Changes in version 3.19

This file lists changes since its most recent release (with version 3.18
of the FAQ). 

New answers:
[none yet]
 +Label grffilenames: "modern" file names in graphics
 +Label keyval:    using key-value input in macros and package
 +Label linmacnames: why non-letters in macro names are a bad idea
 +Label osf:	   using fonts with "old-style" numbers
 +Label pdf-fig-chars: disappearing glyphs in pdfTeX figures (from Thanh)
 +Label texorpdf:  error "not allowed in PDFDocEncoded string"
 +Label texthings: what all these <thing>TeX names are
 +Label usesymb:   using symbols
 +Label whatmacros:brief outline of macros for "bits and pieces" section
 +Label wideflt:   centre a float wider than text area

Relabelled answers:
[none yet]
 +Label xfigetc:   discusses xfig and asymptote (so far) (was label xfig)

Revised answers:
 +Label impgraph:  changed the question title
 +Label man-latex: mention Philip Hirschhorn's "getting up and running..."
 +Label mathstext: correct discussion of \textrm in maths

Deleted answers:
[none yet]
 +Label outszwrng
(remember, as of the previous release, links to "old" labels remain
valid, pointing to an answer that is as near relevant as possible)

Web interface:
[no changes yet]
  The initial list of questions no longer gives a URL containing all
  the answers -- Google was returning that for every match, which
  didn't help!
  All links to CTAN files, directory .zips and directories for
  browsing are now http, and there's no longer any mention of .tar.gz
  archives of CTAN directories (since they're no longer available)

Robin Fairbairns