Changes since version 3.27

New answers:
 +Label centre-flt:  deals with center environment around a float
 +Label cpy-srchpdf: replaces label srchpdf, and covers copying text, too
 +Label getnff:	     support for fonts "not allowed" in distributions
 +Label lollipop:    restored entry, given new maintainer
 +Label ltx-csv:     how to deal with CSV files in LaTeX
 +Label otf-maths:   typeset maths using OpenType fonts
 +Label parmoderr:   about the error "not in outer par mode"

Relabelled answers:

Revised answers:
 +Label bibtexing:   link to
 +Label boldgreek:   clarify some really old text
 +Label catalogue:   update in light of new
 +Label clsvpkg:     clarify some distinctions
 +Label cmdstar:     \makeatletter was incorrectly placed in example
 +Label commercial:  remove entry for Micropress, Inc (once vTeX suppliers)
 +Label conditional: discuss use of the tagging package
 +Label context:     editorial (for better relation to reality, one hopes ;-)
 +Label custbib:     discourage "beginners" from attempting biblatex styles
 +Label dtx:	     add discussion of generating output from the files
 +Label filesused:   change reference from teTeX to TeX-live(!)
 +Label findfont:    tidy, add more reference details
 +Label gethelp:     add reference to TeX/StackExchange "starter" summary
 +Label hyphexcept:  deal, perfunctorily, with Unicode hyphenation
 +Label hyphoff:     editorial change only
 +Label nohyph:	     {ditto}
 +Label labelfig:    discuss pdfrack
 +Label latexandplain: re-write -- previous version seemed not to help, much
 +Label latextoplain: re-dump my mental image of what goes on ... looks better
 +Label ltxcmds:     clarification (editorial changes only)
 +Label makeindex:   further work on xindy description
 +Label mfptutorials: remove one dead link, refer to Voipio's TUGboat papers
 +Label mp:	     MetaPost can also create SVG output
 +Label music:	     update discussion of lilypond, and mention lilyglyphs pkg
 +Label normalszmiss: rewritten (a simple answer is difficult to write "well"!)
 +Label numbersets:  add boondox, newpx and newtx fonts as a potential source
 +Label oldfontnames: tidied up
 +Label papergeom:   remove special case for vTeX
 +Label plninltx*:   clarification (editorial changes only)
 +Label psfchoice:   provide link to +otf-maths
 +Label readtex:     add a bit about using on-line LaTeX servers
 +Label slidecls:    mention a beamer gallery linked from post in TeX/sx
 +Label spell:	     suggest hunspell (which is even part of recent MacOS X)
 +Label sysother:    remove references to vTeX
 +Label sysunix:     remove mention of MikTeX/Unix, and references to vTeX
 +Label tocloftwrong: add actual answer (as well as reference to answer...)
 +Label usepictex:   remove reference to vTeX
 +Label verbwithin:  suggest newverbs, verbatim box-writing (tcolorbox,verbatim)
 +Label whereFAQ:    remove link to
 +Label xspace:	     clarify, play down the value of the command

Deleted answers:
 +Label srchpdf:     replaced by answer labelled cpy-srchpdf

Web interface, etc.:
 Links in the section at the end of each answer now go via the mirror
 selector (previously all links went via the Cambridge
 CTAN node).

Robin Fairbairns
Hapless FAQer of Cambridge