Changes since version 3.24

New answers:
 +Label includeother:LaTeX refuses to \include from (some) other directories

Relabelled answers:

Revised answers:
 +Label acrobat:     Rearranged and extended somewhat (dropped V-TeX details)
 +Label bibinline:   Outline use of the new usebib package
 +Label citesort:    Show how to do the job with biblatex
 +Label cmdstar:     Suggest use of xparse for *-commands
 +Label crossref:    Clarified wording, and removed incorrect "effect" of error
 +Label eqnarray:    Added link to Stefan Kottwitz blog entry on the problem
 +Label euro:	     Updated note about using marvosym font
 +Label extrabrace:  Some clarification (and a new solution)
 +Label filesused:   Discuss mkjobtexmf
 +Label findfont:    Rewritten, downplaying Metafont and covering TTF and OTF
 +Label footintab:   Discuss tablefootnote package
 +Label i18nbib:     BibLaTeX is another candidate
 +Label inlgrphapp:  Add picture environment to list, mention picture package
 +Label isitanum:    Improve \testnum definition
 +Label labelfig:    Describe pinlabel package
 +Label man-latex:   Correct link to Chris Harrison's (now) tutorial;
		     Mention van Dongen's, Wilkins' and Buxbaum's offerings
 +Label marginpkgs:  Discuss zwpagelayout
 +Label mfptutorials:Restore (lost) link to MetaFun manual
 +Label noroom:	     Mention morewrites for lots of (pretend) output streams
 +Label papergeom:   Outline use of zwpagelayout package
 +Label ref-doc:     Added reference to macros2e document
 +Label slashbox:    Recommend diagbox package in preference to slashbox
 +Label syswin32:    Miktex 2.9 no longer beta ... so catch up!
 +Label tutbitslatex:Rearrange stuff on pgf/tikz, after new management of site
 +Label tutorials*:  Changed question title to "... TeX-based systems"
 +Label usesymb:     Add fdsymbol, mdsymbol
 +Label verbwithin:  Suggest "v" argument type of xparse
 +Label watermark:   Discuss xwatermark and use of pdftk
 +Label whatengine:  Sort out erroneous wording, correct HTML of example code

Deleted answers:
 <none removed>

Web interface, etc.:
 <no changes>

Robin Fairbairns