Changes since version 3.19d New answers: +Label initex: why is there no initex? +Label sysunix: TeX for Unix and GNU/Linux systems, revised from TeXsystems added the tex-gpc distribution +Label syswin: TeX for Windows 32, etc., systems, revised from TeXsystems +Label sysmac: TeX for Macintosh systems, revised from TeXsystems +Label sysother: TeX for other systems, revised from TeXsystems Relabelled answers: <none> Revised answers: +Label baselinepar: rewritten, taking info account a recent issue from ctt +Label biblatex: can now give a CTAN link for Biber +Label cd: reworded to reflect current realities +label extsizes: mention some classes that have non-standard font sizes +label filename: bugfix for (simple) macros saving "current file name" +Label letterclass: mention knuth's letter stuff and isodoc class +Label manymathalph:correction to us of controls on alphabets in bm +Label mathml: recognise STIX fonts as potential contribution +Label mcite: revtex 4.1 has its own mechanism +Label metrics: rewrite text about LY1 encoding +Label multidoc: mention docmute, standalone and subdocs +Label nopagebrk: correct assertion about lists vs. samepage environment +Label poster: mention beamerposter +Label psfchoice: add URW Classico to the list +Label reallyblank: mention emptypage package +Label slidecls: mention lecturer and present packages (neither is a class) +Label TeXsystems: now a list of links to the new sys* labels +Label widows: rewritten with clarification from Peter Moulder Deleted answers: <none> Web interface: Links to packages, etc., now use Robin Fairbairns