Changes in version 3.19d

This file lists changes since its most recent release (with version 3.19c
of the FAQ).

New answers:
 +Label plaintex:  explains "writing in tex", was part of Label whattex

Relabelled answers:

Revised answers:
 +Label codelist:  mention the minted package
 +Label docs:	   single reference to epslatex (via catalogue)
 +Label etex:	   add ctan link
 +Label filesused: rewrite to clarify the issue with \input
 +Label luatex:	   now version 0.60.0
 +Label fonts-pln: replace some complete gibberish (undoing mis-edits, I guess)
 +Label parallel:  mention the pdfcolparcolumns package
 +Label seccntfmt: remove superfluous \expandafter in programming, tidy text
 +Label tabcellalign: editorial on \PBS macro discussion
 +Label texfuture: rehashed, in light of today's situation
 +Label whattex:   simplified by removal of material for Label plaintex

Deleted answers:

Web interface:
 Extension of links to catalogue, to packages "distributed as part of..."
 Abbreviate header text (omitting long list of "helpers" -- which will
   ultimately be available in a separate file online)
 Convert all alphabetic SGML entities to use numeric equivalents

Robin Fairbairns