Title: ManjuTeX
		  Version: 0.1
		   Author: Oliver Corff
		Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, Beijing 2001
		     Date: March 31, 2001
	       (Timestamp: April 1, 2001)
	     Archive Name: manjutex.zip
	      Description: Manju for LaTeX
      System Requirements: LaTeX2e (with vertical typesetting support),
      			   LaTeX209, plain TeX (fonts only)
			   Fonts in Cork encoding (T1) are
			   required for the LaTeX2e installation;
			   they are considered to be an integral
			   part of any up-to-date LaTeX2e installation.

	      Legal Notes: See end of this document

0. Introduction

ManjuTeX (Manju for TeX) is a package which provides Manju to the
(La)TeX user community.

1. Installation

Unpack the archive manjutex.zip in some temporary directory.

teTeX users can proceed to section 1.2, MikTeX users should read
section 1.3.

1.1 emtex

If you are an emtex user, read and follow the instructions in the
file EMTEX.

Get the graphics package and the rotating packages as well as
GhostScript if you want to print portions of vertical Manju.

The latex packages can be found at CTAN (both in the Internet and
on CD-ROM) under


GhostScript versions can be found at CTAN, too, in the
/support/ghostscript/gnu subdirectory.

1.2 teTeX (and other TeX systems based on the TeX Directory Structure)

Create subdirectories, either in your main TeX installation, or
in any local tree, with the following structure:

	mkdir $TEXMF/tex/latex/manjutex/
	mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/manjutex/
	mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/manjutex/
	mkdir $TEXMF/doc/manjutex/

Copy the appropriate contents into the newly created directories:

	cp $TMP/texinput/*	$TEXMF/tex/latex/manjutex/
	cp $TMP/mfinput/*	$TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/manjutex/
	cp $TMP/tfm/mls/*	$TEXMF/fonts/tfm/manjutex/
	cp $TMP/doc/*		$TEXMF/doc/manjutex/

Rehash the file name database by executing texhash.

There is no need to procure the graphics and rotating packages
externally since they are provided with teTeX.

GhostScript and GhostView are also regularly found on UNIX and
notably Linux systems so there should be full-fledged off-the-shelf
support for the vertical text capsules offered by ManjuTeX.

1.3 MikTeX

Read and follow the instructions in the file MIKTEX.

Get the graphics package and the rotating packages as well as
GhostScript if you want to print portions of vertical Mongolian.

The latex packages can be found at CTAN (both in the Internet and
on CD-ROM) under


GhostScript versions can be found at CTAN, too, in the
/support/ghostscript/gnu subdirectory.

2. Running ManjuTeX

ManjuTeX is now ready for use. It is activated by stating


in the preamble of your document.

4. Legal Notes

This software is put under the GNU Public Licence.

Academical institutions and users are kindly requested to
submit offprints of articles (or title pages thereof) typeset
with ManjuTeX.

The author cannot accept any responsability for the usability
and/or fitness of this software package for any particular

If you ever happen to modify any of the files, then that file
MUST be renamed prior to redistribution. Please contact the author
(e-mail: corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de) if you discover bugs, deficiencies

Thank you for using ManjuTeX!

				Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin, Shenyang,
				March 2001

				Oliver Corff