash Playing Games with \TeX's mind.
   \tubissue{10}(4), 691\dash705.
   {Greenwade G.D (1993):
   The Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network\Dash CTAN.
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 342\dash351.
   (Also MAPS 93.2, 133\dash140.)
   {Gries D (1983 snd printing):
    The science of programming.
    Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-90641-x.
   {Grootenhuis J (1990):
    Typesetting SGML coded Mathematics.
    Paper presented at Markup'90. Charleston.
   {Guittet C (1986): 
    FORMEX: une mise en practique des normes internationales. 
    SGML user's group. Bulletin, 1, 2.
   {Gurari E.M (1989): 
   An introduction to the theory of computation.
   Computer Science Press.
   {Gurari E.M (1994): 
   \TeX{} \& \LaTeX\Dash Drawing \& Literate Programming.
   Mc Graw Hill. ISBN 0-07-025208-4.
   {Gurari E.M  (1994): 
   Writing with \TeX.
   Mc Graw Hill. ISBN 0-07-025207-6.
   {Hafner J (1992):
   Foil\TeX, a \LaTeX-like system for typesetting foils.
   \tubissue{13}(3), 347\dash356.
   {Hagen J, A.F Otten (1994):
   PPCH\TeX: Chemische structuur formules in \TeX.
   MAPS 94.2, 167\dash177.
   {Hagen J (1994):
   Een meertalige interface naar \TeX.
   MAPS 94.2, 178\dash182.
   {Hagen J (1994):
   Sub- en Superscripts in Chemische Formules.
   MAPS 94.2, 183.
   {Hamilton Kelly B (1989):
   The autodoc-option.
   \tubissue{10}(2), 274\dash284.
   {Hamilton Kelly B (1990):
   Some macros to draw crosswords.
   \tubissue{11}(1), 103\dash119.
   {Hamilton H (1989):
    Mastering \TeX{} with templates.
    TUG '89. \tubissue{10}(4), 541\dash548.
    \annotation{It has all to do with learning by example.}
   {Hamming R.W (1978): One man's view of computer science.
   Comm ACM ?\dash?. 
   Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
   ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
   {Haralambous Y (1992):
    \TeX\ conventions concerning languages. TTN, 1, 4, 3\dash10.
   {Heckel P (1982):
    The elements of friendly software design.
    Warner Books. ISBN 0-446-38040-7.
   {Hemel J, C.G van der Laan, R.C.G.M Lauwerier (1989):
    Het maken van transparanten voor overhead-projectie.
    RC-Rapport 23. 
    \annotation{In this report a set of 4 characteristic transparencies---a drawing,
      a bar-chart, a pie-chart, 
      a list of items with some formulas---is selected,
     and the aspects which come along when making these by hand,
     by Wordperfect, or by \LaTeX, are discussed. The results are shown and
     the needed amount of work for each approach is summarized among others.}
   {Henderson D (1989):
   Outline fonts with METAfont.
   \tubissue{10}(1), 36\dash38.
   {Henderson D (1989):
   Introduction to METAfont.
   \tubissue{10}(4), 467\dash480.
   {Hendrickson A (1985):
   Some diagonal line hacks.
   \tubissue{6}(2), 83\dash86.
   \annotation{The macros go wrong for (nearly) vertical lines.}
   {Hendrickson A (1989):
   {Hendrickson A (1990):
   Getting \TeX nical: Insights into \TeX\ macro writing \TeX niques.
   \tubissue{11}(3), 359\dash370.
   {Hendrickson A (priv.\ comm.).
   {Henrici, P (1977): Applied and computational complex analysis.
    II. Special functions, integral transformations, asymptotics, continued
     fractions. John-Wiley.
   {Herwijnen E van (1988): 
    Electronic submission of Physics
    articles to publishers. De $1^e$ Nederlandse
    SGML conferentie. SGML: De Consequenties.
    \annotation{Also published in: Computer Physics 
     Communications 57 (1989) 244\dash250:
     The use of text interchange standards 
     for submitting physics articles to journals.
     In the context of this paper the discussion of 
     SGML related to \TeX\ is relevant.}
   {Herwijnen E van (1990):
   Practical SGML. Kluwer.
  {Herwijnen E van, N.A.F.M Poppelier, C.A Rowley (to appear):
   Standard DTDs and scientific publishing. 
   MAPS 92.2, 69\dash80.
   {Herwijnen E van (priv. comm.): Streamlining publishing
   {Herwijnen E van (1988): 
    TexT Processing at CERN I. 
    SGML Users' Group Bulletin, 3, 2, 39--54.
   {Hoare C.A.R (1980): The emperor's old clothes.
   Comm ACM ?\dash?. 
   Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
   ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
    {Hobby J.D (1992):
     A user's manual for METAPost.
    CSTR 162. AT\&T Bell Laboratories.
    (Since 1995 METAPost is in the public domain.)
    {Hobby J.D (1992):
     Introduction to METAPost.
     Euro\TeX{} 92. 21\dash36.
   {Hoenig A.J (1987):
   \TeX{} does windows.
   \tubissue{8}(2), 212\dash216.
   {Hoenig A.J (1989):
   Fractal images with \TeX.
   Proceedings TUG '89. \tubissue{10}(4), 491\dash497.
   {Hoenig A.J (1990):
   Labelling figures in \TeX\ documents.
   TUG '90. \tubissue{12}(1), 125\dash128.
   {Hoenig A.J (1991):
   When \TeX\ and METAfont talk:
   Typesetting on curved paths and other special effects.
   TUG91 proceedings. \tubissue{12}(3), 554\dash557.
   {Hoenig A.J (1991):
   Typesetting along arbitrary curves with \TeX\ and METAfont.
   TUG91 proceedings.
  {Hoenig A.J (1991):
  \TeX\ for new users. MAPS 91.2, 91\dash96.
   {Hoenig A.J (1992):
   When \TeX\ and METAfont work together.
   Euro\TeX\ '92 proceedings, 1\dash19.
   (An updated version released in MAPS 93.1.)
   {Hoenig A (1992): Q \& A. Partitioned Matrices.
   \tubissue{13}(1), 60\dash62.
   {Hoenig A (1994): 
   Less is more: Complex page layouts and shapes with \TeX.
   TUG94 proceedings. \tubissue{15}(3), 232\dash243.
   {Hoover A.Z (1989):
   Using wordperfect 5.0 to create \TeX\ and \LaTeX\  documents.
   \tubissue{10}(4), 549\dash559.
   {Hoover A.Z (1991):
   Getting Postscript into \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ documents.
   TUG '91.  MAPS 91.2.
   {Hoover A.Z (1992):
   The key to successful support: knowing your \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ users.
   Euro\TeX{} '92 proceedings, 1\dash19.
   (Also MAPS 92.2.)
   {Horak K (priv. comm. 1992):
    Examples of (scientific) METAfont use.
    (Some have been encorporated in NTG's PR set.)
   {Horak K (1994):
    Fighting with big METAfont pictures
    when printing them reversely or landscape.
    Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 105\dash107.
  {Horn B.K.P (1993):
   Where are the Math fonts?
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 282\dash284.
  {Horn B.K.P (1993):
   New from Y\&Y: complete bitmap-free \TeX{} packages!
   Flyer 8p.
   \annotation{Reviewed in Notices of the AMS by J.L Casti. 
    Very good with respect to
    encorporation of Postscript (product: DVIPSONE)
    and the accompanying previewer (product: DVIWindo).
    No virtual fonts are supported, and as
    argued by the author  there is no need for it to do so.}
   {Horowitz E (1984): 
    Fundamentals of programming languages.
    Computer Science Press. ISBN 0-88175-004-2.
  {Hosek D (1991):
   \TeX\ Output Devices.
   TUG Resource Directory, 133\dash158.
    {Hout J.F.M.J, M.J.A Mirande, E.B Smuling (1981):
     Geven van hoorcolleges.
     Aula 807.
     \annotation{Apart from the useful survey aspects it supplies also references
      to Gagn\'e's work.}
   {ISO (8879): Information Processing\Dash Text and Office
     Systems\Dash Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). 1986--10--15.
   {ISO (TR9573): Information Processing\Dash SGML 
    Support Facilities\Dash Techniques for using SGML. 
   {Iwakuma Tetsuo (1994):
   A guide to use Macros and Style files in \LaTeX.
   MAPS 94.2, 73\dash110.
   {B Jascowski, M Ry\'cko (1994):
    Labyrinth of METAfont paths in outline.
    Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 18\dash32.
{J\"ansch C.R, U R\"ode, K Schnepper (1988):
 Macro expansion, a tool for the systematic development of scientific software.
  {Jeffrey A (1990): Lists in \TeX's mouth.
   \tubissue{11}(2), 237\dash244.
  {Jeffrey A (1993):
   A Postscript font installation package written in \TeX.
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 285\dash292.
  {Jeffrey A (editor, 1993):
  Math font encodings: a workshop summary.
  TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 293\dash295.
   {Jensen K, N Wirth (1975): PASCAL user manual and report.
   {Jones D.M (1992):
   A catalogue of \TeX{} macros.
   (From the file server.)
   {Jurriens T.A (priv. comm.):
   (From the file server.)
   {Jurriens T.A (1992): \TeX\ for everybody?
   \annotation{Experience \LaTeX\  teaching.}
   {Jurriens, T.A (1991):
   Ladies and \LaTeX I-II-III.
   MAPS 91.2, 102\dash104, 92.1, 133\dash134, MAPS 92.2, 102\dash104.
   {Jurriens T.A (1992): \TeX\ as database. MAPS92.2,
   {Jurriens T.A (1992): 
   From observation to publication.
   \tubissue{14}(2), 123\dash126.
   {Kabelschacht A (1987): 
   \cs{expandafter} vs.\ \cs{let} and \cs{def}, and
   a generalization of plain's loop.
   \tubissue{8}(2), 184\dash185.
   {Kappert R (1992): scite.sty. (A compilation
    of the earlier versions of Arseneau and Green. 
    From the file server.)
  {Kelder J, B van der Velde (1986):
    Dwangposities tegen \'e\'en tegenstander. Becht. A'dam. (Dutch).
    Translated from:
    Kelsey H.W (1985, paperback):
    Simple squeezes. Gollancz. London.
   {Keller, A.M (1985):
    From text to \TeX\Dash coursenotes for \TeX\ for beginners.
    (TOPS 20 is outdated. emacs is still actual.)
   {Khanh Ha (1990):
   Easy Table. \tubissue{11}(2), 250\dash264.
   {Knappen J (1992): 
    Changing the appearance of Math. 
   {Kneser T (1990):
   \LaTeX-paragraphs floating around figures.
   \tubissue{12}(1), 28\dash30.
   {Knuth D.E (1968):
   The art of computer programming. Vol. I: Fundamental algorithms.
   Addison-Wesley.ISBN 0-201-03809-9.
   {Knuth D.E (1969):
   The art of computer programming. Vol. II: Seminumerical algorithms.
   Addison-Wesley.LLOCC 67-26020.
   {Knuth D.E (1973):
   The art of computer programming. Vol. III: Sorting and searching.
   Addison-Wesley. LLOCC 67-26020.
   {Knuth D.E (1974):
    Computer programming as an art.
   Comm ACM ?\dash?. 
   Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
   ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
   {Knuth D.E (1979): Mathematical Typography. 
    Bulletin AMS, 1, 2, 345\dash372.
   {Knuth D.E (1979):
   \TeX\ and METAfont: New directions in typesetting.
   Part 1 Mathematical Typography. 45p.
   Part 2 \TeX\ a system for technical text. 201p.
   Part 3 METAfont, a system for alphabet design. 105p.
   AMS. Digital Press. ISBN 0-932376-02-9.
   \annotation{A nice and handy book which explains the basic approaches in
    not too much detail.}
   {Knuth D.E (1984):
   Literate Programming.
   The Computer Journal, 27, 2, 97\dash111.
   {Knuth D.E (1984):
   Computers and Typesetting.
   \TB. Addison-Wesley.
   ISBN 0-201-13447-0 (hard cover)
   ISBN 0-201-13448-9 (soft cover).
   \annotation{For the correct printing look in the index
    for \cs{language}.
    \TeX, frozen in version $\pi$, 
   {Knuth D.E (1984):
   A course on METAfont programming.
   \tubissue{5}(2), 105\dash118.
   {Knuth, D.E (1985): Recipes and fractions. 
    \tubissue{6}(1), 36\dash38.
   {Knuth D.E (1986):
   Computers and Typesetting.\TeX: the program.
   \annotation{Reprint with corrections 1988, 
    a version dated after 1989 is needed.
   Look again for \cs{language} in the index.}
   ISBN 0-201-13437-3.
   {Knuth D.E (1986):
   Computers and Typesetting. The METAfont book.
   ISBN 0-201-13445-4.
   {Knuth D.E (198?):
   Computers and Typesetting. METAfont: the program.
   {Knuth D.E, P Mackay (1987):
    Mixing right-to-left texts with left-to-right texts.
    \tubissue{7}(1), 14--25.
   {Knuth D.E (1987):
    Saturday morning problem\Dash conclusion.
    \tubissue{8}(2), 211.
    \annotation{The principle of text flowing around a figure
    via an OTR with a `mock'-\cs{everyline}. Hoenig in TUG 94
    has elaborated the issue further.}
   {Knuth D.E (1987):
    Reply: Printing out selected pages.
    \tubissue{8}(2), 217.
    \annotation{Manmac's shipout for slected pages.}
   {Knuth D.E (1987):
    Fonts for digital halftones.
    \tubissue{8}(2), 135\dash270.
   {Knuth D.E (1989):
   The errors of \TeX.
   Software Practice and Experience, 19, 7, 607\dash685.
   (Also \tubissue{10}(4), 529\dash532.)
   {Knuth D.E, T Larrabee, P.M Roberts (1989):
   Mathematical writing.
   MMA Notes, 14.
\annotation{With contributions by Paul Halmos, Leslie Lamport, Mary-Claire van Leunen,
Nils Nilsson, Rosalie Stemer, Jeff Ullman, and Herbert S. Wilf.}
   {Knuth D.E (1990):
   Virtual Fonts: More Fun for Grand Wizards.
   \tubissue{11}(1), 13\dash23.
{Knuth D.E, S Levy (1987):
 The CWEB System of Structured Documentation.
 (FTP: labrea.stanford.edu, in directory /pub/cweb)
   {Kopka H, P.W Daly (1993):
 A guide to \LaTeX\Dash Document preparation for beginners and advanced users.
   Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-56889-6.
   {Ko{\l}odziejska H (1991):
   Go diagrams with \TeX.
   MAPS 91.2, 63\dash68.
   (From the file server.)
   {Kopka H,  P.W Daly (1993):
    A guide to \LaTeX---Document preparation
    for beginners and advanced users.
    Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-56889-6.
  {Krimpen H van (1986):
   Boek over het maken van boeken.
   Gaade Uitgevers. Veenendaal. ISBN 9-060-17521-2.
   {Kuykens H.J P (1994):
   MIDI2\TeX, een music\TeX{} tool.
   MAPS 94.2, 184\dash188.
   {Laan C.G van der (1984): (Graceful) Mixed Language
    Programming. Argonne National Laboratory Workshop.
   {Laan C.G van der, J.R Luyten (1988):
   Evaluation of K-talk.
   RC-RUG rapport 15.
   \annotation{Contains test collection for evaluating converters.
    The conclusion is that ordinary marked up text is no problem,
    but tables, math and graphics go wrong.}
   {Laan C.G van der (1989): 
    Teaching \TeX: critics and \LaTeX\ proposal. 
    Appendix V. Minutes $4^{th}$ NTG meeting.
   {Laan C.G van der (1989):
   Typesetting Bridge via \LaTeX.
   \tubissue{10}(1), 113\dash116.
   (Also MAPS 91.2.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1990):
   Typesetting Bridge via \TeX.
   \tubissue{11}(2), 265\dash276.
   (Pre-release GUTenberg Cahiers 5, and a copy in MAPS 91.2.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1990):
   SGML(, \TeX\ and \dots).
   \tubissue{12}(1), 90\dash104.
   (Pre-release MAPS 90.2 and GUTenberg
   cahiers 5.
   It contains also an extensive bibliography 
   about SGML-\TeX\ relation.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1991):
   Math into BLUes.
   Part~I: Mourning. TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(3), 485\dash501.
   Part~II: Sing your song. Euro\TeX\ '91.
            GUTenberg Cahiers 10\&11, 147\dash170.
   (Pre-release MAPS 91.1.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1992):
   Tower of Hanoi, revisited.
   \tubissue{13}(1), 91\dash94.
   {Laan C.G van der (1992):
    Table Diversions.
    MAPS 92.2, 115\dash129.
    (An earlier version at Euro\TeX{} '92.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1992):
    Spivak's \OE uvre.
    MAPS 92.1, 139\dash142.
   {Laan C.G van der (1992):
    FIFO and LIFO sing the BLUes.
    \tubissue{14}(1), 54\dash59.   
    (An earlier version at Euro\TeX{} '92
      and MAPS 92.2.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1992):
   Typesetting crosswords via \TeX, revisited.
   MAPS 92.2, 145-146.
   \annotation{Submitted TUGboat. An earlier version based upon \cs{halign} in
    Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92, 217\dash224, and MAPS 92.1, 128\dash132.}
   {Laan C.G van der (1992):
   Syntactic Sugar.
   TUG '93.
   \tubissue{14}(3), 310\Dash318.
   (Earlier versions in MAPS 92.2, abridged in GUST bulletin 1.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1993):
   Manmac BLUes\Dash Or how to typeset a book via \TeX.
   MAPS 93.1, 171\dash191.
   {Laan C.G van der (1993):
   AMS BLUes\Dash Professionals at work.
   MAPS 93.1, 192\dash212.
   {Laan C.G van der (1993):
   Sorting in BLUe.
   MAPS 93.1, 149\dash170.
   (Abrid\-ged TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 319\dash328.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1993):
   Typesetting number sequences.
   MAPS 93.1, 145\dash148.
   \annotation{Submitted TUGboat. No longer relevant when BLUe's Bib is used.}
   {Laan C.G van der (1993):
   Matrix icons via \LaTeX.
   MAPS 93.2, 211\dash212. 
   (Also note in TTN 3.3, 1994.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1993):
   BLUe's Bibliography\Dash A ge\-ne\-ric ap\-proach.
   MAPS 93.2, 205\dash210.
   \annotation{Selective loading has been added in MAPS 94.1.}
   {Laan C.G van der (1993):
   What is \TeX{} and \MF{} all about? 
   MAPS 93.2, 67\dash87.
   (Also: proceedings `PD, Shareware, Freeware' 
    meeting NLUUG, November 1993. CTAN 
    and PTF CD in \dots/whatstex in 
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   TUGboat BLUes\Dash How \TeX ies do it.
   MAPS 94.1, 119\dash150.
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   BLUe's Trans\-paren\-cies\Dash From report to transparency.
   MAPS 94.1, 111\dash114.
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   BLUe's Verbatim\Dash The selection.
   MAPS 94.1, 116\dash118.
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   BLUe's Format\Dash The best of both worlds.
   MAPS 94.2, 189\dash199.
   (Abridged. Euro\TeX\ '94, 33\dash44, also abridged.
    Unabridged version from the CTAN.)
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   BLUe's Biblio\-gra\-phy\Dash Se\-lec\-tive loading.\\
   MAPS~94.1, 115.
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   BLUe's Graphs\Dash Simplicity, aha!
   MAPS 94.2, 200\dash206.
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   BLUe's Cross-Referen\-cing\Dash A one-pass approach.
   MAPS 94.2, 207\dash209.
   {Laan C.G van der (1995):
   Publishing with \TeX\Dash BLUe's Selection.
   MAPS Special. %CWI tract.
   See CTAN /pub/archive/info/pwt.
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   Paradigms\Dash Headache?
   MAPS 94.2, 212\dash214.
   {Laan C.G van der (1994):
   Paradigms\Dash Plain's items extended.
   MAPS 94.2, 210\dash211.
   {Laan C.G van der (1995):
   BLUe's Typesetting of Pascal\Dash Lean and mean.
   MAPS 95.1, 208\dash210.
   \annotation{This early paper has been improved. The typesetting 
    of array brackets is possible now.}
   {Laan C.G van der (1995):
   BLUe's Index\Dash The principle and some more.
   MAPS 95.1, 178\dash186.
   \annotation{A more user oriented version has been appeared in a chapter of the 
    PWT guide and also in the proceedings of Euro\TeX~95.}
   {Laan C.G van der (1995):
   BLUe's Format Databases\Dash Stay organized.
   MAPS 95.1, 170\dash177.
   {Laan C.G van der (1995):
   Paradigms\Dash Two-part macros.
   MAPS 95.1, 200\dash204.
   {Laan C.G van der (1995):
   Paradigms\Dash Parameterization I \Dash\ Options.
   MAPS 95.1, 205\dash207.
   {Laan C.G van der (1995):
   Use of \TeX{} as  databases with any \TeX.
   Proceedings Euro\TeX~95, 273\dash278.
   {Lammarsch J (1993):
   A new typesetting system: is it really necessary?
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 167\dash170.
   {Lamport L (1985?):
   \annotation{(For drawing arbitray lines within the picture environment.
    From the file server. See however also gkpmac.}
   {Lamport L (1985):
   \LaTeX\ User's Guide \& Reference Manual.
   Addison-Wesley. ISBN-0-201-15790-X.
   \annotation{With respect to \BibTeX\ the following characteristics 
   from UKTUG meeting of 1990.
   Advantages: clear layout of database, unique identifyer for elements,
   compatibility with Scribe databases, explicit statement of citation type,
   extensible style language, uses \LaTeX's cross-referencing, easy to
   edit output, can be mixed with non-automatic generated bibliographies,
   cross-referencing and abbreviations.
   Disadvantages: multiple passes (\LaTeX, \BibTeX, \LaTeX, \LaTeX);
   have to remember unique references, style language is opaque,
   database is very wordy and boring to enter.}
   {Lamport L (1987):
   Makeindex: An index processor for \LaTeX.
   (From the file server.)
   {Langmyhr D (1994):
   How to make your own documentstyle in \LaTeX2e.
   Euro\TeX'94, 167\dash175.
   (Also MAPS 94.2, 65\dash72.)
   {Larson J.E (1989):
   A chess font for \TeX.
   \tubissue{10}(3), 351.
   {Fractals\Dash meetkundige figuren in eindeloze herhaling.
    Aramith. ISBN/NUGI-90-6834-031X/619.
   \annotation{Some basic programs of the fractals are included.}
   {Lavaud M (1991):
   As\TeX, or developing a multi-windowing environment for research based on
   Euro\TeX\ '90. Cahiers Gutenberg.
   (Developments Euro\TeX\ '92, and TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 238\dash244.)
   {Lavaud M (1993):
   Disquettes PC-GUT: \TeX\ \& Co pour PC.
   (With: manual d'installation, revised 25/6/93.)
  {Lawrence M. (1988): 
   The complete book on hand evaluation. Max Hardy.
   ISBN 0-939460-27-0.
   {Leban B (1985): 
   A solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem using \TeX.  
   \tubissue 6(3), 151\dash154.           
\annotation{Review. Leban requires as input the number of disks and the first tower as
a sequence of one-digit numbers.
This means that creation of the initial tower is not part of the paper.
Furthermore, Leban develops a set of Lisp like functions for \TeX.
Apparently Knuth's List macros, \TeX book Appendix D.2, have been overlooked.
Leban's small list processing system is an example of reinventing the wheel,
with the concept of an active list separator absent. As a consequence
the printing of the towers is done by recursion which is not necessary
when using Knuth's list separator appropriately to `execute' the list.}
   {Lesk  M.E (1979):  
    Tbl\Dash a program to format tables.
    UNIX manual,157--174.
   {Louarn P (1991):
    Instructions to Euro\TeX{} and GUTenberg '91 authors.
  {Louarn P (1991): Manipulons une matrice. 
  Cahiers GUTenberg 8. 59\dash61. 
  \annotation{His step-by-step  explanation is very clear. The example
   does not contain braces connecting cells, 
   or sub parts.}
   {Makeindex (1987):
    \annotation{From the file server. See also Chen and Harrison, Lamport (1987),
     Salomon for a plain variant. Since 1995 there is BLUe's Index.}
   {MARK-IT (1989): SGML Parser, version 2. Sobemap NV,
    Place du Champ de Mars 5, Bte 40, 1050 Bruxelles.
   {Martin C.R (1990):
    \TeX\ for \TeX nical typists. 
    \tubissue{11}(3), 425\dash428.
   {Mattes E (1990?):
   (PD version for MS-DOS PCs, in general use. From the archives.)
 {Maus S (1991): An expansion power lemma.
 \tubissue{12}(2), 277.
   {McClure M (1989): 
    \TeX\ macros for COBOL syntax diagrams.
    TUGboat, 10, 4, 743--750.
   {Meulenbroek D (1989): 
    Nieuwsblad v/h Noorden. December. 
   {Meyers E, F Paige (199?): \TeX sis. 
   \annotation{Provides \cs{ruledtable} and documentation in 100p. 
    \TeX{} file.
    From lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu, directory /texsis.}
   {Minsky M (1969): 
   Form and content in computer science.
   Comm ACM ?\dash?. 
   Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
   ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
   {Mittelbach F (1989):
   An environment for multi-column output.
   \tubissue{10}(3), 407\dash415.
   {Mittelbach F (1989):
   The doc-option..
   \tubissue{10}(2), 245\dash273.
   {Mittelbach F (1989):
   An extension for the \LaTeX\ theorem environment.
   \tubissue{10}(3), 416\dash426.
   {Mittelbach F (1991):
   E-\TeX: Guidelines for future \TeX\ extensions.
   \tubissue{11}(3), 337\dash345.
  (Redistributed: MAPS 93.1)
   {Mittelbach F, R Sch\"opf (1989):
   The new font selection scheme.
   For \TeX{} packages.
   \tubissue{10}(2), 222\dash238.\\
   User interface to standard \LaTeX.
   Reprint: \tubissue{11}(2), 297\dash305.
   (See also NFSS 2, in Goossens, Mittelbach Samarin.)
   {Mittelbach F, R Sch\"opf (1990):
   Towards \LaTeX~3.0.
   \tubissue{12}(1), 74\dash79.
   (Also MAPS 90.2.)
   {Mittelbach F, R Sch\"opf (1992):
   The Pursuit of quality.
   Electronic Publishing '92. ISBN 0-521-43277-4.
   (Redistributed MAPS 92.2.)
   {Mittelbach F, C.A Rowley (1993):
   The \LaTeX3 project.
   MAPS 93.1, 95\dash99.
   (Also in various early nineties proceedings.)
   {Mittelbach F, C.A Rowley, M.J Downes (1993):
   Volunteer work for \LaTeX3 project.
   \tubissue{13}(4), 510\dash515.
   {McClure M (1989):
   \TeX\ macros for COBOL syntax diagrams.
   \tubissue{10}(4), 743\dash750.
   {Modest M.F (1989):
   Using \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ with Wordperfect5.0.
   \tubissue{10}(1), 67\dash72.
   {Nagy Dezs\"o (1989):
   A bar chart in \LaTeX.
   \tubissue{10}(2), 239\dash240.
   {Nearing J (1989): Extended equation numbering 
    in plain \TeX.
    \tubissue{10}(1), 82\dash88.
   {Oostrum P van (1989): 
   From the fileserver. 
   {Oostrum P van (1991):
   Program text generation with \TeX\slash\LaTeX.
   MAPS 91.1, 99\dash105.
   (A survey of the available tools.)
   {Palais R (1992):
    Moving a fixed-point. \tubissue{13}(4), 425\dash432.
   {Papert S (1980):
    Mindstorms---Children, computers, and powerful ideas.
    Harvester studies in cognitive science; 14.
    ISBN 0-85527-163-9.
   {Paternotte R (1989): Dwangneurose.
    De {\bf E}nige {\bf G}oede 
    {\bf B}ridge {\bf C}ourant. 
    December. (Dutch)
   {Petrycki L.J (1991): Comparing \TeX\ and 
    traditional typesetting for the composition of a textbook.
    \tubissue{12}(3), 359\dash366.
   {Pittman J.E (1988):
    Loopy.\TeX. \tubissue{9}(3), 289\dash291.
   {Polya G (1957): 
    How to solve it. Anchor.
   {Polya G (1954): 
    Mathematics and plausible reasoning. 
    I. Induction and analogy in Mathematics.
    ISBN 0-691-08005-4. Princeton University Press.
   {Polya G (1954): 
    Mathematics and plausible reasoning. 
    II. Patterns of plausible inference.
    L.C. Card 68-56327. Princeton University Press.
   {Poppelier N.A.F.M (1990):
   SGML and \TeX\ in scientific publishing.
   \tubissue{12}(1), 105\dash109. (Also MAPS 90.2)
   {Quin L.R.E (1990):
   Summary of METAfont fonts available.
   \TeX MaG, 4, 6, 1990
   (Also MAPS 91.1.)
   {Rahtz S.P.Q (1987): Bibliographic tools.
    Literary and linguistic computing, 2, 4, 231\dash241.
   {Rahtz S.P.Q, M Burbank (1993):
    Guidelines for Proceedings of the 1993 Annual Meeting of the \TeX{} Users
    TUG Office.
   {Rahtz S.P.Q (1993):
    Essential NFSS2, version 2. 
   \tubissue{14}(2), 132\dash137.
   (The abstract copied from the article: 
    This article offers a user's view of the New Font Selection Scheme, version 2. 
    It describes the reasons for using the NFSS; 
				the differences a user will encounter between NFSS and old \LaTeX;
    what it will be like installing and using NFSS2;
    some special situations in mathematics; and
    an overview of the advanced NFSS2 commands for describing new fonts.)
   {Rahtz S.P.Q (1994):
    Implementing the extended \TeX{} layout
    using \PS{} fonts.
    \tubissue{14}(2), 107\dash117.   
   {Raichle B (1993):
    In: V. Eijkhout. Oral \TeX; Erratum.
    \tubissue{13}(1), 75.
     {Raichle B (priv.\ comm.): Sorting in \TeX's mouth (revisited).
      Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94. 53\dash58. Reprinted in MAPS 95.1.
     \annotation{Bernd Raichle reported at DANTE's 1994 Februari meeting about
     sorting numbers in \TeX's mouth in the spirit of the work of
     Jeffrey. Although his algorithms are of order $n^2$ the execution
     time is good. The only drawback for practice is that it is restricted
     to numbers so far. For Euro\TeX{} '94 he has extended his work
     with quicksort in the mouth.}
     {Raichle B (priv.\ comm.): Orale Spielereien.
     \TeX nische Kom\"ode. 
     \annotation{Bernd Raichle started in 1994  a series of notes exploiting
     the mouth processing of \TeX.\\
     I. The n-asteriks is studied in depth. A completely expandable \LaTeX{}
        \cs{Romannumeral} proposal is included.\\
     II. Here the digestive processing of the \TeX{} engine is explained.
        The explained n-asteriks solution is intriguing\Dash if not for the use
        of \cs{uccode}\Dash and probably the fastest.
   {Ramek M (1988):
   Chemical structure formulae and X/Y diagrams with \TeX.
   Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '88, 227\dash258.
   {Read D (priv.comm.):
   Some ideas to improve \LaTeX.
   \annotation{Report with suggestions about
   \LaTeX\ implementation,  SGML-based.}
   {Reid T.J (1987):
    Floating figures at the right\Dash and\Dash Some random text for testing.
   \tubissue{8}(3), 315\dash320.
  {Rokicky T (199?): 
  {Rokicky T (1994): 
   Driver support for color in \TeX: Proposal and Implementation.
  \tubissue{15}(3), 205\dash2126.
    {Rogers D.F (1992): On contrarian views. 
     \TeX line 14.  2\dash3.
   {Rubinstein Z (1989):
   Chess printing via METAfont and \TeX.
   \tubissue{10}(2), 170\dash172.
   (With erratum in \tubissue{10}(3), 359.)
   {Rubinstein Z (1989):
   Printing annotated chess literature in natural notation.
   \tubissue{10}(3), 387\dash390.
   {Ry\'cko M, B Jackowski (1993):
   \TeX{} from {\tt\char92indent} to {\tt\char92par}.
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 171\dash176.
   {Salomon D (1989):
   Macros for indexing and table of contents preparation.
   \tubissue{10}(3), 394\dash400.
   \annotation{Comments by Breitenlohner (1990): \tubissue{11}(1)62,
   with respect to writing long records to {\tt\char92write}
   streams. In 1994 he made \cs{makeindex} available
   for plain \TeX.}
%   {}
   {Salomon D (1990):
   Output Routines Examples \& Techniques.
   Part~I: Introduction \& Examples. \tubissue{11}(1), 69\dash85.
   Part~II: OTR Techniques. \tubissue{11}(2), 212\dash236.
   Part~III: Insertions. \tubissue{11}(4), 588\dash
   \annotation{Incorporated in his courseware: Insights and Hindsights.}
   Part~IV: Horizontal Techniques. \tubissue{15}(1), 28\dash39.
   {Salomon D (1992):
   Arrows for technical drawings.
   \tubissue{13}(2), 146\dash149.
   {Salomon D (1992):
   Creating shaded rectangles with POSTSCRIPT.
   \tubissue{13}(3), 327\dash329. (Also MAPS 92.2.)
   {Salomon D (1992):
   DDA methods in \TeX.
   \tubissue{10}(2), 207\dash216.
   {Salomon D (1992):
   NTG's Advanced \TeX\ course: Insights and Hindsights.
   MAPS Special, $\approx500p.$
   {Salomon D (1995):
   The advanced \TeX book. 
   Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-94556-3.
   {Salomon D (priv.\ comm.).
   {Samuel A.L (1985):
    First grade \TeX\Dash A beginners \TeX\ manual.
    \TeX niques 11.
    \annotation{Beautiful, obligatory reading! Even for \LaTeX\ devotees,
     and for every novice. The layout is nice too. Only some 30p.}
   {Sankar S (1989):
   APE\Dash a set of \TeX\ macros to to format ADA programs.
   \tubissue{10}(1), 89\dash97.
   {Scheller A (1989): 
   Experience with SGML in the real world.
   Advisory Group on Computer Graphics workshop, Rutherford.
   \annotation{Work reported from DAPHNE-project: Document Application Processing in a
   Heterogeneous Network Environment.}
   {Sch\"opf R (1989):
   Drawing histogram bars inside the \LaTeX\ picture-environment.
   \tubissue{10}(1), 105\dash108.
 {Sch\"opf R (1989):
 A new implementation of the \LaTeX\ {\tt verbatim[*]} environments.
 \tubissue{11}(2), 284\dash296.
  {Schrod J (1992):
   The DVI Standard, level 0. The TUG DVI Driver standards committee.
   \tubissue{13}(1), 54\dash57.
  {Schumacher E.F (1973):
  Small is beautiful.
  Blond \& Briggs, London.
  {Schumacher E.F (1979):
  Good Work.
  Jonathan Cape Ltd, London.
   {Schwarz N (1987):
   {\em Einf\"uhrung in \TeX}. Addison-Wesley.
    (Translated into English with co-author 
     J. Krieger (1990): Introduction to \TeX.
     Addison-Wesley. Also into Dutch.)
    {Schwarz H.R, H Rutishauser, E Stiefel (1972):
     Numerik symmetrischer Matrizen. 
     Teubner. (German)
   {Seroul R (1989): 
    Le petit livre de \TeX. Inter-\'Editions. 
   {Sewell W (1989):
    Weaving a program\Dash Literate programming in WEB.
    Van Nostrand. ISBN 0-442-31946.
   {Sewell W (1987):
    Multiple changefiles: The adventure continues.
    \tubissue{8}(2), 117\dash118.
   {SGML User's Group (Newsletter): (Editorial
    address: Pindar Infotek, 2 Grosvenor Road, Wallington, 
    Surrey SM6 0ER, UK.)
   {Siebenmann L (1992):
Elementary text processing and parsing in \TeX\Dash The appreciation of tokens.
    \tubissue{13}(1), 62\dash73.
   {Smedinga R (1991):
   Hoe met \LaTeX\ een boek gemaakt kan worden.
   MAPS 91.2, 97\dash101.
   {Smith J.M (1987): The standard generalized markup language
    (SGML): Guidelines for editors and publishers.
    British National Bibliography Research Fund Report 26.
    ISBN 0-7123-3111-5.
   {Smith J.M (1987): The standard generalized markup language
    (SGML): Guidelines for authors.
    British National Bibliography Research Fund Report 27.
    ISBN 0-7123-3112-3.
   {Southall R (1984):
   First principles of typographic design for document production.
   \tubissue{5}(2), 79\dash90.
   (Corrigenda (1985): \tubissue{6}(1), p.6.)
   {Southall, R (1985):
   Designing a new typeface via METAfont.
   {Sowa F (1991):
   Graphics and halftones with BM2font.
   TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(4), 534\dash538.
   {Sowa F (1994):
   Printing colour pictures.
   Euro\TeX'94, 176\dash181.
   TUG 94, \tubissue{15}(3), 223\dash227.
   {Sperberg-McQueen C.M, L Bernard (1990):
    ACH-ACL-ALLC. Guidelines for the encoding and 
    interchange of machine readable texts.
 {Spivak M.D (1986):
 The Joy of \TeX\Dash\AmSTeX.
 AMS. ISBN 0-8218-2999-8.
 (Updated 2$^{nd}$ printing 1990.)
  {Spivak M.D (1989):
  \LAMSTeX\Dash The Syn\-thesis.
  \TeX\-plora\-tors Corporation.
  {Spivak M.D (1991):
  \LAMSTeX\Dash The wizards manual.
  \TeX\-plora\-tors Corporation.
   {Swanson E (1986):
   Mathematics into Type.
   {Swonk G.L (1991):
   \LaTeX\ tree drawer.
   \tubissue{12}(2), 286\dash289.
   {Taupin D (1990):
   Musique en \TeX.
   Cahiers GUTenberg, 5, 62\dash69.
   (Updated English version MAPS 92.1.)
   {Taylor P (1992):
   The future  of \TeX.
   In: Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92.
   235\dash254. (Reprinted in \tubissue{13}(4), 433\dash442.)
   {Taylor P (1993):
   NTS: The future  of \TeX?
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 177\dash182.
   {Taylor P (1994):
   $\epsilon$-\TeX{} and NTS: a status report
   Euro\TeX'94, 182\dash187.
   {Taylor P (1993):
   A pragmatic approach to paragraphs.
   \tubissue{14}(2), 138\dash140.
   {Taylor P (1994):
   Defensive programming in \TeX:
   towards a better class of a \TeX{} macro.
   Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 69\dash82.
   {Temme N.M (1990): 
    Speciale functies in de mathematische
    fysica. Epsilon 15. ISBN 90-5041-019-7. 
    {Thiele C (1993):
     The future of \TeX{} and TUG.
   TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 162\dash166.
    {Thiele C (1987):
     What constitutes a well-documented macro?
     \tubissue8(3), 307\dash308.
   {Tobin G (198?):
    METAfont for beginners.
    (From the CTAN.)
   {Tofsted D (1990):
   An improved chess font.
   \tubissue{11}(4), 542\dash544.
   {Treebus K (1988):
   Tekstwijzer, een gids voor het grafisch verwerken van tekst.
   SDU. Den Haag.
   {TUG (publications):
    TUGboat, TTN, \TeX niques.
\\  (TUGboat: Scholarly quarterly of TUG, with the proceedings of the annual
             meeting as special issue, and the resource directory as
             supplementary issue. From 1980 onward.
    The style files involved are {\tt tugboat.cmn}, 
    and the styles {\tt tug\-boat}, and
    {\tt ltug\-boat} available from the (CTAN) archives.
\\  \TeX niques: Special themed editions, with no 1 to 14 of 1993)
     TTN: A portable quarterly newsletter of TUG. From 1990 onward.)
   {Tutelaers P (1991):
   A font and a style for typesetting chess using \LaTeX\ or \TeX.
   MAPS 91.2, 41\dash45. (Also \tubissue{13}(1), 85\dash90.)
   {Urban M (1986):
    An introduction to \LaTeX.
    TRW Software Productivity Project.
    \TeX niques 9.
   {Vens E.J (1992):
    Incorporating POSTSCRIPT fonts in \TeX.
    In: Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92, 173\dash181.
    (Also in MAPS 92.2.)
   {Vignaud D (1989):
    L'\'edition structr\'ee dans les documents, 
    SGML applications \`a l'\'edition fran\c caise. 
    \'Editions du Cercle de la Librairie. Paris.
   {Vries H de (1990): Biedwedstrijd.
    De {\bf E}nige {\bf G}oede 
   {\bf B}ridge {\bf C}ourant. Maart. (Dutch)
   {Warmer J, S van Egmond (1989):
    The implementation of the Amsterdam SGML Parser.
    EP-ODD, 2, 2, 65\dash90.
   {Whitney R.F, B.N Beeton (1989):
   TUGboat authors' guide.
   \tubissue{10}(3), 378\dash385.
   (Updated versions via the file server.)
   {Wichura M.J (199?):
   The \PiCTeX\ manual.
   \TeX niques, 6.
    {Wichura M.J (1990): 
     Showing-off math macros. 
     \tubissue{11}(1), 57\dash61.
   {Wilkinson J.H (1965): 
    The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem. 
    Oxford University Press.
   {Williams L, L Hall (1990):
   Increased efficiency using advanced EDT editing features.
   \tubissue{11}(3), 421\dash424.
   {Williams T, C Kelley (199?):
   GNUplot: an interactive plotting program.
   Version 3.
   {Wilson I.R, A.M Addyman (1983, second edition, reprint):
    A practical introduction to PASCAL with BS 6192.
    Macmillan Press Ltd. ISBN 0 333 3340 3.
   {Winnink J.J (editor, 1993):
   NTG's PR set.
   MAPS '93 Special, $\approx25$p.
   (Contains: Wat is \TeX?, Hoenig's \TeX\ for new users, 4\TeX/em\TeX\
    information, and examples with respect to
    math, tables, graphics, and the hobbies bridge, chess, and music.)
   {Winograd T, B Paxton (1980):
   An indexing facility for \TeX.
   \tubissue{1}(x), A1\dash A12.
   \annotation{The work uses \TeX\ version 1.x and a Lisp
   program. It does not contain such a clear user guide as for makeindex.
   It provides numbers in range notation and allows for
   subentries, and cross-references like see \dots and see also \dots.
   The program can merge files. The program has been converted into
   Pascal some years later. The latter version is available on file servers.}
   {Wirth N (1973): 
   Systematic Programming: An introduction.
   Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-880369-2.
   {Wirth N (1976): 
   Algorithms $+$ Data Structures $=$ Programs.
   Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-022418-9.
   {Wittbecker A (1988):
   Making paragraphs.
   \tubissue{9}(3), 272\dash276.
   {Wittbecker A (1989): 
   \TeX\ enslaved. Proceedings TUG89. Stanford. 
   \annotation{Advantages and disadvantages of \TeX-formatter with SGML
   ``front-end'' are discussed, related to DEC's VAX Document.}
   {Wonneberger R (1987): Kompaktf\"uhrer \LaTeX.
   {Ysuki Saito (1987):
    Report on J\TeX: a Japanese \TeX.
   \tubissue{8}(2), 103\dash116.
  {Youngen R (1989):
  Computers and Mathematics.
  Notices AMS.
  \annotation{Discusses \TeX, \LaTeX\
   and \AmSTeX, summarizing also the relative advantages.
  Since the publication of this note \AmS-\LaTeX\ has been released,
  and Spivak has provided \LAMSTeX.  Of course these are not dealt with.}
 {Youngen R (1991):
  Typesetting with \TeX\ at the AMS.
 \annotation{A nice survey of why-and-what AMS is using \TeX\  for.}
 {Youngen R (1992):
 \TeX-based production at AMS.
  MAPS 92.2, 63\dash68.
  {Zalmstra J, D.F. Rogers (1989): 
  A page make-up macro.
  \tubissue{10}(1), 73--81.
  {Zandt T van (1992): 
  PStricks. Princeton University.
  {Zandt T van, D Girou (1994): 
   Inside PStricks. 
  \tubissue{15}(3), 239\dash246.
  {Zbikowski R (1993):
   Hacker's guide to AMSfonts and NFSS in the context of \LaTeX.
   \tubissue{14}(1), 62\dash69.
   {Zlatuska J (1991):
   Virtual fonts with accented letters.
   Cahiers GUTenberg 10\&11, 57\dash68.
   {Zlatuska J (editor, 1992):
    Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92.
    Masarykova universita, Brno. ISBN 80-210-0480-0.
   {Zuse K (1976):
    The Plankalk\"ul,
    Gesellschaft f\"ur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung,
    Bonn. BMFT-GMD-106.
%%end data