Changes in version 3.16d This file incorporates the changes from version 3.16 that previously appeared in file CHANGES-3.16a, -3.16b and -3.16c; new changes for this release (3.16d) are marked with a plus ("+") sign. New answers: +Label biblatex: discusses BibTeX replacements (amsrefs, biblatex) +Label checksum: "checksum error in font" message +Label figurehere: how to avoid floating figures/tables altogether +Label entercompmode: "entering compatibility mode" message +Label fontsize: how to program arbitrary font sizes in LaTeX +Label latexqual: assessing the quality of your LaTeX +Label mathonlyref: only referenced equations are numbered +Label run-fn-nos: running footnote numbers when class numbers per chapter Revised answers: +Label altabcr: extended examples and tidied a bit +Label BibTeXing: add reference to Shell & Hoadley's btxFAQ +Label books mention LaTeX Graphics Companion 2nd edition; use ISBN-13 +Label CD: now couched in terms of the TeX collection +Label changebar: mention changes.sty +Label commercial:update details of Textures +Label dec_comma: mention numprint as possible way to get things right +Label docpictex: mention PiCTeX summary now on CTAN +Label fonts-pln: mention pdcmac bundle +Label ftnsect: rewrite to make recommendations clearer +Label getbitmap: reworded to suggest that bitmaps aren't standard any more +Label LaTeXtoPlain: suggest ways forward for aspiring translators +Label make: mention autolatex +Label man-latex: mention Gr�tzer's "short course" +Label minxampl: editorial work, including (perhaps) clarifying web version +Label newfont*: was newfont; content rearranged between this, plninltx* and the new label fontsize +Label newfunction: expand description +Label ol-books: TeX by Topic now available from CTAN +Label papersize: mention Acrobat Reader's default scaling +Label plninltx*: was plninltx; content rearranged between this, newfont* and the new fontsize +Label protect: clarify lists of commands known to be fragile, etc +Label psfchoice: add links to papers about maths fonts in tex; add fouriernc, mathdesign/FS Garamond, kpfonts, minionpro and mnsymbol +Label running-nos: rearrange to emphasise package chngctr +Label tabcellalign: rationalised, reduced range of recommendations +Label tocbibind: mention \phantomsection for when doing the job "by hand" +Label twooptarg: mention the xargs package +Label unkgrfextn: mention grffile package +Label wdnohyph: mention \uchyph (not that it's much use) Bugfixes: Future releases: There are no current plans for a major release, though work on the new web-based version continues. Robin Fairbairns 2007-10-??