======================================================================= @ASCII-file{ filename = "TeX-index", version = "1.06", date = "22 December 1992", time = "18:29:27 EST", author = "David M. Jones", address = "MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Room NE43-316 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 USA", telephone = "(617) 253-5936", FAX = "(617) 253-3480", checksum = "10254 11553 46236 367136", email = "dmjones@theory.lcs.mit.edu (Internet)", codetable = "ISO/ASCII", keywords = "TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, etc., macros", supported = "yes", docstring = "This is a catalogue of TeX macros. The most recent version is always available from theory.lcs.mit.edu in the directory pub/tex/tex-styles-and-macros.txt. Copies can also be obtained from the following locations: ftp.tex.ac.uk:pub/archive/help/tex-styles-and-macros.txt ftp.th-darmstadt.de: pub/tex/documentation/tex-styles-and-macros.txt[.Z] ftp.uni-stuttgart.de:/soft/tex/documentation/TeX-index ftp.SHSU.edu:[fileserv.tex-index]tex.index ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.documentation]tex-index.txt ftp.cs.ruu.nl:pub/TEX/DOC/TeX-index.Z ftp.math.utah.edu:pub/tex/tex-index ftp.diku.dk:pub/TeX/misc/TeX-Index.Z The Catalogue is also available on SPAN at node 39003 in 39003::$1$dia1:[tex]0000tex-index The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.", } ======================================================================== A CATALOGUE OF TEX MACROS INTRODUCTION This is a catalogue of TeX macros. Its scope includes all macros that are available via anonymous ftp or mail-server or some similar mechanism. Commercial packages will be included only if a full Catalogue entry is supplied to me by the vendor. In this, its first incarnation, the Catalogue is heavily slanted towards the ymir and SHSU archives, in the sense that most of the entries have been drawn from the packages at those sites. Although I have included a significant amount of material from the Stuttgart archive, I've fallen far short of exhausting its wealth of macros, and the excellent Aston archive is hardly represented at all. I hope to remedy both of these shortcomings in the near future. In addition to the archives just mentioned, a number of smaller, more specialized archives are also represented. For example, e-math.ams.com is the home of all the official AMS macro packages, including AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX and the AMSFonts package. Similarly, dhdspri6.bitnet is the home of all official Springer-Verlag macros. Since the Catalogue is devoted to macros, fonts and special-purpose programs are mentioned only when they are necessary to explain the purpose of a set of macros. For a list of fonts, I recommend Liam R. E. Quin's list of metafonts [1]. For a list of TeX implementations and other programs, see Bobby Bodenheimer's frequently-asked questions list [2] and Guoying Chen's supplement [3]. Each entry is divided into a number of fields, with the following functions: Name: The name of the macro package, usually the same as the name of the file containing it. Description: A short (usually 1-3 line) description of what the package does. Keywords: A list of keywords to facilitate searching for special-purpose macros, as well as to help describe the macros. A glossary of keywords can be found at the end of the file. Archives: A list of archives where the package can be found. Whenever known, the primary distribution site is marked with an asterisk. This list is not meant to be comprehensive. Instead, priority is given to the ymir, Aston, SHSU, Stuttgart and Utrecht archives. When the archive is well-known and has a significant collection of macros, I refer to it by an abbreviated name and give complete information about the archive in the "List of TeX Archives" at the end of the Catalogue. In many cases, however, an ftp site serves as the home of only one package, in which case I include the full name of the archive in the "Archives" field and don't include a full listing for it below. Author: The name and address (preferably electronic) of the author of the package. All email addresses, including JANET addresses, have been normalized to little-endian order. Bugs to: The address where bug reports should be sent, if this is different from the address(es) listed in the Author field. Currently (version 1.06 of the TeX Macro Index), this is only used for files in the standard LaTeX distribution. These files are being maintained by Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf, but all bug reports should be sent to latex-help@cs.stanford.edu. Latest Version: The date and/or version number of the latest release of the package. Supported: Whether or not the package is supported, that is, whether the author wants to receive bug reports and/or comments on the package. Note that in most cases the author of a "supported" package does not promise to fix bugs or answer questions about the package. The only promise is that the author won't get mad if you send a bug report. In addition, it means that the author would like to hear about any improvements or additions to the macros. In fact, some authors only want to hear about improvements: they will accept bug fixes but will not necessarily answer bug reports. See also: A list of other packages with similar features. Note: Any additional information which seems pertinent. Needless to say, the Catalogue is bound to contain numerous small errors and omissions and, most likely, not a few large ones. I've tried to indicate some of the larger gaps that I am aware of, and I'll be working to close these gaps as time permits. However, I would appreciate hearing about any errors or omissions in the information below. I would especially appreciate it if authors of macros would send me full entries for their packages. I'll continue creating entries on my own, but the task will be greatly simplified if I receive ready-made entries, rather than having to retrieve the files and process them by myself. I'll attempt to answer all mail sent to me, but please keep in mind that it might take me some time to do so. Whenever possible, I asked the authors these packages to verify the information listed. I'm grateful to those who responded. In a few cases I didn't have time to follow up on the information that authors supplied me, but, again, I'll do this as soon as time permits. I'd like to thank the following people for reading a preliminary version of the Catalogue and commenting on it: Ravinder Bhumbla David Carlisle Steve Fisk Graham O'Neil Eric Schenk Dave Steiner Dominik Wujastyk They provided me with numerous helpful comments and suggestions. Unfortunately, lack of time once again prevented me from implementing all of their ideas for this first release of the Catalogue, but I will be working on them for future versions of the Catalogue. My thanks also goes out to George Greenwade and Nelson Beebe for helping me get connected to the community of TeX archivers and for answering numerous questions. Finally, I extend my special thanks to Barbara Beeton for her constant support and encouragement. Without her always gentle nudges, this project would probably have become moribund on a number of occasions. David. REFERENCES [1] Complete list of all metafont-format fonts in the world. Liam R. E. Quin <lee@sq.sq.com>. Posted bi-monthly to comp.text.tex and comp.fonts. [2] TeX, LaTeX, etc.: Frequently Asked Questions with Answers [Monthly]. Bobby Bodenheimer. Posted monthly to comp.text.tex. Also available on most of the major TeX archives. [3] Supplement to the Frequently Asked Questions. Guoying Chen. Posted monthly to comp.text.tex. Also available by anonymous ftp from cs.nyu.edu ( in the pub/tex/tex.supplement. =========================================================================== The Catalogue is divided into a rough hierarchy based on macro package. I hope to refine the division in the future, but for now here is the list of headings: %%Section 1: AMS-TEX %%Section 1.1: Standard Distribution %%Section 1.2: Other AMS-TeX Files %%Section 1.2.1: AMS-TeX document styles %%Section 1.2.2: Other AMS-TeX files %%Section 2: AMS-LATEX %%Section 3: EPLAIN %%Section 4: FOILTEX %%Section 4.1: Standard Distribution %%Section 4.2: Other FoilTeX Files %%Section 5: INRSTEX %%Section 6: LATEX %%Section 6.1: Standard Distribution %%Section 6.1.1: Document styles %%Section 6.1.2: Document-style options %%Section 6.1.3: Other %%Section 6.2: The Mainz LaTeX Files %%Section 6.2.1: The New Font Selection Scheme %%Section 6.2.2: Other Mainz files %%Section 6.2.3: Mainz-compatible macros %%Section 6.4: The BABEL project %%Section 6.5: REVTeX %%Section 6.6: LaTeX Document Styles %%Section 6.7: LaTeX Document-style Options %%Section 6.8: Other %%Section 7: LAMS-TEX %%Section 8: PLAIN TEX %%Section 8.1: The New Font Selection Scheme for plain TeX %%Section 8.2: Newsletter Macros %%Section 8.3: ScriptTeX %%Section 9: SLITEX %%Section 9.1: Standard Distribution %%Section 9.2: Other SliTeX Files %%Section 10: PHYSE %%Section 11: PHYZZX %%Section 12: TEXT1 %%Section 13: TEXSIS %%Section 14: YTEX %%Section 15: GENERIC MACROS %%Section 15.1: Midnight Macros %%Section 15.2: PicTeX %%Section 16: HEBREW TEX %%Section 17: HYPHENATION PATTERNS %%Section 18: BIBTEX STYLES %%Section 19: OTHER LIST OF TEX ARCHIVES GLOSSARY OF KEYWORDS APPENDIX: CONVERTING THE CATALOGUE TO A MORE STANDARD DATABASE FORMAT COMING ATTRACTIONS *************************************************************************** %%Section 1: AMS-TEX %%Section 1.1: Standard Distribution Name: amstex.tex Description: AMS-TeX is the American Mathematical Society's macros for simplifying the typesetting of complex mathematical material. AMS-TeX is meant to be used with plain TeX. For corresponding support for LaTeX, see AMS-LaTeX. Keywords: AMS-TeX, math Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 5 Apr 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart Note: The AMS-TeX distribution includes a readme file, a user's guide (amsguide.tex) and installation notes (amstinst.tex). See also: AMS-LaTeX Name: amsppt.sty (.doc) Description: AMS-TeX article preprint document style. Keywords: AMS-TeX, journal, article, publisher style Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1a, 22 Jan 1992 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart See also: amsppt1.tex Name: amsppt1.tex Description: AMS-TeX conversion file to provide compatibility between amsppt.sty version 1 and amsppt.sty version 2. Keywords: AMS-TeX, amsppt Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1b, 2 Aug 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart See also: amsppt.sty Name: amssym.tex Description: Defines names for all the math symbols in the AMS symbol fonts (msam and msbm). If not used with AMS-TeX, amssym.tex must be used with amssym.def (q.v.). Keywords: AMS-TeX, amsfonts, mathfonts Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 31 May 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart See also: amssym.def, msam.sty, msbm.sty, amssymbols.sty, amssymbl.sty, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.sty %%Section 1.2: Other AMS-TeX Files %%Section 1.2.1: AMS-TeX document styles Name: amamult.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag AMS-TeX macros for typesetting multi-author mathematics books. Keywords: AMS-TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, book, multi-author, mathematics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: Jun 1991 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, amamult.doc, an example file, amamult.dem, and a readme file. See also: lmamult.sty, mathmult.cmm, mathsing.cmm, mathsing.sty Name: amstexsiam.sty Description: Unofficial AMS-TeX document style for producing papers for SIAM journals. Keywords: AMS-TeX, SIAM, journal, article Author: Bradley J. Lucier <lucier@cs.purdue.edu> and Douglas N. Arnold <dna@emmy.umd.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1, 31 Jan 1990 Archives: research.att.com []* (in netlib/typesetting/amstex) Note: The amstexsiam package includes a documentation file (siamdoc.tex) and a sample file (sample.tex). This package does not work with version 2.0 of AMS-TeX. See also: siam.sty Name: imappt.sty Description: AMS-TeX document style used by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications for typesetting its preprints. Keywords: AMS-TeX, article, publisher style Author: Bradley J. Lucier <lucier@cs.purdue.edu> and Douglas N. Arnold <dna@emmy.umd.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.2 Archives: research.att.com []* Note: The imappt package includes a documentation file (imapptdoc.tex) and a sample file (sample.tex). This package does not work with version 2.0 of AMS-TeX??? Name: jfpppt.sty Description: AMS-TeX 2.1 document style which extends amsppt.sty to mimic the style of The Journal of Functional Programming (JFP). Keywords: AMS-TeX, journal, article, publisher style, amsppt Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 22 Mar 1992 Archives: aston, ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc] Name: jnsams.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag AMS-TeX macros for typesetting articles for the Journal of Nonlinear Science. Keywords: AMS-TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, journal Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 July 1990 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, jnsa.doc, an example file, jnsa.dem, and a readme file. See also: jns.sty, jns.cmm Name: lncs.sty Description: AMS-TeX 2.1 document style for submissions to Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Keywords: AMS-TeX, Springer-Verlag, LNCS, article, publisher style, camera-ready Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1.25, 25 Jan 1992 [beta] Archives: aston, ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc] Name: osudeG.sty Description: Macros for formatting proceedings volumes of the Ohio State University Math Research Institute series. Unlimited distribution with few provisos. Provides editorial facilities (for proofing), good pagebreaks near headings, quality typography with Adobe Type1 fonts, sophisticated mathsurround. For Plain TeX and AMS-TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX Author: Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr> with numerous contributions by Walter.D. Neumann. Supported: yes First Version: 1990 Latest Version: July 1992 Note: Includes user guide and several auxiliary files. Archives: shape.mps.ohio-state.edu* [], matups.matups.fr* [] %%Section 1.2.2: Other AMS-TeX files Name: pptfixes.tex Description: Bug fixes for the AMS-TeX 2.1 amsppt style. Keywords: AMS-TeX, amsppt Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Latest Version: v1.23, 22 Jan 1992 Archives: aston, ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc/xppt*] Name: review.sty Description: A set of macros for TeXing Mathematical Reviews text files. Keywords: AMS-TeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: xfixed.tex Description: Fixed/verbatim format for AMS-TeX. Keywords: AMS-TeX, verbatim Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1.25 28 Jan 1992 [beta] Archives: aston, ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc/xppt*] Name: xppt.sty Description: Extensions to the AMS-TeX document style amsppt.sty. Keywords: AMS-TeX, amsppt Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 1992 Archives: aston Note: Obsolete: Superseded by xppt.tex (q.v.) Name: xppt.tex Description: Extensions to the AMS-TeX 2.1 amsppt style and compatible styles: supports automatic table of contents, cross references, BibTeX bibliographies, and automatic numbering of sections, theorems and captions. Keywords: AMS-TeX, amsppt Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1.25 28 Jan 1992 Archives: aston, ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc/xppt*] %%Section 2: AMS-LATEX Name: AMS-LaTeX Description: AMS-LaTeX is a synthesis of the LaTeX macro package and the AMS-TeX macro package which combines the document structure of LaTeX with the sophisticated math typesetting capabilities of AMS-TeX. It is implemented as a set of document styles and style options for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, NFSS Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Note: The AMS-LaTeX distribution includes a user's guide (amslatex.tex), and two sets of test files (testbook.tex and testart.tex). See also: AMS-TeX Name: amsart.sty Description: AMS-LaTeX document style for papers submitted to AMS journals. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, article, journal, NFSS, publisher style Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1b, 31 Jul 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Name: amsbook.sty Description: AMS-LaTeX document style for books submitted to the AMS. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, book, NFSS, publisher style Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1b, 2 Aug 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Name: amsbsy.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing bold math symbols, either by using the appropriate bold math font or by simulating them with a "poor man's bold" macro. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, bold symbol, math symbol, pmb, NFSS Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Note: amsbsy.sty can be used independently of amstex.sty Name: amscd.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that adapts the commutative diagram macros of AMS-TeX for use in LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, commutative diagrams Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Note: amscd.sty can be used independently of amstex.sty Name: amsfonts.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which provides access to the AMS math fonts (msam, msbm and eufm), but doesn't actually define control sequences for all the individual characters (see amssymb.sty). Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, amsfonts, msam, msbm, eufm, blackboard bold, NFSS Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1a, 3 Sep 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Note: amsfonts.sty can be used independently of amstex.sty See also: amssymb.sty Name: amssymb.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines names for all the symbols in the AMS math fonts (msam and msbm). Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, math symbol, amsfonts, msam, msbm, NFSS Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Note: amssymb.sty can be used independently of amstex.sty See also: amsfonts.sty Name: amstex.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which adapts most of the mathematical macros of AMS-TeX for use with LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, AMS-TeX, math, NFSS Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Name: amstext.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the AMS-LaTeX \text command, which makes it easy to incorporate fragments of text inside a displayed equation or a sub or superscript. Font sizes are automatically scaled in sub/superscripts. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Note: amstext.sty can be used independently of amstex.sty Name: ctagsplt.sty Description: AMS-LaTeX document-style option that allows the position of equation numbers for the [AMS-TeX] `split' environment to be changed from top left (or bottom right if the `righttag' option is in use) to vertically centered on the total height of the split equation. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, equation number Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 12 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Name: intlim.sty Description: AMS-LaTeX option which changes the placement of `limits' on integrals from `on the right side' to `above and below'. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, integral, limits Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 12 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Name: nonamelm.sty Description: AMS-LaTeX document-style option which switches sub and superscripts for `operator names' from `above and below' to the right side in a displayed equation. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, operatorname Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 12 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Name: nosumlim.sty Description: AMS-LaTeX document-style option which changes the placement of limits for sums and other cumulative operators from above and below to on the side. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, summation, sum, limits Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 12 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu Name: righttag.sty Description: AMS-LaTeX document-style option which changes the placement of equation numbers from the left margin to the right margin. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, equation number Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 12 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, utrecht, aston, stuttgart, shsu %%Section 3: EPLAIN Name: eplain.tex Description: Macros to expand and extend the plain TeX macros by adding support for bibliographies, tables of contents, enumerated lists, verbatim input of files, numbered equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes and commutative diagrams. Keywords: plain TeX, bibliography, BibTeX, lists, verbatim, TOC, xrefs, autonumbering, table, multi-column, footnotes, two-column Author: Karl Berry et al. <karl@cs.umb.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 25 March 1992 Archives: umb* [pub/tex/eplain], ymir, stuttgart, utrecht, shsu Note: eplain comes with extensive documentation and example files. See also: btxmac.tex Name: arrow.tex Description: Macros for arrow theoretic diagrams. Keywords: plain TeX, eplain Author: Steven T. Smith <smith@hrl.harvard.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0, 20 Jan 1992 Archives: umb* Name: Card.tex Description: Macros for creating greeting cards in TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, eplain, card, dvips, rotate Author: William McKeehan <mckeehan@utkux1.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0 Archives: mathsun17.math.utk.edu:/pub/tex/card.tex* [] Note: Requires eplain.tex (q.v.), rotate.tex (q.v.) and dvips. %%Section 4: FOILTEX Name: FoilTeX Description: FoilTeX is a LaTeX-like macro package (and misc. other files) for making transparencies (foils, slides, etc.). It is fundamentally similar to SliTeX but has some major structural differences. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips, slides Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0.1, 25 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Note: Package includes a readme file (README.flt), a user's manual (foildoc.tex (q.v.)), and sample file (sampfoil.tex (q.v.)). See also: colordvi.tex, blackdvi.tex %%Section 4.1: Standard Distribution Name: fltplain.tex Description: Primary file for building the FoilTeX format fltplain.fmt. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips, fmt, slides Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0.1, 25 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX Name: fltfonts.tex Description: Font selection for building the FoilTeX format fltplain.fmt. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips, fonts. OFSS Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX Name: foils.sty Description: Main document style for use with the FoilTeX format fltplain.fmt. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0.1, 25 Aug 92 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, foil17.sty, foil20.sty, foil25.sty, foil30.sty Name: foil17.sty Description: 17 point document-style option for use with foils.sty (q.v.). Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, foils.sty, foil20.sty, foil25.sty, foil30.sty Name: foil20.sty Description: 20 point document-style option for use with foils.sty (q.v.). Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, foils.sty, foil17.sty, foil25.sty, foil30.sty Name: foil25.sty Description: 25 point document-style option for use with foils.sty (q.v.). Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, foils.sty, foil17.sty, foil20.sty, foil30.sty Name: foil30.sty Description: 30 point document-style option for use with foils.sty (q.v.). Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, foils.sty, foil17.sty, foil20.sty, foil25.sty Name: foildoc.tex Description: Documentation for FoilTeX in LaTeX form. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX Name: foilfont.tex Description: Simple file to test font availability for using FoilTeX. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX Name: sampfoil.tex Description: Large sample file for FoilTeX. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, foil*.sty, colordvi.[tex,sty] (in this section) %%Section 4.2: Other FoilTeX Files Name: PSFonts.sty Description: Document style option for using PostScript fonts in FoilTeX and LaTeX under the Old Font Selection Scheme with dvips. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, dvips, PostScript, OFSS Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX Note: These are revisions of the files by the same names as included with Rokicki's dvips program. The are completely compatible with Rokicki's versions in LaTeX with the old font selection scheme. Use these version if you get FoilTeX and only if your LaTeX uses the OFSS. Not compatible with NFSS in LaTeX. The files in this part of the package include psfonts.sty, avantgarde.sty, bookman.sty, chancery.sty, helvetica.sty, ncs.sty, palatino.sty, times.sty. Name: amssymbl.sty Description: For using AMS-TeX fonts msam, msbm and eufm in FoilTeX or LaTeX with the Old Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: FoilTeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, msam, msbm, eufm, OFSS Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, amssym.def, amssym.tex, msam.sty, msbm.sty, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.sty, amssymbl.sty Note: Use this file if you get FoilTeX and only if your LaTeX uses the OFSS. Not compatible with NFSS in LaTeX (also not necessary since LaTeX-NFSS can use other files for the same purpose). %%Section 5: INRSTEX Name: inrstex.tex Description: INRSTeX is a complete document preparation package, including graphics for document preparation. It was designed from the beginning for use in a bilingual (French/English) environment. Keywords: plain TeX, inrstex, EPSF, graphics, French Author: Michael Ferguson <mike@inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca>, (514) 765-7834 Supported: yes Latest Version: Aug 1991 Archives: aldebaran.insl.mcgill.ca* [], shsu /pub/inrstex/pc directory for the pc and /pub/inrstex/unix for the unix version. %%Section 6: LATEX %%Section 6.1: Standard Distribution %%Section 6.1.1: Document styles Name: article.sty (.doc) Description: Standard LaTeX document style for typesetting articles. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and R. Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Note: The original version was written by Leslie Lamport. See also: art10.sty, art11.sty, art12.sty, artikel1.sty, artikel2.sty, artikel3.sty Name: book.sty (.doc) Description: Standard LaTeX document style for typesetting books. Keywords: LaTeX, book Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 92 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: bk10.sty, bk11.sty, bk12.sty, boek.sty Name: letter.sty (.doc) Description: Standard LaTeX document style for typesetting letters. Keywords: LaTeX, letter Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 25 Mar 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: brief.sty Name: report.sty (.doc) Description: Standard LaTeX document style for typesetting reports. Keywords: LaTeX, report Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: rep10.sty, rep11.sty, rep12.sty, rapport1.sty, rapport3.sty %%Section 6.1.2: Document-style options Name: art10.sty (.doc) Description: 10 point document-style option for standard LaTeX article style. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: article.sty, art11.sty, art12.sty Name: art11.sty (.doc) Description: 11 point document-style option for standard LaTeX article style. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: article.sty, art10.sty, art12.sty Name: art12.sty (.doc) Description: 12 point document-style option for standard LaTeX article style. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: article.sty, art10.sty, art11.sty Name: bezier.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX picture environment macro for plotting quadratic Bezier curves. Keywords: LaTeX, graphics, Bezier Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 17 Dec 85 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: bk10.sty (.doc) Description: 10 point style option for standard LaTeX book style. Keywords: LaTeX, book Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: book.sty, bk11.sty, bk12.sty Name: bk11.sty (.doc) Description: 11 point style option for standard LaTeX book style. Keywords: LaTeX, book Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: book.sty, bk10.sty, bk12.sty Name: bk12.sty (.doc) Description: 12 point style option for standard LaTeX book style. Keywords: LaTeX, book Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: book.sty, bk10.sty, bk11.sty Name: fleqn.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option for making displayed math environments flush left. Keywords: LaTeX, math, flushleft Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 4 Nov 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: ifthen.sty (.doc) Description: Defines an \ifthenelse macro for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 Jun 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: leqno.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option to cause displayed equation labels appear on the left. Keywords: LaTeX, math Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 Sep 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: makeidx.sty (.doc) Description: Defines \see and \printindex commands for producing an index with LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, index Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 21 Oct 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: openbib.sty (.doc) Description: Produces the "open" bibliography style, in which each block of a bibliography entry starts on a new line, and succeeding lines in a block are indented by \bibindent. Keywords: LaTeX, bibliography Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: proc.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option to be used with article.sty to produce camera-ready conference proceedings. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 26 Feb 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: rep10.sty (.doc) Description: 10 point style option for standard LaTeX report style. Keywords: LaTeX, report Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: report.sty, rep11.sty, rep12.sty Name: rep11.sty (.doc) Description: 11 point style option for standard LaTeX report style. Keywords: LaTeX, report Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: report.sty, rep10.sty, rep12.sty Name: rep12.sty (.doc) Description: 12 point style option for standard LaTeX report style. Keywords: LaTeX, report Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu See also: report.sty, rep10.sty, rep11.sty Name: showidx.sty (.doc) Description: Prints \index entries in outer margin. For use with book or report style. Keywords: LaTeX, index Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 Jun 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: titlepag.sty (.doc) Description: Causes the \maketitle command and the abstract environment each to produce a separate page. For use with the article document style only. Keywords: LaTeX, article, titlepage Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 Jun 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: twocolum.sty (.doc) Description: Produces two-column pages in LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, multi-column, two-column Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 27 Jan 1985 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu %%Section 6.1.3: Other Name: addendum.tex Description: Errata and additions to the LaTeX manual. Includes all errors and omissions reported by 31 October 1991. Keywords: LaTeX, manual Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 31 Oct 1990 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: idx.tex Description: A LaTeX input file for printing .IDX files. Keywords: LaTeX, index Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 22 Jan 1985 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: lablst.tex Description: A LaTeX input file for printing label definitions. Keywords: LaTeX, xrefs Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 24 Nov 1984 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: latex.tex Description: The main body of LaTeX macros. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.09, 25 Mar 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: lfonts.tex Description: The Old Font Selection Scheme for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, OFSS Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 25 Nov 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: lplain.tex Description: A modified version of plain.tex for use with LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 25 Mar 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: tryfonts.tex Description: A LaTeX input file for trying out fonts in various sizes. Keywords: LaTeX, fonts Author: Leslie Lamport Bugs to: latex-help@cs.stanford.edu Supported: yes Latest Version: 11 Nov 1986 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu %%Section 6.2: The Mainz LaTeX Files %%Section 6.2.1: The New Font Selection Scheme Name: New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) Description: The NFSS is an improved font selection scheme for LaTeX and plain TeX (see plainfsl.tex). It implements a scheme that allows changing the family, series, shape and size of the fonts independently. It also vastly simplifies the task of adding support for a new font. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, NFSS, font Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3f, 7 Sep 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, aston, utrecht, shsu Note: The basic macros for the NFSS are found in the files lfonts.new, basefont.tex, fontdef.max, fontdef.ori, preload.med, preload.min and preload.ori. Documentation and installation notes are provided in the files readme.mz, readme.mz3, nfss.bug, nfss.tex, nfssinst.tex and nfssprob.tex. The New Font Selection Scheme and the LaTeX interface were described in a pair of TUGboat articles: "A new font selection scheme for TeX macro packages---the basic macros" by Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf, TUGboat 10(2): 222--238, July 1989, and "Reprint: The new font family selection---User interface to standard LaTeX" by Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch{\"{o}}pf, TUGboat 11(2): 297--305, June 1990. Name: concrete.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX style for for accessing the Concrete Roman fonts used in "Concrete Mathematics" by Ronald Graham, Donald E. Knuth and Oren Patashnik. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0h, 20 Jun 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, e-math, ymir, shsu Name: dclfont.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for using the DC fonts under the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, EC/DC Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.4b, 20 Aug 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, aston Name: euscript.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option for using the Euler script fonts (eusm and eusb). Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, amsfonts Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0g, 20 Jun 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, e-math, ymir, shsu Name: excale.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option that implements scaling of the math extension font `cmex' under the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, math, cmex Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0c, 20 Jun 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, e-math, ymir, shsu Name: lfonts.new Description: The basic macros for the New Font Selection Scheme for LaTeX. This is a replacement for lfonts.tex. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3f, 7 Sep 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, e-math, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu Name: margid.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option for use with the New Font Selection Scheme. It defines all <math alphabet identifiers> (such as \bf, \rm, etc.) to take one argument. E.g., $\rm text$ would produce a roman "t" and math italics "ext", while $\rm{text}$ would produce an all-roman "text". Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, math Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0c, 19 Aug 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, e-math, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: nomargid.sty Name: newlfont.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to implement the new font selection conventions of the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.4b, 20 Aug 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, shsu See also: lfonts.new, oldlfont.sty Name: nomargid.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines all <math alphabet identifiers> (such as \bf, \rm, etc.) to switch fonts rather than taking an argument. This provides compability with the old LaTeX syntax, rather than the default syntax of the New Font Selection Scheme (see margid.sty). Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, math Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0c, 19 Aug 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, e-math, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: margid.sty Name: oldlfont.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to implement the old font selection conventions of the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3f, 7 Sep 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, shsu See also: lfonts.new, oldlfont.sty Name: scripts.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style that implements \ssp and \ssb macros for typesetting simple superscripts and subscripts in text mode. Requires the NFSS. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, superscript, subscript Author: Wayne G. Sullivan <wsulivan@irlearn.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.02, 14 Aug 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston, shsu, ymir, utrecht Name: syntonly.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the \syntaxonly macro for suppressing all output and providing quick syntax checking of a document. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, syntax checking Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0e, 5 Apr 1990 Archives: stuttgart*, e-math, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu Name: tracefnt.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines a \tracingfonts macro to trace font usage with the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> and Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0r, 27 Aug 1990 Archives: stuttgart, ymir, aston, shsu %%Section 6.2.2: Other Mainz files Name: array.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option which reimplements the array and tabular environments. Keywords: LaTeX, array Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1b, 06 July 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu, aston Note: Version 2.1 includes most of the now defunct newarray.sty. Name: doc.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option for mixing documentation with code in LaTeX style files. Keywords: LaTeX, documentation Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.7k, 24 Aug 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, shsu See also: docstrip.tex, newdoc.sty Name: ftnright.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option to position footnotes at the bottom of the right-hand column in a multiple-column document. For use with multicol.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, output, footnotes Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0d, 19 Jun 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, shsu See also: multicol.sty Name: multicol.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting in multiple columns, including the ability to change the number of columns in the middle of a page. Keywords: LaTeX, multi-column, output Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.4m, 4 Sep 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, shsu Name: newdoc.sty (.doc) Description: Updates or test modifications to the LaTeX document-style option doc.sty. This is currently identical to doc.doc. Keywords: LaTeX, documentation Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: 24 Aug 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, shsu See also: doc.sty Name: thb.sty (.doc) Description: "Break" document-style option for use with theorem.sty. Causes the theorem header to be followed by a line break. Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1b, 28 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: theorem.sty Name: thc.sty (.doc) Description: "Change" document-style option for use with theorem.sty. Causes the header number to appear before the header text, i.e., "3 Theorem" instead of "Theorem 3." Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1b, 28 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: theorem.sty Name: thcb.sty (.doc) Description: "Change-break" document-style option for use with theorem.sty. This is a combination of the "break" (thb.sty) and "change" (thc.sty) options (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1b, 28 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: theorem.sty Name: theorem.sty (.doc) Description: A reimplementation of the LaTeX \newtheorem command to provide greater flexibility in specifying the format of theorem-like environments. Keywords: LaTeX, theorem, math Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1c, 22 Jun 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu Note: Also distributed with AMS-LaTeX. See also: thb.sty, thc.sty, thcb.sty, thm.sty, thmb.sty, thp.sty Name: thm.sty (.doc) Description: "Margin" document-style option for use with theorem.sty. Causes the number to be set in the left margin. Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1b, 28 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: theorem.sty Name: thmb.sty (.doc) Description: "Margin-break" document-style option for use with theorem.sty. Combination of the "margin" (thm.sty) and "break" (thb.sty) theorem styles. Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1c, 17 Feb 1990 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: theorem.sty Name: thp.sty (.doc) Description: "Plain" document-style option for use with theorem.sty. This emulates the original LaTeX theorem environments. Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Frank Mittelbach <mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1b, 28 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, utrecht, aston, shsu See also: theorem.sty Name: verbatim.sty Description: A reimplementation of the LaTeX verbatim and verbatim* environments. Also defines a robust comment environment for ignoring large sections of a document. Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim, comment Author: Rainer Sch\"opf <schoepf@sc.zib-berlin.dbp.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.4i, 20 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, aston, ymir, shsu %%Section 6.2.3: Mainz-compatible macros Name: psnfss Description: LaTeX support for using PostScript fonts under the New Font Selection Scheme. The font names used are those widely promulgated by Karl Berry and found in dvips; the package depends upon virtual fonts to map between the default Computer Modern layout and the standard PostScript layout. Optional support is provided for scaling the PostScript fonts so that their x-heights match the x-heights of the corresponding CM fonts. Support is provided for building new formats based on PostScript fonts, but you can also use most of the style files without building a new format file, as long as you are using the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, PostScript, dvips, virtual fonts Author: Sebastian Rahtz <spqr@minster.york.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.2, 12 April 1992 Note: Style files are provided for using the following PostScript fonts as the main text font: AvantGarde, Baskerville, Bembo, Bookman, Garamond, Helvetica, lucida, NewCenturySchoolbook, Optima, Palatino, Times-Roman. Style files are also provided for loading the Zapf Chancery and Zapf Dingbat fonts, as well as for using the Lucida math fonts in place of the Computer Modern math fonts. A documentation file, psnfss.tex, is included. There are also numerous supporting files. Archives: aston*, stuttgart %%Section 6.4: The BABEL project Name: Babel Description: Babel is a multilingual style-option for adapting the standard LaTeX document styles for use with non-English languages. It consists of a collection of common macros and a series of language-specific document-style options. The standard distribution includes the following common files and documentation: babel.doc (the documentation for the whole system), babel.bug (a list of bug reports and fixes) babel.com, babel.readme (which contains installation notes), babel.hyphen, babel.switch, babel22.switch, babel32.switch, hyphen.doc, language.dat, latexhax.com, latexhax.doc. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0c, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Note: A description of the Babel system was published in TUGboat 12(2):291--301, June 1991. Name: catalan.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Catalan. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Catalan Author: Gon\c{c}al Badenes <goncal@cnm.uab.es>, <goncal@ssws1.cnm.es> Supported: Yes? Latest Version: v1.0, Nov 1991 Archives: goya.uu.es* []:info/src/TeX/babel Name: croatian.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Croatian. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Croatian Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: cyrillic.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option for use in conjunction with russian.sty to provide support for typesetting in Russian. This is meant for use with the cmcyr fonts. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Russian, Cyrillic, cmcyr, NFSS Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> and Werenfried Spit <Spit@vm.ci.uv.es>, <Spit@ific.uv.es> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 27 May 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: czech.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in the Czech language. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Czech Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: danish.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Danish. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Danish Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 2 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: dutch.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Dutch. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Dutch Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.2b, 16 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: english.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in American or British English. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, English Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0c, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: esperanto.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Esperanto. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Esperanto Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: finnish.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Finnish. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Finnish Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: francais.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in French. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, French Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v4.2d, 20 Sep 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: germanb.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in German and the Austrian dialect of German. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, German, Austrian Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.2c, 26 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Note: germanb.sty is based on Hubert Partl's german.sty. Name: italian.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Italian. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0e, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Note: The original version of this file was written by Maurizio Codogno, <urcm@ur785.cselt.stet.it>. Name: magyar.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Hungarian. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Hungarian Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: norsk.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Norwegian. Support is also provided for the new spelling variant `nynorsk' of Norwegian. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Norwegian Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0b, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: portuges.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Portuguese, including the Brasilian dialect. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Portuguese Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: romanian.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Romanian. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Romanian Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: russian.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Russian. Meant to be used with cyrillic.sty (q.v.) and the cmcyr fonts. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Russian, Cyrillic Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.1b, 22 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: slovene.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Slovenian. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Slovenian Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0a, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: spanish.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Spanish. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Spanish Author: Julio Sanchez <jsanchez@gmv.es> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0a, 26 Nov 1991 Archives: goya.uu.es* []:info/src/TeX/babel, tex-nl, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: swedish.sty (.doc) Description: Babel document-style option which provides support for typesetting in Swedish. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Babel, Swedish Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0b, 15 Jul 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, stuttgart, aston, utrecht %%Section 6.5: REVTeX Name: revtex.sty Description: REVTeX is the official LaTeX macro package for preparing manuscripts for producing manuscripts for the American Physical Society's Physical Review A, B, C and D, as well as Physical Review Letters. (Many AIP journals also accept REVTEX manuscripts.) Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, Physical Review, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 27 Oct 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Note: The REVTeX package includes a README file, a users manual (apguide.tex) and three sample files (smplea.tex, smpleb.tex and smplec.tex). See also: aps.sty, aps10.sty, aps12.sty, eqsecnum.sty, preprint.sty Name: aps.sty Description: The American Physical Society document style for use with REVTeX to produce papers for Physical Review. Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, Physical Review, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 28 Oct 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: aps10.sty Description: The 10 point document-style option for use with aps.sty to produce galley output for papers submitted to Physical Review. Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, Physical Review, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 2 Oct 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: aps12.sty Description: The 12 point document-style option for use with aps.sty to produce galley output for papers submitted to Physical Review. Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, Physical Review, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 2 Oct 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: osa.sty Description: REVTeX Document-style option for typeseting papers for Optical Society of America (OSA) journals. Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, OSA, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 10 Nov 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: osa10.sty Description: The 10 point document-style option for use with osa.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 10 Nov 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: osa12.sty Description: The 12 point document-style option for use with osa.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 10 Nov 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: osabib.sty Description: REVTeX bibliography style to produce bibliographies in the format required by Optical Society of America journals. Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 10 Nov 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: prabib.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 14 Sep 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: prbbib.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 29 Sep 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: prsty.bst Description: Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 10 Nov 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston Name: version2.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, REVTeX, physics, journal, publisher style Author: American Physical Society <mis@aps.org>, <mis@apsedoff.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 17 Sep 1992 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart*, labrea*, ymir, utrecht, aston %%Section 6.6: LaTeX Document Styles Name: aaai.sty Description: LaTeX document style for preparing papers for the Proceedings of AAAI-88. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready Author: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfps@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 5 Apr 1988 Archives: ymir Note: The AAAI package includes a documentation file, aaai-doc.tex. The most recent version of this file can be obtained by sending mail to macros@aaai.org with subject "macros request". Name: abstr_collect.sty Description: LaTeX document style that allows multiple articles to be collected together in one document. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 15 Aug 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart Note: abstr_collect.tex Name: accarticle.sty Description: LaTeX document style for the proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal Author: Silvano Balemi balemi@aut.ethz.ch Supported: yes Latest Version: 6 Feb 1992 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart Name: acm.sty Description: LaTeX document style for ACM conference proceedings papers. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, ACM, camera-ready Author: Jerry Leichter <leichter@cs.rutgers.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 23 Apr 89 Archives: See also: acmconf.sty, acmproc.sty, acm.bst Name: acmconf.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing two-column camera-ready papers for ACM conferences, according to ACM specifications. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, ACM, camera-ready, two-column Author: Ken Traub Supported: ??? Latest Version: 16 Mar 1988 Archives: See also: acm.sty, acmproc.sty Name: acsarticle.sty Description: LaTeX document style for preparing manuscripts in accordance with the formatting instructions of the journal Advances in Control Systems. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 22 May 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: acs.bst %% Name: aimemo.sty Name: artikel1.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document style for producing an article compatible with Dutch typesetting conventions, design 1. Compatible with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.18, 3 Dec 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. Requires ntg10.sty, ntg11.sty, ntg12.sty (q.v.). See also: artikel2.sty, artikel3.sty, boek.sty, brief.sty, rapport1.sty, rapport3.sty Name: artikel2.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing an article compatible with Dutch typesetting conventions, design 2. Compatible with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.14, 21 Dec 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. Requires ntg10.sty, ntg11.sty, ntg12.sty (q.v.). See also: artikel1.sty, artikel3.sty, boek.sty, brief.sty, rapport1.sty, rapport3.sty Name: artikel3.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing an article compatible with Dutch typesetting conventions, design 3 (has non-zero parskip and zero parindent). Compatible with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.18, 3 Dec 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. Requires ntg10.sty, ntg11.sty, ntg12.sty (q.v.). See also: artikel1.sty, artikel2.sty, boek.sty, brief.sty, rapport1.sty, rapport3.sty Name: asaetr.sty Description: LaTeX document style for Am. Soc. of Agricultural Engineers Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article Author: Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 12 Feb 1992 Archives: shsu* Note: part of asaetr package (for TRANSACTIONS OF ASAE) See also: asaesub.sty, asaetr.tex, asaetr.bst, cmcscsl10.mf Name: automatica.sty Description: LaTeX document style for Automatica, the Journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). To be used with ifac9.sty (q.v.). Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 24 Jun 1992 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [] Note: Comes with a sample file, automatica.tex. Name: boek.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing a book compatible with Dutch typesetting conventions. Compatible with book.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, book, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.03, 19 Feb 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. Requires ntg10.sty, ntg11.sty, ntg12.sty (q.v.). See also: artikel1.sty, artikel2.sty, artikel3.sty, brief.sty, rapport1.sty, rapport3.sty Name: bookform.sty Description: MIL-STD-490 bookform document style for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, book, milstd Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1986 Archives: ymir See also: bf10.sty, bf11.sty, bf12.sty, extradefs.tex, milstd.sty Note: extradefs.sty is required. Comes with a sample file, bookform.tex. Name: brief.sty Description: LaTeX document style for Dutch letters. Keywords: LaTeX, letter, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.06, 24 Mar 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Includes sample file (brief.tex) and documentation (briefdoc.tex), both in Dutch. See also: artikel1.sty, artikel2.sty, artikel3.sty, rapport1.sty, rapport3.sty, bellmac.tex, label.tex, labels.tex, letter.mac, letter.tex, lettermac.tex, letter.sty, make-env.tex, merge.sty Name: cea.sty Description: LaTeX document style for Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Submissions. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article Author: James Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v0.1, 13 Mar 1992 Archives: shsu Note: This is a hack and not official by Elsevier Sci Pub. This requires doublespace.sty and endfloat.sty from ftp.shsu.edu. See also: cea.bst, doublespace.sty, endfloat.sty Name: deproc.sty Description: LaTeX document style for formatting DECUS proceedings articles. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, DECUS, camera-ready, two-column Author: Barbara N. Beeton <bnb@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: 24 Apr 86 Archives: ymir Note: documentation in deprocldc.tex Name: elsevier.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing camera-ready articles according to instructions of the ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Keywords: LaTeX, article, EUROSIM proceedings, camera ready, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0-, 29 Jun 1992 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [] Name: fac.sty Description: LaTeX document style for submissions to the Springer-Verlag journal Formal Aspects of Computing. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, publisher style Author: Christiane Notarmarco and Rod Mulvey Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.00, 27 Sep 1991 Archives: shsu, stuttgart Note: Includes documentation, facguide.sty. Name: farticle.sty Description: French version of article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, french, article Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 15 May 1988 Archives: ymir Note: Obsolete. Use Babel system or most recent version of latex.tex instead. Name: ifacarticle.sty Description: LaTeX document style for typesetting papers for the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) published by Pergamon press. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.2, 2 Dec 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart Note: The IFAC package includes two sample files, ifacsample.tex and sample.bib. See also: ifac.bst, ifac9.sty, ifac10.sty, ifac12.sty Name: ijcarticle.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing articles according to the formatting instructions of the International Journal of Control. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article Author: Silvano Balemi balemi@aut.ethz.ch Supported: yes Latest Version: 6 Jun 91 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ijc10.sty, ijc.bst Name: iso.sty Description: LaTeX document style for typesetting ISO standards. Keywords: LaTeX, ISO, standards documents Author: Nicholas North <ndn@seg.npl.co.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.6, 2 May 1991 Archives: ymir Note: Includes documentation file iso-doc.sty. See also: iso9.sty, iso10.sty Name: jns.sty Description: Official Springer-Verlag LaTeX document-style for producing camera-ready copy for the Journal of Nonlinear Science. Keywords: LaTeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, journal Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 Jul 1990 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, jnsl.doc, and an example file, jnsl.dem. See also: jnsams.cmm Name: laa.sty Description: Official Springer-Verlag LaTeX document style for producing articles for the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. Keywords: LaTeX, publisher style, Springer-Verlag, journal, physics, multi-column, two-column Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 25 Feb 1991 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, laa.doc, and an example file, laa.dem, and a readme file. The package also includes a copy of laa.the, the thesaurus list for Astronomy and Astrophysics. There is also a variant, laamt.sty, of the macros for typesetting with the Monotype Times fonts. Name: laletter.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document style used at the Los Alamos National Laboratory to format letters according to the rules established in the LANL "Office Procedures Manual." Features include support for form letters, choice of Computer Modern or PostScript fonts, choice of Roman or typewriter typefaces, support for multiple addresses on a single letter, and support for a salutation, a subject line, a reference line, a complimentary close, a signature line, an enclosures list, an attachments list, a copy list, or a distribution list. Keywords: LaTeX, letter, PostScript, formletter Author: Steve Sydoriak <sxs@lanl.gov> Supported: yes Latest Version: 18 Sep 1989 Archives: stuttgart Note: Package includes a README file (laletter.README), a users' manual (laletter.ref), and a sample file (lettest.tex). These macros were described in "LaTeX Memos and Letters," TUGboat 10(4):715--726, December 1989 (1989 Conference Proceedings). See also: memo.sty Name: llncs.sty Description: Official Springer-Verlag LaTeX document style for producing camera-ready copy for the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Keywords: LaTeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, LNCS, multi-author, book Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, llncs.doc, an example file, llncs.dem, and a readme file. Name: lmamult.sty Description: Official Springer-Verlag LaTeX document style for typesetting multi-author mathematics books. Keywords: LaTeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, multi-author, book, mathematics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 Dec 89 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, lmamult.doc, and an example file, lmamult.dem, and a readme file. See also: amamult.cmm, mathmult.cmm, mathsing.cmm, mathsing.sty Name: ltugboat.sty Description: LaTeX document style for preparation of TUGboat, the Communications of the TeX Users Group. Keywords: LaTeX, TUGboat, TeX Users Group, two-column Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.14, 8 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea, stuttgart, shsu See also: tugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugproc.sty, tugboat.cmn Note: requires article.sty, tugboat.cmn Name: ltugproc.sty Description: LaTeX document style for the Proceedings issues of TUGboat, the Communications of the TeX Users Group. Keywords: LaTeX, TUGboat, TeX Users Group, proceedings, two-column Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.04, 8 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea, stuttgart, shsu See also: tugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugboat.sty, tugboat.cmn Note: ltugboat.sty, article.sty, tugboat.cmn required. Name: manual.sty Description: A LaTeX document style based on book.sty, which supports page numbering by chapter, LaTeXing only selected pages, and always produces right-handed odd-numbered pages (chapters start on right-hand pages). Keywords: LaTeX, book, manual Author: M. Edward Nieland <ted@nieland.dayton.oh.us> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 4 Apr 1988 Archives: ymir Name: memo.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document style used at the Los Alamos National Laboratory to format memos according to the rules established in the LANL "Office Procedures Manual." Features include choice of Computer Modern or PostScript fonts, choice of Roman or typewriter typefaces, support for "THRU" or "THRULESS" headers, and support for a subject line, a reference line, a signature line, an approval line, an enclosures list, an attachments list, a copy list, or a distribution list. Keywords: LaTeX, memo, PostScript Author: Steve Sydoriak <sxs@lanl.gov> Supported: yes Latest Version: 28 Mar 1990 Archives: stuttgart Note: Package includes a README file (memo.README), a user's manual (memo.ref), and a sample file (memotest.tex). These macros were described in "LaTeX Memos and Letters," TUGboat 10(4):715--726, December 1989 (1989 Conference Proceedings). See also: laletter.sty Name: memo.sty Description: LaTeX document style for memos. Keywords: LaTeX, memo Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 30 May 1985 Archives: ymir See also: extradefs.tex, memo10.sty, memo11.sty, memo12.sty Note: extradefs.tex required Name: MEParticle.sty Description: LaTeX document style for proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, conference, article Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 26 Mar 92 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [] Name: milstd.sty Description: MIL-STD-490 document style for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, milstd Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1986 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: bookform.sty, extradefs.tex Note: extradefs.tex required Name: mit-press-book.sty Description: LaTeX MIT Press book document style. Keywords: LaTeX, book, MIT Press, publisher style Author: <eb@oz> (Ed Barton <eb@oz.ai.mit.edu>???) Supported: ??? Latest Version: 23 Oct 86 Archives: ymir Name: mtnsarticle.sty Description: LaTeX document style for papers in the proceedings of Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems. Keywords: LaTeX, article, proceedings Author: Silvano Balemi balemi@aut.ethz.ch Supported: yes Latest Version: 1 Apr 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart Note: mtnssample.bib, mtnssample.tex Name: nar.sty Description: Modified article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Tom Schneider Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.01, 13 Aug 1990 Archives: ymir Name: paper.sty Description: Double-spaced LaTeX document style suitable for producing college papers. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 28 Nov 89 Archives: ymir* Note: Requires doublespace.sty and smaller.sty. Name: rapport1.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing a report compatible with Dutch typesetting conventions, design 1. Compatible with report.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, report, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.14, 19 March 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. Requires ntg10.sty, ntg11.sty, ntg12.sty (q.v.). See also: voorwerk.sty Name: rapport3.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document style for producing a report compatible with Dutch typesetting conventions, design 3 (has non-zero parskip and zero parindent). Compatible with report.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, report, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.16, 7 Jan 1992 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. Requires ntg10.sty, ntg11.sty, ntg12.sty (q.v.). See also: voorwerk.sty Name: res.sty Description: Resume document style for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, resume Author: Michael DeCorte <mrd@sun.soe.clarkson.edu, mrd@clutx.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 26 Sep 89 Archives: ymir Name: siam.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing articles for SIAM journals. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal, publisher style Author: Howard Trickey <trickey@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 5 Nov 1991 Archives: research.att.com* [] (in netlib/typesetting/siamltex.all), ymir See also: amstexsiam.sty, siam10.sty, siam11.sty, siam12.sty, siam.bst, fixup.sty, numinsec.sty Name: spie.sty Description: Enhanced version of Rick Zaccone's document style for producing camera-ready copy for SPIE proceedings. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, SPIE, camera-ready Author: Adrian F. Clark <alien@essex.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: 11 Jan 1992 Archives: aston* Name: svlncs.sty Description: LaTeX document style for conference proceedings printed in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, Springer-Verlag, LNCS, publisher style Author: Marc Shapiro <shapiro@sor.inria.fr> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 23 Mar 1989 Note: Obsolete: See llncs.sty. Name: USCthesis.sty Description: LaTeX document-style for typesetting Theses or Dissertations in accordance with the University of Southern California Regulations for Format and Presentation of Theses and Dissertations. It provides some alternative ``bells and whistles'' such as support for multi-volume documents. Keywords: LaTeX, thesis, dissertation Author: Steven Douglas Cochran <sdc+@cs.cmu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.2, 29 Jun 1992 Archives: shsu* Note: Requires Stephen Page's `doublespace' style option (or equivalent) in addition to the standard LaTeX `report' style. See also: techreport.sty Name: ucthesis.sty Description: LaTeX document style for University of California theses. Keywords: LaTeX, thesis Author: Rusty C. Wright Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 Jun 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu Note: Comes with a readme file, ucthesis.doc. Name: unixman.sty Description: LaTeX document style for producing UNIX manual pages. Keywords: LaTeX, manpage Author: Paul Barton-Davis <pauld@cs.washington.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.4, November 9th 1991 Archives: ymir See also: manpage.sty Name: utdiss.sty Description: LaTeX/AMS-LaTeX document style for typeseting dissertation for the University of Texas at Austin. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, thesis, dissertation Author: Young U. Ryu <ryoung@utdallas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, Mar 1992 Archives: ftp.cc.utexas.edu []:pub/young/ Note: Comes with a documentation file (utdiss.doc) and a sample file (sampdiss.tex). Name: uw-thesis.sty Description: LaTeX document style for University of Washington theses. Keywords: LaTeX, thesis Author: Jim Fox Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.5, 30 May 1990 Archives: ymir Name: xarticle.sty Description: Modified version of article.sty for use with art7.sty, art8.sty, and art9.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 16 Mar 88 Archives: ymir See also: art7.sty, art8.sty, art9.sty %%Section 6.7: LaTeX Document-style Options Name: 9pt.sty Description: 9 point document-style option for LaTeX article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Patrick van der Smagt Supported: ??? Latest Version: 17 Apr 90 Archives: ymir Name: 10pt.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing papers at 10pt. Its use is optional. But since 11pt works as a style option, it is is useful that 10pt works too. Keywords: LaTeX, fonts Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 May 1992 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* Name: a4.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option to modify the page layout used by the standard LaTeX document styles to conform to the European A4 standard. Keywords: LaTeX, A4, page layout Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> and N.A.F.M. Poppelier <N.Poppelier@elsevier.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.2a, 30 Nov 90 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir, shsu Note: Documented with doc.sty. See also: a5.sty, a5comb.sty Name: a4wide.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to increase line width of standard LaTeX document styles. (Obsolete: use a4.sty (q.v.) instead.) Keywords: LaTeX, A4, page layout Author: Jean-Francois Lamy <lamy@sobeco.com>, <lamy@sobeco.ca> Supported: no Latest Version: Jul 1986 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: a5.sty Description: Sets page layout to A5 size, with equal spaces to left, middle and right and top:side:bottom space = 2:3:4. Keywords: LaTeX, A5, page layout Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: May 1992 Archives: Aston* Supported: yes See also: a4.sty, a5comb.sty Name: a5comb.sty Description: Sets page layout to A5 size, with equal spaces to left and right, and twice the amount of centre space (for comb-bound documents) and top:side:bottom space = 2:2:4. Keywords: LaTeX, A5, page layout Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: May 1992 Archives: Aston* Supported: yes See also: a4.sty, a5.sty Name: acmproc.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to be used with article.sty to produce ACM conference proceedings papers. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, ACM Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: acm.sty, acmconf.sty Name: acronym.sty Description: Defines macros for defining and using acronyms, including use of footnote and parenthesised initial usage. Keywords: LaTeX, acronym, footnotes Author: John Kewley <jk@fiveg.icl.co.uk>, <jk@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 19 Jun 1992 Archives: ymir Name: add-wes.sty Description: A "book" style conforming (just!) to the Addison-Wesley house style. Keywords: LaTeX, publisher style, book, camera-ready Author: Paul Barton-Davis <pauld@cs.washington.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.05, 29 Jun 1989 Archives: shsu Name: algorithm.sty Description: Defines a theorem-like environment for typesetting algorithms. Keywords: LaTeX, algorithm, theorm Author: Jose Alberto Fernandez <alberto@cs.umd.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: ??? Archives: shsu Name: answers.sty Description: Defines \newrtheorem, and commands \Solution and \Hint which cause all text up to first line starting \end{Exercise} to be output to \jobname.sol. Keywords: LaTeX, solutions Author: M. J. Piff <MPiff@pa.shef.ac.uk>, <MPiff@ibm.shef.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: shsu Name: agugrl.sty Description: LaTeX document style option to be used with article.sty to typeset papers for the American Geophysical Union Geophysical Research Letters. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 20 Jul 87 Note: Comes with a sample file, agugrl-sample.tex. Archives: ymir* Name: agujgr.sty Description: LaTeX document style option to be used with article.sty to typeset papers for the American Geophysical Union Journal of Geophysical Research. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 9 Jul 87 Note: Comes with a sample file, agujgr-sample.tex. Archives: ymir* Name: aip.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing papers for American Institute of Physics journals. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 13 Apr 1990 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* Name: alleqno.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to make all displayed equations numbered by default. Keywords: LaTeX, math, autonumbering Author: Jonathan Thornburg <thornburg@mtsg.ubc.ca> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 25 Sep 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: alltt.sty Description: LaTeX document-style which defines the `alltt' environment, which is like the `verbatim' environment except that `\', `\{', and `\}' have their usual meanings. Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim Author: Leslie Lamport Supported: ??? Latest Version: 17 Dec 1987 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: astyped.sty Name: alltt2.sty Description: Modification of the alltt style to indent alltt environments by \allttindent parameter Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: May 1992 Note: Based on the original alltt.sty (q.v.) by Leslie Lamport. Archives: Aston* See also: alltt.sty Name: amssymbols.sty Description: Document-style option which makes the AMS symbol fonts (msam and msbm) available to LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, amsfonts, mathfonts Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 May 1992 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* See also: amssym.def, amssym.tex, msam.sty, msbm.sty, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.sty, amssymbl.sty Name: apalike.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option to be used in conjunction with apalike.bst to produce an APA-like bibliography. Keywords: LaTeX, bibliography, BibTeX Author: Susan King and Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 13 Oct 87 Archives: labrea*, ymir See also: apalike.bst, apalike.tex Name: apeqnum.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for numbering equations A1, A2, A3, etc., within appendices. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, math, autonumbering Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 8 Nov 1990 Archives: ymir* Name: apl.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting APL symbols with standard LaTeX fonts. Keywords: LaTeX, APL Author: Andreas Geyer-Schulz <andreas@awiwuw11.bitnet> and Josef Matulka <matulka@awiwuw11.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.3, 11 Mar 1991 Archives: watserv1.waterloo.edu* [], ymir, ftp.wu-wien.ac.at [] Note: These macros, as well as a preprocessor to convert from APL to LaTeX, are described in "A LaTeX Document Style Option for Typesetting APL," TUGboat 11(4):644-651, November 1990. Name: apsabstract.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for abstracts submitted to American Physical Society conferences. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, proceedings Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 24 Jun 1992 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* Note: requires an additional file giving APS meeting name, location, etc. Name: art7.sty Description: 7 point document style option for use with xarticle.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, font Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 22 Dec 87 Archives: ymir See also: art8.sty, art9.sty Name: art8.sty Description: 8 point document style option for use with xarticle.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, font Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 22 Sep 90 Archives: ymir See also: art7.sty, art9.sty Name: art9.sty Description: 9 point document style option for use with xarticle.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, font Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 22 Sep 90 Archives: ymir See also: art7.sty, art8.sty Name: asaesub.sty Description: style option for asaetr.sty (q.v.) to meet submission requirements. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article Author: Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 12 Feb 1992 Archives: shsu Note: part of asaetr package (for TRANSACTIONS OF ASAE) See also: asaetr.sty, asaetr.tex, asaetr.bst, cmcscsl10.mf Name: askinclude.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that prompts the user for a list of files to be \include'd. Keywords: LaTeX, include Author: Pablo A. Straub <straub@ing.puc.cl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 13 Dec 1991 Archives: stuttgart Name: astyped.sty Description: Defines the `astyped' environment, which is like the `verbatim' environment except most of the special characters have their usual meanings. Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.3, 30 Jun 1988 Archives: shsu See also: alltt.sty Name: balanced.sty Description: Defines a two-column environment that can be used anywhere in a one-column document. The twocolumns environment may extend for an unlimited number of pages, and start and finish mid-page. Keywords: LaTeX, multi-column, output Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: shsu See also: multicol.sty Name: bbold.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for using Alan Jeffrey's bbold (blackboard bold) fonts. Keywords: LaTeX, mathfonts, blackboard bold, NFSS Author: J"org Knappen <knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1b, 10 Sep 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, ymir, shsu Note: Alan Jeffrey's bbold fonts are different from the blackbord bold provided by AMSTeX or AMSLaTeX. They contain a complete blackbord bold alphabet with lowers, greek, and digitals in a sans serif-type style. Name: bf10.sty Description: 10 point LaTeX document-style option for bookform.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, bookform Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 25 Feb 1986 Archives: ymir Note: This is the default point size. See also: bookform.sty, bf11.sty, bf12.sty Name: bf11.sty Description: 11 point LaTeX document-style option for bookform.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, bookform Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 25 Feb 1986 Archives: ymir See also: bookform.sty, bf10.sty, bf12.sty Name: bf12.sty Description: 12 point LaTeX document-style option for bookform.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, bookform Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 25 Feb 1986 Archives: ymir See also: bookform.sty, bf10.sty, bf11.sty Name: biblist.sty Description: LaTeX style option for typesetting large bibliography listings. Outputs also annotations and ISBN fields. Keywords: LaTeX, bibliography, BibTeX Author: Joachim Schrod <schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.2, 13 Jan 1992 Archives: darmstadt*, stuttgart Name: bibperinclude.sty Description: Allows multiple \bibliography tags in one document. Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Joachim Schrod <schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 25 Jun 1991 Note: This style option is obsolete -- use chapterbib.sty instead. It should be deleted on all archives. See also: chapterbib.sty Name: bibunits.sty Description: BIBUNITS is a style to generate separate bibliographies for different units (parts) of the text (currently only one of chapters, sections or bibunit-environments). Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Jose Alberto Fernandez <alberto@cs.umd.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 7 Sep 91 Archives: shsu Name: bigtabular.sty Description: LaTeX environment for typesetting large tables that can be split across multiple pages. Keywords: LaTeX, tables, tabular, array, multi-page Author: Denys Duchier <duchier-denys@cs.yale.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Jul 1990 Archives: shsu, stuttgart See also: longtable.sty, supertab.sty Name: biihead.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for defining an underlined heading style for the LaTeX report style. Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle, report Author: Ted Shapin Supported: ??? Latest Version: 17 Dec 1986 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: fancyheadings.sty, headerfooter.sty Name: birk.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for use with article.sty to produce Birkhaeuser conference proceedings papers. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, Birkhaeuser, camera-ready Author: Bengt Martensson <bengt@mathematik.uni-Bremen.de> Supported: no Latest Version: 10 June 1989 Archives: stuttgart* Note: Requires remark.sty (q.v.). Package includes a sample file, birksample.tex, which requires the sample bibliography birksample.bib. Name: birkhaus.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for use with article.sty to format papers for Birk\"auser Verlag conference/workshop proceedings. Keywords: LaTeX, article, conference, proceedings, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 11 Feb 1992 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [] Note: Comes with a sample article (birkhaus.tex) and bibliography (birkhaus.bib). Name: blackdvi.sty Description: See entry for blackdvi.tex. Name: bnf.sty Description: LaTeX macros for typesetting BNF Keywords: LaTeX, BNF Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: shsu See also: bnf.sty, bnf.tex, ebnf.sty Name: boxedminipage.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the boxedminipage environment -- just like minipage, but with a box around it. Keywords: LaTeX, minipage, framebox Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk>, mods by Jerry Leichter <leichter@cs.rutgers.edu> Latest Version: May 1992 Supported: yes Archives: Aston* See also: boxit.sty Name: boxit.sty Description: Defines an environment that draws lines arounds its contents (which can include verbatim text). Keywords: LaTeX, framebox Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 27 Feb 1992 Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], shsu See also: boxedminipage.sty %% Name: brandeis-letter.sty Name: breakcites.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to allow citations to be broken across lines. Keywords: LaTeX, citation, bibliography Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 14 Mar 1989 Archives: ymir* Name: bruggink.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to provide for independent formatting of table and figure (and other float) captions. Keywords: LaTeX, caption, floats Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: Virtually identical to zaccone.sty (q.v.). Comes with a sample file, bruggink.tex. Name: bsf.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for providing access to bold sans serif fonts in LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, font, OFSS Author: Jerry Leichter <leichter@cs.rutgers.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 2 Dec 91 Archives: ymir See also: bsl.sty, isf.sty Name: bsl.sty Description: Provide access to the boldface slanted type style for LaTeX under the Old Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, OFSS, font Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 5 Apr 1990 Archives: shsu* See also: bsf.sty, isf.sty Name: calendar.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting a calendar. Keywords: LaTeX, calendar Author: J"urgen Stuber and W. J. Metzger <u632111@hnykun11.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 29 Nov 1991 Archives: shsu See also: calendar.tex, yearcal.tex Name: captcont.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to permit the use of captions in continuations of floats -- defines a \captcont macro that is like \caption except it doesn't update the counter or add an entry to the list of figures or tables. Keywords: LaTeX, floats, caption Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, shsu Name: card.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for printing text formatted for cardfile cards. Keywords: LaTeX, plain TeX, card Author: R. Potu\v{c}ek jr. <potucek@winx06.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.04, 6 Mar 1992 Archives: stuttgart* Name: catmac.sty Description: LaTeX macros for drawing commutative diagrams. Keywords: LaTeX, commutative diagrams Author: Michael Barr <barr@triples.math.mcgill.ca> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 12 Nov 1989 Archives: ymir Note: OBSOLETE: superseded by diagram.tex (q.v.) Name: cd.sty Description: Commutative diagram macros modified from AmSTeX for use as LaTeX style option. Keywords: LaTeX, commutative diagrams Author: Darrel Hankerson <hank@auducvax.bitnet> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 3 Mar 89 Archives: ymir Note: OBSOLETE: Use amscd.sty, xypic.sty, diagram.tex or diagrams.tex instead. Name: changebars.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing changebars. Keywords: LaTeX, changebars, dvi2ln3, dvitops, dvips, dvidrv Author: Michael Fine and Neil Winton <nwinton@axion.bt.co.uk> and Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, 16 Nov 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, aston, ymir Note: Documented with doc.sty. Comes with a bug list, changbar.bug. Name: chappg.sty Description: Define \thepage to output chapter-page (such as 1-3, 5-2, etc.) and have each chapter's page number begin on 1. Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle, pagenumbering Author: Max Hailperin <max@nic.gac.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: shsu Name: chapterbib.sty Description: Document-style option for allowing multiple bibliographies in a LaTeX document. Keywords: LaTeX, bibliography, BibTeX Author: Niel Kempson <rmcs-tex@cdvc.cranfield.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0, 23 Nov 1988 Archives: ymir Name: chemtex.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting chemistry equations. Keywords: LaTeX, chemistry Author: Roswitha Haas Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: Documentation in chemdoc.tex. Name: chess.sty Description: (La)TeX document-style option for writing about chess games. Keywords: LaTeX, plain TeX, chess Author: Piet Tutelaers <rcpt@urc.tue.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.2, Feb 1992 Archives: utrecht*, tue Note: These macros are described in "A Font and a Style for Typesetting Chess using LaTeX or TeX," TUGboat 13(1):85--89, April 1992. Name: chicago.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for use with the Chicago BibTeX styles chicago.bst and chicagoa.bst. Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Glenn Paulley <gnpaulle@bluebox.uwaterloo.ca> Supported: yes Latest Version: v4, 31 August 1992 Archives: shsu*, utah See also: chicago.bst, chicagoa.bst Name: chomsky.sty Description: LaTeX document style-option for typesetting parse trees. Keywords: LaTeX, parse trees, tree Author: Michael Barr <barr@triples.math.mcgill.ca> Supported: no Latest Version: 22 May 1989 Archives: ymir Name: cite.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for compressing lists of three or more consecutive numbers into one number range. E.g., [4,5,6,7,9,8,Einstein,6] becomes [4-7,9,8,Einstein,6]. Keywords: LaTeX, citation, bibliography Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.0, Oct 1992 Archives: shsu*, ymir See also: citesort.sty, drftcite.sty, overcite.sty, rangecite.sty Name: citesort.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for sorting and compressing lists of three or more consecutive numbers into one number range. E.g., [4,5,6,7,9,8,6] becomes [4-9]. Keywords: LaTeX, citation, bibliography Author: Ian Green <img@eng.cam.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1, 10 Dec 1991 Archives: ymir See also: cite.sty Name: code.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing verbatim displays of program code using verbatim.sty (q.v.). Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim Author: George Ferguson <ferguson@cs.rochester.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 3 Jul 1991 Archives: stuttgart Note: Includes a sample file, foo.tex. See also: verbatim.sty Name: colordvi.sty Description: See entry for colordvi.tex. Name: colors.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which adds greyscale and color support for PostScript devices. Keywords: LaTeX, PostScript, color Author: Fred Knight <knight@ll.mit.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 15 Apr 92 Archives: shsu Note: The style file is distributed with a file rgb.txt, which defines the RGB values for various colors. Name: cprog.sty Description: LaTeX document style option which allows C programs to be typeset directly by TeX. Keywords: LaTeX, plain TeX, verbatim Author: \'Eamonn McManus <emcmanus@gr.osf.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.4, 12 Sep 1990 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: cropmark.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which prints crop marks (corner rules) at the four corners of the page.) Keywords: LaTeX, cropmark, output Author: Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@ucl.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: v1, 11 Jan 1990 Archives: ymir, shsu Note: This is considered obsolete by the author, who suggests pageframe.sty or quire.tex instead. See also: pageframe.sty, cropmark.tex, quire.tex Name: crossword.sty Description: LaTeX macros for drawing crossword puzzles. Keywords: LaTeX, crosswords Author: B Hamilton Kelly <rm001a@cdvc.cranfield.ac.uk> (Marked "To the attention of B Hamilton Kelly.") Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: documentation in crosswords.readme and examples in crosswords_0.tex and crosswords_1.tex. Name: currency.sty Description: Useful hacks to include currency symbols other than the standard \$ and \pounds of LaTeX (currently includes only Japanese Yen and British Pounds Sterling). Keywords: LaTeX, currency Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 17 Apr 1991 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart Name: custombib.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to make it easier to customize the section head that is inserted before the bibliography. Keywords: LaTeX, bibliography, sectioning Author: Pablo A. Straub <straub@ing.puc.cl> Supported: yes Latest Version: 10 Nov 1991 Archives: stuttgart Name: cyrillic.sty Description: Document-style option which makes the Washington Cyrillic fonts (wncyr10 etc) available to LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, cyrillic, AMS Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 May 1992 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* See also: cyracc.def Note: requires cyracc.def. Transliteration scheme is described by Barbara Beeton in cyrmemo.tex (which also needs cyrmemo.def). Name: dates.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to provide support for the production of dates. Can be easily tailored to output dates in a variety of formats, including the day of the week, and is intended to be simple to use in conjunction with non-English languages. Keywords: LaTeX, date, dow Author: Adrian F. Clark <alien@essex.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.01--0 Archives: aston* See also: dow.tex, dayofweek.tex Name: dcolumn.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX style option for producing tabular entries aligned on a decimal point. Keywords: LaTeX, tabular, array, decimal Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 1.01, 12 June 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu, aston Supported: yes Note: Requires array.sty. Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. See also: decalign.sty, dectab.sty Name: decalign.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for aligning columns in a table on decimal point (or other character). Keywords: LaTeX, tabular, array, decimal Author: Stephen Meatheringham Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1 Oct 1987 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: dcolumn.sty, dectab.sty Name: dectab.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for decimail alignment of numbers in a table. Keywords: LaTeX, tabular, array, decimal Author: Charles Franklin <c38871cf@wuvmd.wustl.edu>, <C38871CF@WUVMD.Bitnet> Supported: no Latest Version: 27 Apr 1991 Archives: shsu, stuttgart See Also: decalign.sty, dcolumn.sty Name: delarray.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX style option extending array.sty. Defines implicit \left and \right delimiters. For example: \begin{array}({cc}) ... \end{array} is equivalent to: \left(\begin{array}{cc} ... \end{array}\right) Keywords: LaTeX, array, delimiters Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: Version 1.00, 06 July 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu, aston Supported: yes Note: Requires array.sty. Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. This feature was previously provided by the now defunct newarray.sty See also: tabularx.sty, dcolumn.sty Name: diagram.tex Description: LaTeX macros for drawing commutative diagrams. Keywords: LaTeX, commutative diagrams Author: Michael Barr <barr@triples.math.mcgill.ca> Supported: yes Latest Version: 26 Mar 1992 Archives: triples.math.mcgill.ca* [], shsu Note: Includes documentation file, diagdoc.tex. See also: xypic.tex Name: diagramf.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for including diagrams created in Metafont. Keywords: LaTeX, metafont Author: Alan Jeffrey <alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk> Supported: by Jeremy Gibbons <jeremy@cs.aukuni.ac.nz> Latest Version: v1.1, 02 Jun 1992 Archives: Note: Package comes with documentation (diagramf.tex) and requires diagramf.mf to work. Name: doublespace.sty Description: LaTeX doucment-style option for producing a double-spaced document. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, doublespace Author: Stephen Page <sdpage@andersen.co.uk> and Jean-Francois Lamy <lamy@sobeco.com>, <lamy@sobeco.ca> and Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 28 Jun 1990 Archives: ymir*, shsu Name: dpccyr.sty Description: LaTeX style option to make the AMS/University of Washington Cyrillic fonts available under the NFSS. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, cyrillic, AMSFonts Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 1.00, 09 December 1991 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: draft.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which implements an enhanced draft mode, which marks \label, \cite, \ref, \index and \glossary commands where they occur in the text. Keywords: LaTeX, draft, xrefs Author: Joe Baker <jeb@risc.com>, <jbaker@ee.ucla.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: ymir, stuttgart (under draft1.sty) See also: drafthead.sty Name: drafthead.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which puts "DRAFT" with date and time at top of each page. Keywords: LaTeX, draft Author: Stephen Page <sdpage@andersen.co.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: 23 Jun 1986 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: draft.sty Name: drftcite.sty Description: Modifies \cite to print the bibliography tags instead of numbers. Keywords: LaTeX, citation, bibliography Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1991 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart See also: cite.sty, citesort.sty, overcite.sty, rangecite.sty Name: drop.sty Description: LaTeX macros for dropping and enlarging the first letter(s) of a paragraph. Keywords: LaTeX, dropcaps Author: David G. Cantor <dgc@math.ucla.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 17 Feb 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: ebnf.sty Description: Simple LaTeX macros for typesetting EBNF grammars. Keywords: LaTeX, BNF Author: Damian Cugley <damian.cugley@prg.oxford.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: 11 Jul 90 Archives: ymir See also: bnf.sty, bnf.tex Name: eclbip.sty Description: LaTeX macros for drawing bipartite graphs with epic.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, graphics Author: Hideki Isozaki Supported: ??? Latest Version: 24 Nov 1990 Archives: ymir See also: epic.sty, eepic.sty Note: Sample file eclbipsample.tex Name: ecltree.sty Description: LaTeX macros for drawing tree graphs with epic.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, graphics Author: Hideki Isozaki Supported: ??? Latest Version: 12 Nov 1990 Archives: ymir See also: epic.sty, eepic.sty Note: Sample file eclbiptree.tex Name: eepic.sty Description: Enhancements to the epic.sty macros through the use of tpic \special's. Keywords: LaTeX, graphics, picture, tpic, dvips Author: Conrad Kwok <kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1b, 7 Feb 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: eepicemu.sty, epic.sty Note: Comes with documentation, eepic.tex. Name: eepicemu.sty Description: LaTeX macros to emulate the eepic macros using only the epic macros. Keywords: LaTeX, graphics, picture Author: Conrad Kwok <kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1a, 1 Feb 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: eepic.sty, epic.sty Name: endfloat.sty Description: LaTeX style to put figures and tables at end of article. Keywords: LaTeX, style-option, float, figure, table Author: James Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Latest Version: v2.0, 02 Jun 1992 Archives: shsu* See also: comment.sty, endnotes.sty Name: endnote.sty Description: LaTeX macros for producing endnotes instead of footnotes. Keywords: LaTeX, endnotes Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: shsu, stuttgart See also: endnotes.sty Name: endnotes.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which implements a series of endnote macros, parallel to the normal footnote macros except that the text goes to the end of the document rather than the bottom of the page. Keywords: LaTeX, endnotes Author: John Lavagnino <lav@binah.cc.brandeis.edu>, <lav@brandeis.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 24 Sept 1991 Archives: shsu, ymir See also: endnote.sty Name: enumerate.sty Description: LaTeX style option giving the enumerate environment an optional argument controlling the printing of the counter. Keywords: LaTeX, enumerate Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: Version 2.01, 26 June 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: enumspec.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to allow for a leading character on labels in the enumerate environment. Keywords: LaTeX, enumerate Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 13 Jan 1988 Archives: shsu* Name: env.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting envelopes with bar codes. Keywords: LaTeX, envelope, barcode Author: Dimitri Vulis <dlv@dm.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1991 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: zip.tex Note: These macros were described in detail in "TeX and Envelopes," TUGboat 12(2):279--284, June 1991. Name: envelope.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to print addresses onto a business envelope fed through the manual paper feed on an Apple LaserWriter II NT. Keywords: LaTeX, envelope Author: Heather Sherman Supported: ??? Latest Version: 10 Mar 1989 Archives: ymir Note: Includes sample file env-sample.tex. Name: epac.sty Description: Official LaTeX document-style option for the European Particle Accelerator Conference. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings Author: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz <christin@cernvm.cern.ch> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 23 Oct 1991 Archives: ymir, aston Name: epic.sty Description: Enhancements to the LaTeX picture environment. Keywords: LaTeX, picture, graphics Author: Sunil Podar <podar@sbcs.csnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.2, 1 Jun 1986 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: eepic.sty Note: Package includes documentation (picman.tex). Name: epsf.sty Description: Same file as epsf.tex (q.v.). Name: eqnarray.sty Description: Redefines the LaTeX eqnarray environment to (a) reduce the amount of space around the second column and (b) allow \@eqnsel to work as documented in latex.tex. Keywords: LaTeX, eqnarray, math Author: David M. Jones <dmjones@theory.lcs.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 06 May 1992 Archives: theory.lcs.mit.edu* Name: equationarray.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which combines the capabilities of the eqnarray and array environments. In particular, it allows equation arrays with more than 3 columns. Keywords: LaTeX, math, array, eqnarray Author: Tony Li <tli@cisco.com> Supported: no Latest Version: 15 Jun 1988 Archives: ymir See also: AMS-LaTeX, hackarray.sty Name: equations.sty Description: A collection of macros to aid in constructing displayed equations in LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, math Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 26 Jul 1990 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []*, shsu See also: AMS-LaTeX Note: Includes subeqn.sty (q.v.) Name: eslides.sty Description: Macros for converting a paper written with article.sty into slides. Keywords: LaTeX, slides Author: Georg Denk <denk@mathematik.tu-muenchen.de>, <Georg.Denk@Mathematik.TU-Muenchen.dbp.de (X.400)> Supported: yes Latest Version: 5 Feb 1990 Archives: ymir, shsu, stuttgart Note: TUGboat, vol. 11, No. 2 (1990), pp. 280-283. The package includes a documentation file eslides.tex and sample file eslides-example.tex. See also: lslide.sty, seminar.sty Name: espo.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting in Esperanto. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: esperant.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting Esperanto. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, language, Esperanto Author: J"org Knappen <knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1.a, 10 Dec 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Note: This file is different from esperanto.sty (q.v.) by J. Braams. esperant.sty does not support the babel system. %% Name: etcetera.tex Name: exam.sty Description: LaTeX document style for typesetting examinations. Includes support for multiple choice, true-false, fill-in-the-blank and essay questions. Keywords: LaTeX, examination Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 21 Jul 1989 Archives: shsu* Name: example.sty Description: LaTeX style option to print TeX examples both verbatim and typeset. Keywords: LaTeX, TeX examples, TeX tutorials Author: Joachim Schrod <schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: 20 May 1991 Archives: darmstadt*, stuttgart Name: exercise.sty (.doc) Description: This style option implements a LaTeX style option for typesetting exercises. The exercise environment is modelled along the lines of the exercise macros in The TeXbook, i.e., the answer can be given right after the exercise. Answers are collected in a file that can be included afterwards. The appearance of exercises and answers may be customized. Rainer Sch\"opf's verbatim style is a prerequisite for this style option. Keywords: LaTeX, exercise Author: Anselm Lingnau <lingnau@math.uni-frankfurt.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0d, 2 Jul 1992 Archives: euler.math.uni-frankfurt.de* [], stuttgart Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty (q.v.). Package includes a driver file for the documentation (exercise.tex), a driver file for the docstrip (q.v.) program, an example file (extest.tex) and a README file. Name: exercise.sty (.tex) Description: LaTeX document-style option to adapt the \exercise and \answer macros from page 422 of the TeXbook for use with LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, exercise Author: Alan R. Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 23 Nov 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu, stuttgart (as exercise.mac) Name: extradefs.tex Description: A collection of macros which are required by the bookform, memo and milstd document styles. Keywords: LaTeX, milstd Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: bookform.sty, memo.sty, milstd.sty Name: fancybox.sty Description: Tips and tricks for LR-boxes, plus shadow, oval, and double boxes. Also contains macros that allow material to be typeset verbatim inside of boxes. Keywords: LaTeX, box, LR-box, framebox, shadowbox, ovalbox, rotate, verbatim, framebox Author: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.91, 25 Nov 1992 Archives: princeton.edu* [], ymir, shsu, utrecht, stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with an excellent documentation and tutorial file, fancybox.doc, which may be appended to the end of fancybox.sty on some archives. Name: fancyheadings.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which allows easy customization of page headers and footers. Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle Author: Piet van Oostrum <piet@cs.ruu.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, Mar 1989 Archives: utrecht*, ymir, shsu See also: biihead.sty, headerfooter.sty Note: Contains documentation in fancyheadings.doc. Name: finder.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to automatically search an address file for a specified letter recipient. Keywords: LaTeX, letter, addresses Author: Steffen Steinh\"auser <steffen_steinhaeuser@mz.maus.de>, <steinhaeuser@ddagsi5.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 1992 Archives: stuttgart* Note: Package includes a documentation file (finder.txt, in German), a sample file (finder.tex) and a sample address file (adressen.tex). Support and any help is available, just send an email (address see above). More german information in an article in c't 3/92. Name: fixup.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that modifies various LaTeX macros. Keywords: LaTeX Author: John Hobby <hobby@research.att.com> Supported: no Latest Version: 25 Jan 1988 Archives: ymir Name: floatnohead.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to cause pages containing only floats to be typeset without page headers or footers. Keywords: LaTeX, output, floats Author: Sebastian Rahtz <spqr@minster.york.ac.uk> and Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir* Name: float.sty (.doc) Description: This style option improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and tables in LaTeX. It adds the notion of a `float style' that governs appearance of floats. New kinds of floats may be defined using a \newfloat command analogous to \newtheorem. Keywords: LaTeX, float Author: Anselm Lingnau <lingnau@math.uni-frankfurt.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0c, 25 Feb 1992 Archives: stuttgart, shsu Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty (q.v.). Package includes a driver file for the documentation (float.tex), a driver file for the docstrip (q.v.) program, an example file (fltest.tex) and a README file. Name: flowchart.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which might be useful for drawing flow charts. Keywords: LaTeX Author: David Chase <dchase@eng.sun.com> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 24 Oct 1988 Archives: ymir Name: fnpara.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to typeset footnotes in run-on paragraphs. Keywords: LaTeX, footnotes, output Author: Chris Rowley <ca_rowley@vax.acs.open.ac.uk> and Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@ucl.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 3 Oct 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: fnpara.tex Name: font-nostalgia.sty Description: For New Font Selection Scheme users -- provides commands with the pre-NFSS meanings of \rm, \bf, etc. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, fonts Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: May 1992 Archives: Aston* Name: footnpag.sty Description: LaTeX style option to enumerate footnotes anew on each page. Keywords: LaTeX, footnote numbering Author: Joachim Schrod <schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: 2.1 (07 Nov 1991) Archives: darmstadt*, stuttgart Name: format.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for printing floating point numbers in a fixed format. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 May 1992 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* Name: frontiers.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for the proceedings of the Frontiers'88 symposium. For use with article.sty and proc.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready Author: Max Hailperin <max@nic.gac.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 27 Sep 1988 Archives: ymir See also: article.sty, proc.sty Name: ftn.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to make footnotes available in any environment, except inside floats. Keywords: LaTeX, footnotes Author: Kresten Krab Thorup <krab@iesd.auc.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 2 Jan 92 Archives: shsu, stuttgart Name: fullpage.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to increase the textheight and textwidth. Keywords: LaTeX, page layout Author: Hubert Partl, TU Wien Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2, 15 Dec 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: geophysics.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for the journal Geophysics, a publication of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal, publisher style Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 Jan 87 Archives: ymir* See also: article.sty Note: requires article.sty Name: german.sty (.tex) Description: LaTeX document-style option and plain TeX input file for writing german texts. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, german Author: Hubert Partl and Bernd Raichle et al. <raichle@azu.Informatik.Uni-Stuttgart.DE> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.4a, 12 Apr 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, listserv@dhdurz1 Note: The macro file can be used with LaTeX and plain TeX. Name: go.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to create diagrams for Go board positions (Go is a board game from the Orient). Requires special Go font. Keywords: LaTeX, game of Go, fonts Author: Hanna Ko{\l}odzieska, MacroSoft Ltd., ul. Chro\'scickiego 49, 02-414 Warsaw, Poland. (no E-mail) Supported: ??? Latest Version: Nov 1991 Archives: tue, milton.u.washington.edu:public/go/latex.tar.Z Note: The package contains the macros, documentation, and mf (MetaFont) sources for the Go fonts. The TUE site also contains pre-generated fonts in go.gf.tar.Z, go.pk.tar.Z, go.tfm.tar.Z. See go.README for more information. Name: greekctr.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines a numbering macro \greek, analogous to \alpha, for printing the values of counters out as greek letters. Keywords: LaTeX, counter Author: J"org Knappen <knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: 15 Jun 1990 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: hackalloc.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which redefines the allocation primitive so that all allocations (\newdimen, \newcount, etc.) become block local. Keywords: LaTeX, allocation Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: hackarray.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the hackarray environment, which is a mixture of the equation and array environments. In particular, it allows equation arrays with more than 3 columns. Keywords: LaTeX, math, array, eqnarray Author: Brian Wylie <bjnw@castle.ed.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: AMS-LaTeX, equationarray.sty Name: hangcaption.sty Description: Defines a variant of the caption command to produce captions with hanging indentation. Keywords: LaTeX, float, caption Author: David M. Jones <dmjones@theory.lcs.mit.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: v2.00, 27 August 1992 Archives: shsu, stuttgart Note: The original author of this file is unknown. David Jones fixed a typo in the file and Rainer Schoepf made some enhancements to the code. Name: harvard.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which provides support for the Harvard family of bibliography styles. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Peter Williams <peterw@archsci.arch.su.oz.au> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 0.99a Archives: archsci.arch.su.oz.au* [], shsu Note: This is part of the Harvard family of bibliography styles. The family is described in "The Harvard Family of Bibliography Styles," distributed with the package in the file harvard.tex. See also: agsm.bst, dcu.bst, kluwer.bst, nederlands.bst Name: headerfooter.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to simplify the definition of three-part page headers and footers. Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 13 Apr 89 Archives: ymir*, shsu See also: biihead.sty, fancyheadings.sty Name: here.sty Description: LaTeX style option giving floats a [H] option, meaning `do not float'. Keywords: LaTeX, figure, table, floats Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 1.01, 12 June 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: hex.sty Description: Defines a numbering macro \hex for representing counters in hexadecimal notation. Keywords: LaTeX, counter Author: Eric Domenjoud <domen@euler.crin.fr> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 7 Oct 91 Archives: shsu Name: hhline.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX style option defining an alternative to \hline for producing horizontal lines in tables. Keywords: LaTeX, array, tabular, hline Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: Version 2.01, 26 June 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: icassp.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing camera-ready copy for the ICASSP'89 conference. For use with article.sty and proc.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready Author: John Vlontzos Supported: ??? Latest Version: 13 Dec 1988 Archives: ymir Note: Based on frontiers.sty. See also: article.sty, proc.sty Name: ieee9.sty Description: 9 point document-style option for with ieeetran.sty (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article, IEEE Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 9 Feb 1988 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ieeetran.sty, ieee10.sty, ieee11.sty, ieee12.sty Name: ieee10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for with ieeetran.sty (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article, IEEE Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 9 Feb 1988 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ieeetran.sty, ieee9.sty, ieee11.sty, ieee12.sty Name: ieee11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for with ieeetran.sty (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article, IEEE Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 15 Jul 1989 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ieeetran.sty, ieee9.sty, ieee10.sty, ieee12.sty Name: ieee12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for with ieeetran.sty (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article, IEEE Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 9 Feb 1988 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ieeetran.sty, ieee9.sty, ieee10.sty, ieee11.sty Name: ieeconf.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing camera-ready copy for IEE conference proceedings Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, IEE, camera-ready Author: Adrian F. Clark <alien@essex.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.00--0, 20 Aug 1991 Archives: aston* Name: ieeeconf.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing camera-ready copy for IEEE conference proceedings; can also be used for the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (or the 11th one, anyway). Based on the template written by Matthew Ward of Worcester Polytechnic Institute which is distributed by the IEEE. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, IEEE, ICPR, camera-ready Author: Adrian F. Clark <alien@essex.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.00--0, 17 Apr 1992 Archives: aston* Name: ieeetr.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which implements the guidelines for submissions to Information for IEEE Transactions and Journal Authors as of September 1989. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, IEEE Author: Terry Bohning <bohning@acc.fau.edu>, <71036.1066@compuserve.com> Supported: no Latest Version: 9 Apr 1991 Archives: ymir See also: article.sty, ieeetr.bst Name: ieeetran.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for preparing articles for IEEE journals. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article, IEEE Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 7 Feb 92 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ieee.bst, ieee9.sty, ieee10.sty, ieee11.sty, ieee12.sty Name: ifac10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for with ifacarticle.sty (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 8 Aug 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ifacarticle.sty Name: ifac12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for with ifacarticle.sty (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 11 Jun 1992 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ifacarticle.sty Name: ifac9.sty Description: 9 point document-style option for with ifacarticle.sty (q.v.) Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 8 Aug 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ifacarticle.sty Name: ijc10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for with ijcarticle.sty (q.v.). Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article Author: Silvano Balemi balemi@aut.ethz.ch Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ijcarticle.sty Name: ijcai89.sty Description: LaTeX document-style the proceedings of IJCAI'89. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready Author: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfps@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 22 Feb 1989 Archives: ymir Note: Should be used in conjunction with the "named" bibliography style. The most recent version of this file can be obtained by sending mail to macros@aaai.org with subject "macros request". See also: named.bst Name: indentfirst.sty Description: LaTeX style option to indent the first paragraph of a section. Keywords: LaTeX, indentation, section Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 1.01, 26 June 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: inputfile.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for keeping track of the current \input file. Keywords: LaTeX Author: R. Tucci, Ciba-Geigy AG Basle Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Feb 1991 Archives: ymir Name: insertplot.sty Description: Macro for use with the ArborText DVIPS PostScript driver to insert PostScript files or graphics output from the DI-3000/PICSURE PostScript driver. Keywords: LaTeX, ArborText dvips Author: C. E. Higgs <higgs@cageir5a.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 15 Jul 1988 Archives: ymir Note: insertplot.readme Name: isf.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for providing access to italic san serif fonts in LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, OFSS, font Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 25 August 1989 Archives: shsu See also: bsf.sty, bsl.sty Name: iso9.sty Description: Nine point LaTeX document-style option for use with iso.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, ISO, standards documents Author: Nicolas North <ndn@seg.npl.co.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.6, 2 May 1991 Archives: aston, ymir See also: iso.sty, iso10.sty Name: iso10.sty Description: Ten point LaTeX document-style option for use with iso.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, ISO, standards documents Author: Nicolas North <ndn@seg.npl.co.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.6, 2 May 1991 Archives: aston, ymir See also: iso.sty, iso9.sty Name: ist21.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which provides a title appropriate for BSI IST/21 documents and general memos. Keywords: LaTeX, standards documents Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 May 1987 Archives: ymir Name: italic.sty Description: See entry for italic.tex. Description: LaTeX document-style option for the Journal of Business Strategies. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, journal, article, publisher style Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 3 Jul 1988 Archives: shsu*, ymir Name: jeep.sty Description: A collection of customizations and modifications to the article and report styles. Keywords: LaTeX Author: G. W. Stewart <stewart@cs.umd.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 3 Feb 1989 Archives: ymir, shsu Note: Modifications are described in jeep.tex. Name: jmb.sty Description: Identical to apalike.sty. See also: apalike.sty Name: labels.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which redefines the \label command so that it prints label names in the margin (except when used in a \caption, when the name appears in the text). Keywords: LaTeX, xrefs, labels Author: Norman Gray <N.O.Gray@open.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 17 July 1992 Archives: shsu, aston Name: labels.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for printing mailing labels in various configurations. Can also be used with the letter style. Keywords: LaTeX, letter Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 4 May 1990 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* Name: lablst.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for printing label definitions at the end of a document. Keywords: LaTeX, xrefs Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Jun 1990 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* Note: Based on Leslie Lamport's lablst.tex. See also: lablst.tex Name: landscape.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to change the textwidth and textheight to landscape values. Keywords: LaTeX, page layout, landscape Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 5 Feb 1988 Archives: ymir Name: listoftheorem.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for generating a list of theorems similar to the list of figures or list of tables. Keywords: LaTeX, TOC Author: Art Mulder <art@cs.ualberta.ca> Supported: no Latest Version: Jul 1990 Archives: stuttgart, utrecht Name: loggates.sty Description: (La)TeX macros for typesetting digital circuit diagrams. Keywords: LaTeX, plain TeX, logical gates, symbols Author: Nico Verwer <nico@cs.ruu.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 8 Apr 1992 Note: Requires the font loggates.mf. Archives: utrecht* Name: longtable.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX style option defining a multi-page version of tabular. Keywords: LaTeX, array, tabular, page Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: Version 3.04, 12 Oct 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. See Also: supertab.sty, bigtabular.sty Name: losymbol.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for creating list of symbols, analagous to the usual list of tables or list of figures. Keywords: LaTeX, symbols, toc Author: Gerry van Dooren <elecgd@urc.tue.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: Aug 1992 Archives: shsu Name: lscape.sty Description: LaTeX style defining a landscape option, which rotates the pages in its scope through 90 degrees. The page head and foot are NOT affected. Keywords: LaTeX, landscape, rotation Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 2.00, 18 November 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Requires Rokicki's rotate.sty, and his dvips driver. Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. See also: side.sty, portland.sty, landscape.sty Name: lslide.sty Description: LaTeX/AMS-LaTeX document-style option for typesetting slides. Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, slides Author: Young U. Ryu <ryoung@utdallas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0.1, Apr 1992 Archives: shsu Note: Comes with a sample/documentation file, lslide.tex. Name: ltgtsim.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the commands to combine the symbols "<", "~" and ">", "~". Keywords: LaTeX, symbol Author: Bill Thompson <thompson@stars.gsfc.nasa.gov> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 29 Jul 91 Archives: shsu Name: ltugbot.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to implement a rudimentary pseudo-TUGboat format. Keywords: LaTeX, journal Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 1 Mar 89 Archives: See also: tugboat.sty, ltugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugproc.sty, tugboat.cmn Note: Obsolete, see ltugboat.sty Name: makerobust.sty Description: LaTeX style option defining \makerobust. This command allows you to make commands robust, so they to not need \protect. Keywords: LaTeX, fragile, robust Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: Version 1.00, 19 May 1991 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: man10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for manual.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, book, manual Author: M. Edward Nieland <ted@nieland.dayton.oh.us> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 11 Aug 87 Archives: ymir Note: This is the default. See also: manual.sty, man11.sty, man12.sty Name: man11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for manual.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, book, manual Author: M. Edward Nieland <ted@nieland.dayton.oh.us> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 11 Aug 87 Archives: ymir See also: manual.sty, man10.sty, man12.sty Name: man12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for manual.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, book, manual Author: M. Edward Nieland <ted@nieland.dayton.oh.us> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 11 Aug 87 Archives: ymir See also: manual.sty, man10.sty, man11.sty Name: manpage.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing UNIX manual pages. Keywords: LaTeX, manpage Author: Rong Chen <rchen@cs.uiuc.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.03, 11 Jun 1992 Archives: shsu*, ymir Note: Includes a sample file appended to the end of the style file. See also: unixman.sty Name: marginote.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for using marginal notes numbered like footnotes. Keywords: LaTeX, margin notes Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 12 Sep 1989 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart Name: marnote.sty Description: Macros to print a short note vertically in left or right margin on all pages. Keywords: LaTeX, dvips Author: James Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v0.1, 3 Jan 92 Archives: shsu, stuttgart Note: Requires psfig (q.v.) and dvips Name: mathsing.sty Description: Official Springer-Verlag LaTeX document-style option for typesetting single-author mathematics books. Keywords: LaTeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, single-author, book, mathematics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 3 Dec 1991 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, mathsing.doc, and an example file, mathsing.dem, and a readme file. See also: amamult.cmm, lmamult.sty, mathmult.cmm, mathsing.cmm Name: mathtext.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the macro \text for inserting fragments of text in math mode. Keywords: LaTeX, math Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 14 Jan 1989 Archives: shsu*, stuttgart Name: memo10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for memo.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, memo Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 30 May 1985 Archives: ymir Note: Requires extradefs.tex. See also: extradefs.tex, memo.sty, memo10.sty, memo11.sty, memo12.sty Name: memo11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for memo.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, memo Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 30 May 1985 Archives: ymir Note: Requires extradefs.tex See also: extradefs.tex, memo.sty, memo10.sty, memo12.sty Name: memo12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for memo.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, memo Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 30 May 1985 Archives: ymir Note: Requires extradefs.tex. See also: extradefs.tex, memo.sty, memo10.sty, memo11.sty Name: merge.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing form letters. Keywords: LaTeX, letter Author: Graeme McKinstry <graeme%otago.ac.nz@relay.cs.net> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 4 Feb 1990 Archives: ymir See also: address.tex, bellmac.tex, letter.mac, letter.tex, lettermac.tex, letter.sty Name: mf.sty Description: Document style option to define Metafont logo in all sizes. Keywords: LaTeX, METAFONT, NFSS Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 24 Jun 1990 Archives: ymir* %% Name: mfr.sty %% Description: %% Keywords: %% Author: %% Latest Version: %% Archives: Name: misc.sty Description: LaTeX style file which contains definitions of the following macros: \pmb (poor man's bold), \timeofday, \verbfile (for verbatim listings of files) and \listing (same as \verbfile, but with automatic line numbers). Keywords: LaTeX, pmb, verbatim Author: Sunil Podar <podar@sbcs.csnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 14 Jul 1986 Archives: ymir Name: mitpress.sty Description: Rudimentary LaTeX document-style option for the MIT Press format. Keywords: LaTeX, book, publisher style Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: mitthesis.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for MIT theses. For use with report.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, report, thesis Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 12 Sep 89 Archives: ymir*, shsu Name: module.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for modularizing definitions, i.e., for allowing for conditional definition of definitions within a macro file. Keywords: LaTeX, macro, modularity Author: Alan Jeffrey <alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 02 Jun 1992 Archives: See also: styledef.tex Name: morefloats.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to increase the number of floats from 18 to 36. Keywords: LaTeX, floats Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 27 Jul 1990 Archives: ymir*, shsu Name: ms10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for milstd.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, milstd Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1986 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: milstd.sty, ms11.sty, ms12.sty Name: ms11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for milstd.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, milstd Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1986 Archives: ymir, shsu See also: milstd.sty, ms10.sty, ms12.sty Name: ms12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for milstd.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, milstd Author: Kent McPherson Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1986 Note: This is the default. Archives: ymir, shsu See also: milstd.sty, ms11.sty, ms11.sty Name: msam.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for accessing the AMS A symbol font (msam). Keywords: LaTeX, amsfonts, mathfonts Author: Alan Jeffrey <alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 02 Jun 1992 Archives: See also: msbm.sty, amssym.def, amssym.tex, amssymbols.sty, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.sty, amssymbl.sty Name: msbm.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for accessing the AMS B symbol font (msbm). Keywords: LaTeX, amsfonts, mathfonts Author: Alan Jeffrey <alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 02 Jun 1992 Archives: See also: msam.sty, amssym.def, amssym.tex, amssymbols.sty, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.sty, amssymbl.sty Name: mtns12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for use with mtnsarticle.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, proceedings Author: Silvano Balemi balemi@aut.ethz.ch Supported: yes Latest Version: 6 May 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart Name: multibox.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to provide multiple boxes in pictures, similar to the \multiput command. Keywords: LaTeX, picture Author: Brian Hamilton Kelly, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON, SN6 8LA, United Kingdom Supported: ??? Latest Version: 13 Oct 1988 Archives: ymir Name: multicolpar.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting paragraphs in multiple columns, which corresponding paragraphs in the two columns aligned. This format is useful for translated articles, in which there is the original language in the first column and the translated version in the second. Keywords: LaTeX, multi-column Author: Mauro Orlandini <orlandini@heasrc.gsfc.nasa.gov> and Max Hailperin <max@nic.gac.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: shsu Name: multirow.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the \multirow command for making tabular entries that span multiple rows. Keywords: LaTeX, table Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Note: This doesn't seem to be self-contained. Archives: ymir Name: named.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which implements citations for the ``named'' bibliography style. Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX Author: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfps@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: The most recent version of this file can be obtained by sending mail to macros@aaai.org with subject "macros request". See also: named.bst Name: natsci.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which formats citations for the NATSCI bibliography style. Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 28 feb 91 Archives: ymir* See also: natsci.bst Name: newarray.sty Description: Prints an informative message, and then generates an error. All the features of previous releases of this style are now in array.sty or delarray.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, array, tabular, newcolumn, delimiters Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: 06 July 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu, aston See also: array.sty delarray.sty Note: Obsolete: Use array.sty. Name: newequation.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defined the \newequation command, which is analogous to the standard \newtheorem command. Keywords: LaTeX, equation, math Author: Richard Clayton <clayton@thumper.bellcore.com> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 12 Jan 91 Archives: shsu Name: nextslide.sty Description: Adds \newslide command to SliTeX, allowing some other environments to span multiple slides. Keywords: SliTeX, page control Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: May 1992 Archives: Aston* Name: nf.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing papers for Nuclear Fusion (and other IAEA journals?). For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 25 Jun 1992 Archives: lyman.pppl.gov []* Name: nfsslint.sty Description: For New Font Selection Scheme users -- warns of possible font problems in pre-NFSS files. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, fonts Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: May 1992 Archives: Aston* Name: nofm.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to produce page headers with page numbers of the form "n of m." Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle Author: Max Hailperin <max@nic.gac.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 27 Sep 1988 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: nosecnum.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to suppress section numbers, but still put the section titles in page headings. Keywords: LaTeX, sectioning, pagestyle Author: Michael Lemke <michael@crown.as.utexas.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 6 Dec 1991 Archives: shsu Name: nosecnumbers.sty Description: Suppresses section numbers in \sections, \subsections, etc., (but still writes entries for a table of contents). Keywords: LaTeX, section numbers Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: May 1992 Archives: Aston* Name: npsfont.sty Description: LaTeX macros for defining new PostScript fonts with NFSS. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, PostScript fonts Author: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 20 Nov 1991 Archives: princeton.edu* [], ymir, shsu Name: ntg10.sty (.doc) Description: 10 point document-style option for the artikel1, artikel2, artikel3, boek.sty, rapport1 and rapport3 document styles. Keywords: LaTeX, article, report, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.16, 2 Jan 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. See also: ntg11.sty, ntg12.sty Name: ntg11.sty (.doc) Description: 11 point document-style option for the artikel1, artikel2, artikel3, boek.sty, rapport1 and rapport3 document styles. Keywords: LaTeX, article, report, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.16, 2 Jan 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. See also: ntg10.sty, ntg12.sty Name: ntg12.sty (.doc) Description: 12 point document-style option for the artikel1, artikel2, artikel3, boek.sty, rapport1 and rapport3 document styles. Keywords: LaTeX, article, report, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.17, 24 Apr 1991 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. See also: ntg10.sty, ntg11.sty Name: numdef.sty Description: LaTeX style option (also works with plain) to allow `arrays' of macros \xx1 \xx2 etc. Keywords: LaTeX, numbers, \newcommand, \def Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: (only one version) Archives: aston*, shsu Note: I am not sure that this was a good idea, it works though. Name: numinsec.sty Description: Document-style option for use with siam.sty (q.v.) to cause equations, figures and tables to be numbered within sections. Keywords: LaTeX, SIAM, journal Author: Howard Trickey <trickey@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: research.att.com* [] (in netlib/typesetting/siamltex.all) Name: oncew.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to modify the \cite command to only warn you once of each undefined citation. Keywords: LaTeX, citation Author: Nico Verwer <nico@cs.ruu.nl> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 29 Jun 1990 Note: OBSOLETE: superseded by xrefwarn.sty (q.v.) Name: outline.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option based on the enumerate environment that defines a six-level list environment for typesetting outlines (The sections are numbered in the following styles: I., A., 1., a., (1), (a) ). Keywords: LaTeX, outline, list Author: Peter Halvorson <peter@fission.gatech.edu>, <ne201ph@prism.gatech.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 10 Jan 1991 Archives: stuttgart, shsu Note: Comes with a sample file, outline.tex. Name: outlineitems.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which alters to numbering of items in the enumerate environment to follow the conventional "outlining" numbering: i.e., \Roman for first level, \Alph for second level, \arabic for third level and \alph for fourth level. Keywords: LaTeX, lists Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 9 Jan 1991 Archives: shsu*, ymir, stuttgart Name: overcite.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for compressing lists of three or more consecutive numbers into one number range and displaying them as a superscripted citation. E.g., "foo [1,2,3]." becomes "foo.^{1-3}". Keywords: LaTeX, citation, bibliography Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1991 Archives: shsu*, utrecht See also: citesort.sty, drftcite.sty, rangecite.sty Name: oz.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting Z and Object-Z specifications. Keywords: LaTeX, Z, Object-Z Author: Formal Methods Group (fmg@cs.uq.oz.au) Supported: yes Latest Version: 10 Apr 91 Archives: ymir, ftp.cs.uq.oz.au* [] (coming soon) Note: Includes documentation file oz.tex. Name: pagefoots.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to number footnotes within a page. Keywords: LaTeX, footnotes Author: Brian T. Schellenberger <bts@unx.sas.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 01 Jan 1989 Archives: ymir, shsu* Name: pageframe.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for drawing a frame around the text area of a page, or for just putting cropmarks in the corners. Also puts a timestamp, job ID, page number and sequence number outside the text area on each page. Keywords: LaTeX, cropmark, book, output Author: Cameron Smith <cameron@symcom.math.uiuc.edu>, (513) 429-2707 Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Nov 1991 Archives: shsu*, aston, stuttgart See also: cropmark.tex, quire.tex Note: The package comes with documentation, pgframedoc.tex, and a test file, pgframetest.tex. It's vitally important to read the documentation before trying to use the style file, as it answers many questions about the package. Also, on some archives this package is called "pgframe" rather than "pageframe". Name: pap11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for paper.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 22 Feb 90 Archives: ymir* See also: pap12.sty Name: pap12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for paper.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 22 Feb 90 Archives: ymir* See also: pap11.sty Name: parskip.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to produce zero \parindent and non-zero \parskip for any document style and size. Keywords: LaTeX, page style Author: Hubert Partl, TU Wien Supported: ??? Latest Version: 19 Jan 1989 Archives: ymir Name: path.sty Description: TeX macro which defines the \path macro, which is similar to LaTeX's \verb (i.e. it typesets its parameter in verbatim mode (and therefore in \tt)) but also allows its parameter to be broken at specifiable discretionary breakpoints (typically punctuation characters), without introducing hyphens which might otherwise be ambiguous. Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, filename, e-mail pathname, discretionary, verbatim Author: Philip Taylor <P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.03, 18th December 1991 Archives: ??? no idea where Nelson put it !!! Name: path.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the \pathname macro, which is similar to \verb, except it allows its argument to be broken at punctuation characters. Keywords: LaTeX, filename, path name, discretionary Author: Philip Taylor <P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v3.02, 23 Oct 1991 Archives: ymir Name: portland.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to facilitate switching between portrait and landscape printing. Keywords: LaTeX, landscape, portrait Author: Hubert Partl, TU Wien Supported: ??? Latest Version: 16 Dec 1988 Archives: ymir Name: program.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting algorithms. Keywords: LaTeX, algorithm Author: Martin Ward Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1991 Archives: ymir, shsu Note: Includes demonstration file, program-demo.tex. Name: proof.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting proof trees. Keywords: LaTeX, prooftree, tree Author: Makoto Tatsuta <tatsuta@riec.tohoku.ac.jp> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 13 Oct, 1990 Archives: ymir, shsu Note: Comes with a sample file, proofeg.tex. Name: psfig.sty Description: See entry for psfig.tex. Name: pspicture.sty Description: LaTeX style option re-implementing, and extending, LaTeX picture mode commands, using PostScript \specials. Keywords: LaTeX, PostScript, picture Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 2.01, 16 June 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: The \special's are set up for Rokicki's dvips. A docstrip option for dvi2ps \special's is also provided. The distribution also includes texpicture.sty and pspicture.ps. Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. See also: epic, eepic, xypic Name: quote.sty Description: See entry for quote.tex. Name: raggedtab.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to cause all parboxes to be typeset ragged-right. Keywords: LaTeX, parbox Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: rail.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for creating syntax diagrams (sometimes known as railroad diagrams). Keywords: LaTeX, BNF, railroad Author: L.W.J. Rooijakkers <lwj@cs.kun.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0 #1, 12 Feb 1991 Archives: ftp.cs.kun.nl* [], ymir, aston Note: The complete Rail package consists of a C program, a LaTeX style file, a LaTeX documentation file, a UNIX manual page and some examples. The program is required for processing the diagrams; the style file alone is useless. See also: bnf.tex, bnf.sty, ebnf.sty Name: rangecite.sty (runcite.sty) Description: LaTeX document-style option for compressing lists of three or more consecutive numbers into one number range. Keywords: LaTeX, citation, bibliography Author: Nachum Dershowitz <nachum@cs.uiuc.edu> and Edward M. Reingold <reingold@cs.uiuc.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 12 Apr 1990 Archives: emr.cs.uiuc.edu:/pub/tex* [], ymir See also: cite.sty, citesort.sty, drftcite.sty, overcite.sty Name: RCS.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to incorporate RCS keyword strings such that their value can be used, e.g. for printing in a page footer. Keywords: LaTeX, RCS keyword strings Author: Tom Verhoeff <wstomv@win.tue.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1 Jul 1992 Archives: tue See also: rcs.sty (longer code, but does special date processing) Note: source is fully documented Name: rcs.sty Description: Interface to the RCS Revision Control System for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, RCS Author: Piet van Oostrum <piet@cs.ruu.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 1992 Archives: utrecht*, stuttgart, rcs.sty Name: refman.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing technical reference manuals, users' guides and articles with a design similar to the PostScript Reference Manual. For use with article.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article, manual Author: Hubert Partl, TU Wien Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1, 4 Oct 1989 Archives: ymir Name: remark.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which provides a \newremark command, parallel to the \newtheorem command, but for remark-like environments instead of theorem-like environments. Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: Possibly obsolete. See theorem.sty. Name: resume.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for formatting resumes. Keywords: LaTeX, resume Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 8 Mar 89 Archives: ymir*, shsu Note: Comes with sample file, resume-sample.tex. Name: romanneg.sty Description: Causes the page numbers in the DVI file (as defined by \count0) to be negative when roman pagenumbering is in effect. Keywords: LaTeX, output, pagenumbers Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: May 1992 Archives: Aston* Supported: yes Name: rotate.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for rotating and flipping TeX boxes. Keywords: LaTeX, dvips Author: Tomas Rokicki <rokicki@neon.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 4 Nov 1990 Archives: labrea*, ymir Note: rotate.sty is part of the dvips distribution. See also: rotate.tex Name: rotating.sty Description: A set of macros for rotating all sorts of boxes in LaTeX, and allowing the right amount of space. Also supports rotated floats. Keywords: LaTeX, rotation Author: Sebastian Rahtz <spqr@minster.york.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1.6 (4 June 92) Note: Documented with Mittelbach's doc.sty (q.v.) system in a full manual, which was published in TUGboat 13(2):156--180, July 1992. Archives: Aston Name: sans.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option changing the r\^oles of sans serif and roman. NFSS only. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, sans serif Author: J"org Knappen <knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: (no number) 1992 Archives: stuttgart* (look under latex-style-supported/nfss-addons) Name: sc21.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing cover pages appropriate for ISO/TC97/SC21 documents. Keywords: LaTeX, titlepage, ISO, standards documents Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 May 1987 Archives: ymir, utrecht (newer?) See also: sc21-wg1.sty Name: sc21-wg1.sty Description: A variant of sc21.sty (q.v.) Name: sched.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for drawing a schedule. Based on schedule.sty (q.v.), but uses PiCTeX instead of PostScript for shading boxes. Keywords: LaTeX, PiCTeX Author: Jim Hefferon <hefferon@smcvax.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 12 Aug 1992 Archives: shsu Name: schedule.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for drawing a schedule. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Frank Pfenning <fp@cs.cmu.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir, utrecht, shsu Name: schulzrinne.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which redefines \cleardoublepage to provide a completely blank page between chapters of a book. Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: screen.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing a document suitable for previewing with SCREENVIEW. Keywords: LaTeX, SCREENVIEW Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: script.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for using Ralph Smith's rsfs script fonts. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, mathfonts, script, Lagrangian symbol, Hamiltonian Author: J"org Knappen <knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1.0a 11 Sep 1992 Archives: stuttgart* (look under latex-style-supported/nfss-addons) Name: seceqn.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for article.sty to cause equations to be numbered within sections. Keywords: LaTeX, sectioning, equation Author: Jerry Leichter <leichter@cs.rutgers.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 13 Apr 89 Archives: shsu Name: secret.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for typesetting classified reports by preceding all paragraphs with "(U)", "(C)" or "(S)". Keywords: LaTeX, classified Author: Denys Duchier <duchier-denys@cs.yale.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 24 Nov 89 Archives: ymir Name: seminar.sty Description: LaTeX document style for slides and notes. Keywords: LaTeX, slides Author: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.92, 8 May 1992 Archives: princeton.edu* [], shsu Name: setspace.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which provides commands and environments for doing double and one-and-a-half spacing based on the point size. Keywords: LaTeX, linespacing Author: Erica M. S. Harris and George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@SHSU.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0, 11 Aug 1992 Archives: shsu* Name: set_sp.sty Description: modification of Erica Harris's setspace.sty (q.v.) to work with the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, linespacing Author: Geoffrey Tobin <ecsgrt@luxor.latrobe.edu.au> Supported: yes, by email to author's address, for the present Latest Version: v0.1, Thu 23 Jan 1992 Archives: none as of Thu 21 May 1992 Name: sfwmac.sty Description: LaTeX support for writing UNIX-style documentation, mostly by providing a set of standard abbreviations. Keywords: LaTeX, UNIX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, utrecht Name: shading.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for putting text on a shaded background. Requires a PostScript printer and dvi-file converter. Keywords: LaTeX, PostScript, dvips Author: Art Mulder <art@cs.ualberta.ca>, <Leo@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3, 29 Sep 1992 Archives: shsu Note: Art Mulder is not the author of this file, just the most recent modifier. Based on shadebox.tex. Name: shadow.sty Description: Defines a LaTeX macro \shabox which has the same meaning as \fbox, except that a "shadow" is added to the bottom and right sides of the box. Keywords: LaTeX, framebox Author: Mauro Orlandini <orlandini@heasrc.gsfc.nasa.gov> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 10 May 1991 Archives: shsu*, ymir Name: showkeys.sty Description: LaTeX style option modifying \label, \bibitem, \cite, \ref and \pageref, to print their `key' arguments. The printing of these keys does not alter the formatting of the rest of the document. (Well not by very much!) Keywords: LaTeX, label, ref, citation, keys Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 1.01, 25 August 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. See also: showlabels.sty Name: showlabels.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which modifies the \label to show the labels inline and modifies the \ref and \pageref to print undefined labels rather than just "??". Keywords: LaTeX, citation Author: Gil Neiger <gil@cc.gatech.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir, utrecht, shsu Name: siam10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for use with siam.sty (q.v.). Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal, publisher style Author: Howard Trickey <trickey@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 5 Feb 1988 Archives: research.att.com* [] (in netlib/typesetting/siamltex.all), ymir Name: siam11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for use with siam.sty (q.v.). Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal, publisher style Author: Howard Trickey <trickey@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 5 Feb 1988 Archives: research.att.com* [] (in netlib/typesetting/siamltex.all), ymir Name: siam12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for use with siam.sty (q.v.). Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal, publisher style Author: Howard Trickey <trickey@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 5 Feb 1988 Archives: research.att.com* [] (in netlib/typesetting/siamltex.all), ymir Name: side.sty Description: Defines environments sidetable and sidefigure for including landscape ("sideways") tables and figures in LaTeX documents. Keywords: LaTeX, floats, dvips Author: F. K. Knight <knight@ll.mit.edu> and M. F. Ryba Supported: ??? Latest Version: 3 Dec 91 Archives: shsu Note: Requires rotate.tex (q.v.). Name: SLaTeX (with slatex.sty) Description: The TeX file slatex.sty allows automatic multiple-font typesetting of Scheme or Lisp code in both LaTeX and plain TeX. Relies on the non-TeX program SLaTeX, which is makefile-portable to any Scheme and Common Lisp. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, SLaTeX, Scheme, Common Lisp Author: Dorai Sitaram <dorai@titan.rice.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: Version 1.99, Dec. 1991 Archives: titan.rice.edu* (public/slatex-1.99.tar.Z) Name: slem.sty Description: LaTeX document-style to modify \em so that it uses \sl rather than \it. Keywords: LaTeX, OFSS, emphasis Author: Richard Furuta <furuta@mimsy.umd.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 22 Oct 1986 Archives: ymir Name: smaller.sty Description: LaTeX document-style to provide relative sizing macros for the Old Font Selection Scheme, i.e., \smaller will reduce the current font size by one step and \larger will increase it. Keywords: LaTeX, font, OFSS Author: Bernie Cosell <cosell@wilma.bbn.com> and Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1 May 1990 Archives: ymir*, shsu Name: smalltalk.sty Description: Useful for typesetting small fragments of the Smalltalk programming language Keywords: LaTeX, Smalltalk programming language Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: May 1992 Supported: yes Archives: Aston* Name: sober.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to reduce the amount of space after section headers and in list environments and reduce the size of section headers. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Nico Poppelier <n.poppelier@elsevier.nl> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: spacecites.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to insert spaces between entries in a multiple citation key, i.e., [Furu86, Furu87] instead of [Furu86,Furu87]. Keywords: LaTeX, citation Author: Richard Furuta <furuta@mimsy.umd.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 22 Oct 1986 Archives: ymir, utrecht Name: spacing.sty Description: Single- and double-spacing macros for LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, doublespace Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: Probably obsolete. Use doublespace.sty instead. Name: sprite.sty Description: LaTeX macros for creating low-resolution bitmap characters in TeX. Keywords: LaTeX, graphics Author: Martin Costabel Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Oct 1987 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: sshdbk10.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which modifies the ten-point book style (bk10.sty) to use sans serif headings. Keywords: LaTeX, book, font Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: shsu, shsu Name: stbrief.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option based on letter.sty. Configuration is done interactively during the TeX run. Just answer the questions and a personnal configuration file is edited or changed. Keywords: LaTeX, letter, interactive configuration Author: Steffen Steinh\"auser <steffen_steinhaeuser@mz.maus.de>, <steinhaeuser@ddagsi5.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.4, 21 Mar 1991 Archives: stuttgart* Note: defuser.sty is the file which is automatically included. It does the interactive configuration. stbrief.tex is an example for a letter. Just TeX it and jou'll see! An version with english texts will follow soon. Any help is available via email (see above for address). More german information in an article in c't 7/92. Name: stmaryrd.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for using the St Mary's Road symbol font (stmary) created by Jeremy Gibbons and Alan Jeffrey. Keywords: LaTeX, NFSS, OFSS, mathfonts Author: Alan Jeffrey <alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 02 Jun 1992 Archives: Note: Requires module.sty and the St Mary's Road fonts METAFONT sources. Comes with documentation, stmaryrd.tex. Name: subeqn.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for numbering a series of equations as 4a, 4b, 4c, etc. Keywords: LaTeX, math, equation number, subnumbering Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 13 Feb 90 Archives: ymir*, utrecht, shsu See also: equations.sty Name: subeqnarray.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the subeqnarray, which is just like the eqnarray environment except that the lines are numbered as 1a, 1b, 1c, etc. Keywords: LaTeX, math, equation number, subnumbering Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 15 Nov 1988 Archives: ymir, utrecht, shsu Name: subfigure.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for providing support for the inclusion of small `sub' figures. It simplifies the positioning, captioning and labeling of them within a single figure environment. Keywords: LaTeX, floats Author: Steven Douglas Cochran <sdc+@cs.cmu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.5, 06 August 1992 Archives: shsu*, ymir, utrecht Name: supertab.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the supertabular environment, which is like tabular except that large tables are automatically split across pages. The table head and tail are repeated on each page. Keywords: LaTeX, tabular, tables, multi-page Author: Theo Jurriens <taj@hgrrug5.bitnet> and Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.6h, 3 Jul 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, utrecht, stuttgart, shsu See also: longtable.sty, bigtabular.sty Name: suthesis.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for the Stanford University Ph.D. thesis style. Keywords: LaTeX, thesis Author: Joseph Pallas Supported: ??? Latest Version: 13 Sep 88 Archives: ymir, utrecht, shsu Name: svma.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for Springer-Verlag multiple-author books. Keywords: LaTeX, book, Springer-Verlag, publisher style Author: Ed Sznyter, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305--2140 Supported: ??? Latest Version: 01 Nov 87 Archives: ymir, utrecht Note: Includes documentation file svma-doc.sty. Probably obsolete: use lmamult.sty (q.v.) instead. See also: svsa.sty, lmamult.sty Name: svsa.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for Springer-Verlag single-author books. Keywords: LaTeX, book, Springer-Verlag, publisher style Author: Ed Sznyter, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305--2140 Supported: ??? Latest Version: 01 Nov 87 Archives: ymir, utrecht Note: Probably obsolete: use mathsing.sty (q.v.) instead. See also: svma.sty, mathsing.sty Name: tables.sty Description: LaTeX macros for creating tables. Keywords: LaTeX, tables Author: Ray F. Cowan and Bob Taylor Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 Mar 1987 Archives: ymir Note: tables.tex??? Name: tabls.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to keep text from touching text or hlines above or below. Keywords: LaTeX, tables Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.1, 1992 Archives: ymir, utrecht, shsu* Name: tabverb.sty Description: LaTeX environment similar to the LaTeX verbatim environment, but it expands tab characters and interprets CTL-L's as \newpage's. Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim Author: Michael Fine Supported: ??? Latest Version: 29 Sep 1987 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: tabularx.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX style option defining the tabularx environment. This is like tabular*, except that the widths of certain `p' columns are modified to achieve the desired total width, rather than the width of the inter-column space. Keywords: LaTeX, tabular, tabularx Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 1.04, 02 September 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu, aston Supported: yes Note: Requires array.sty. Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: tape.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for making cassette labels. Keywords: LaTeX, cassette Author: Sunil Podar <podar@sbcs.csnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 Jun 1986 Archives: ymir, utrecht, shsu Note: Includes documentation and examples: tape-doc.tex, tape.readme and tape.example. See also: cassette.tex Name: techreport.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to the USCthesis style for converting a thesis or dissertation into a technical report. Keywords: LaTeX, technical report Author: Steven Douglas Cochran <sdc+@cs.cmu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.6, 23 Mar 1991 Archives: shsu* Note: Requires Tomas Rokicki's `rotate' style option (or equivalent) if the spine-art option is used. See also: USCthesis.sty Name: texnames.sty Description: Style file which defines macros for names of various TeX and METAFONT programs. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, LaTeX, logos Author: Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.06, 27 Jan 1992 Note: Distributed as part of the eplain.tex package. Archives: utah*, umb, utrecht, stuttgart, aston, ymir, shsu See also: tex.logos Name: tgrind.sty Description: LaTeX macros for typesetting tgrind output, based on tgrindmac.tex. Keywords: LaTeX, tgrind Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, utrecht, shsu See also: tgrindmac.tex Name: theapa.sty Description: LaTeX/AMS-LaTeX document-style option for use with the theapa BibTeX bibliography style (theapa.bst). Keywords: LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography, APA Author: Young U. Ryu <ryoung@utdallas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.5.1 May 1992 Archives: shsu, ftp.cc.utexas.edu []:pub/young/ See also: theapa.tex, theapa.bst Name: threecolumn.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for setting documents in three columns. Keywords: LaTeX, output, multi-column Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1 Oct 1989 Archives: shsu*, ymir, stuttgart, aston See also: multicol.sty Name: threepart.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for creating three-part headers and footers. Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle Author: Lance Berc <mcvax!unizh!olsen!lance@seismo.css.gov> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Jan 1987 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Name: timeline.sty Description: Macros for drawing time lines in either LaTeX or plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, timeline Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir, stuttgart, shsu Name: trademarks.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines macros for various common trademarks. Keywords: LaTeX, trademark, logos Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Name: trees.sty Description: LaTeX macros for drawing binary or ternary trees. Keywords: LaTeX, tree, graphics Author: Peter Vanroose <peter@dit.lth.se> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 18 Apr 1990 Archives: ymir, aston Note: Comes with documentation file trees.readme. Name: twoup.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to print documents two-up with the help of dvidvi. Keywords: LaTeX, dvidvi Author: Gary Levin <gary@sun.mcs.clarkson.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Name: uct10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for use with ucthesis.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, report, thesis Author: Rusty C. Wright Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 Jun 1988 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: uct11.sty, uct12.sty, ucthesis.sty Name: uct11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for use with ucthesis.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, report, thesis Author: Rusty C. Wright Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 Jun 1988 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: uct10.sty, uct12.sty, ucthesis.sty Name: uct12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for use with ucthesis.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, report, thesis Author: Rusty C. Wright Supported: ??? Latest Version: 20 Jun 1988 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: uct10.sty, uct11.sty, ucthesis.sty Name: ukdate.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to provide support for UK-style dates. Also provides macros to calculate the day of week and the phase of the moon. Keywords: LaTeX, date, calendar, pom, dow Author: Adrian F. Clark <alien@essex.ac.uk> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 26 Oct 1988 Note: Obsolete: Use dates.sty instead. Name: ulem.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which redefines \em to underline text rather than set it in italics. This underlining allows line breaks, and works with plain TeX also (using \uline{}). Keywords: LaTeX, plain TeX, underlining, emphasis Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: Yes Latest Version: 1992 Archives: shsu*, ymir, stuttgart Name: usenix.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to be used with article.sty to produce papers in the format of the Usenix conference proceedings. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings Author: Dave Steiner <steiner@topaz.rutgers.edu>, <..!rutgers!topaz.rutgers.edu!steiner> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v0.9, 1 Jun 1989 Archives: ymir, stuttgart Note: The official Usenix proceedings are typeset by converting all papers to troff, so this style can't be used to submit camera-ready copy. Name: userps.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to define various useful \pagestyles. (Only contains one so far.) Keywords: LaTeX, pagestyle Author: Latest Version: Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Note: Unsupported. Name: varfbox.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines a variant of the standard \fbox command which allows the user to specify the size of the \fboxrule on the fly. Keywords: LaTeX, box Author: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 8 Aug 1989 Archives: shsu* Name: vdm.sty Description: LaTeX macros for typesetting VDM specifications. Keywords: LaTeX, VDM specification language Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 3.0, May 1992 Archives: Aston*, SPAN, stuttgart Note: Comes with documentation: vdm.tex Name: version.sty Description: LaTeX macros for defining environments whose contents will be optionally ignored when you run LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, comment Author: Stephen Bellantoni Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1990 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Name: vita.sty Description: LaTeX document style for creating a vita similar to that suggested by the Handbook for Scholars. Keywords: LaTeX, vita, resume Author: KC Border <kcb@hss.caltech.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Sep 1990 Archives: ymir, stuttgart, shsu Name: voorbeeldom.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines an enumerate-like environment for typesetting Linguistic examples. Keywords: LaTeX, lists Author: Werenfried Spit <Spit@vm.ci.uv.es>, <Spit@ific.uv.es> Supported: yes Latest Version: 08 Jan 1990 Archives: utrecht*, ymir Name: voorwerk.sty Description: Dutch version of titlepage.sty for use with rapport1.sty and rapport3.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, titlepage, report, Dutch, NTG Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 15 Apr 1990 Archives: tex-nl*, ymir, aston, Note: Part of the Dutch national LaTeX effort. Name: vrbinput.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document-style option for use with verbatim.sty (q.v.) to allow the verbatim input of files. Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim, input Author: Bernd Raichle <raichle@azu.Informatik.Uni-Stuttgart.DE> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0b, 30 Jun 1991 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart* Note: vrbinput.sty (.doc) is part of the verbatim distribution. See also: verbatim.sty Name: warn.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to get LaTeX warnings to mention the line number. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Kresten Krab Thorup <krab@iesd.auc.dk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, stuttgart Name: workshop.sty Description: LaTeX document style to be used for formatting articles for the workshops on discrete event systems in Prague, August 1992, and on robust control in Ascona, April 1992. Keywords: LaTeX, conference, article Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: no Latest Version: 11 Feb 1992 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [] Note: Obsolete. Use birkhaus.sty instead. Name: wrapfig.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which defines the environment "wrapfigure" to manually place a figure at the side of the page and wrap text around it. Keywords: LaTeX, floats, Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1991 Archives: shsu* Name: wright.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option which extends \newcommand and \renewcommand to support commands with optional arguments. Keywords: LaTeX, newcommand, optarg Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, stuttgart Note: Includes example file wright.tex. Name: xrefwarn.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to modify the \cite command to only warn you once of each undefined citation. Keywords: LaTeX, x-ref warnings, citation Author: Nico Verwer <nico@cs.ruu.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.2, 24 Feb 1992 Archives: utrecht* Name: xspace.sty Description: LaTeX style option defining \xspace, a macro to put at the end of abbreviations. It makes a space unless the following character is a punctuation character, or {}. Keywords: LaTeX, spaces Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 1.01, 26 June 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: Documentation requires Mittelbach's doc.sty. Name: young.sty Description: LaTeX document style option which defines an environment {Young} to draw Young tableaux (group theory). Keywords: LaTeX, Young tableaux Author: J"org Knappen <knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: 7 Feb 1992 Note: Based on using young.tex by Paul E. S. Wormer <U644301@HNYKUN11> Archives: shsu* Name: zaccone.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to provide independent formatting of table and figure (and other float) captions. Keywords: LaTeX, caption, float Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Note: Virtually identical to bruggink.sty (q.v.) Name: zero.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to start numbering at zero, where appropriate. Also allows specification of initial counter values other than one or zero (useful for counters that count "within" other counters). Keywords: LaTeX, counter, "numbering within" Author: Tom Verhoeff <wstomv@win.tue.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: 19 Jun 1991 Archives: tue, shsu Note: documentation and test file included in package named zero.tar.Z %%Section 6.8: Other Name: asaetr.tex Description: LaTeX documentation for asaetr package Keywords: documentation, LaTeX, publisher style Author: Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 12 Feb 1992 Archives: shsu Note: part of asaetr package (for TRANSACTIONS OF ASAE) See also: asaetr.sty, asaetr.bst, asaesub.sty, cmcscsl10.mf Name: calprog.tex Description: See yearcal.tex Name: docstrip.tex Description: LaTeX program to convert .doc files written with doc.sty into stripped-down .sty files. Keywords: LaTeX, documentation Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.11 test, 10 Dec 1990 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: doc.sty, newdoc.sty Name: lcustom.tex Description: A miscellaneous collection of LaTeX customizations, including support for the verbatim input of a file. Keywords: LaTeX, vrbinput Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Name: pphlp.tex Description: This file is part of the PPHLP package, which allows both printed manuals and VMS help library modules to be prepared from a single file. Keywords: LaTeX, VMS, documentation Author: Norman Gray <N.O.Gray@open.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 19 July 1992 Archives: aston, shsu Name: preload.tex Description: A .tex file for making latex formats with certain style options preloaded. Speeds things up on a slow PC! Keywords: LaTeX, PC, speed, initex Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: (only one version) Archives: aston* Note: May not work with recent releases of LaTeX. Name: pslplain.tex Description: PSLaTeX is a variant of LaTeX that uses PostScript fonts where possible (including math mode). The assumed encoding of text fonts is not that of the Computer Modern fonts, but the Adobe Standard Encoding, enabling any PostScript font using this encoding to be used as a text font. The latest version incorporates the New Font Selection Scheme. Keywords: LaTeX, PostScript fonts Author: Mario Wolczko <mario@cs.man.ac.uk> Archives: Aston*, SPAN, stuttgart Supported: yes Latest Version: 3.0, Jun 1992 Note: comes with documentation (pslatex.tex) and many supporting files. Name: xcomment.sty Description: LaTeX style option for printing only selected environments. Keywords: LaTeX, comment Author: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 5 Jun 1992 Archives: princeton.edu* [], ymir, shsu Name: xxxcustom.tex Description: Miscellaneous customizations to LaTeX. Keywords: LaTeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.00, 17 Jun 1985 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Name: yearcal.tex Description: LaTeX program for printing a year calendar. Keywords: LaTeX, calendar Author: Michael Barr <barr@triples.math.mcgill.ca> Supported: yes Latsion: 25 Jun 1992 Archives: shsu See also: calendar.sty, calendar.tex Note: An earlier version of this program was called calprog.tex. %%Section 7: LAMS-TEX %% These entries need to be fleshed out more. Name: lamstex.tex Description: LamS-TeX is a macro package which provides AMS-TeX with some of the document-structuring commands of packages such as LaTeX. Support is also provided for tables, commutative diagrams, cross-references, bibliographies (including the use of BibTeX), indices, etc. Keywords: AMS-TeX, LamS-TeX, commutative diagrams, xrefs, BibTeX Author: Michael Spivak, The TeXplorators Corporation; 3701 W. Alabama, Suite 450-273. Houston, TX 77027 (U.S.A.) Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.01, 1991 Archives: ymir, stuttgart Note: LamS-TeX comes with installation instructions (inst.tex and insttbls.tex) and a brief sample file (samp.tex), which also contains a short description of the package. A user's manual ("LamS-TeX, The Synthesis") is sold separately by the TeXplorators Corporation. A Wizards's Manual, documenting the code, is also available and a Style File Designer's Manual is planned. LamS-TeX comes with two programs (dvipaste and index) and five new fonts (lams1.mf, ..., lams5.mf). LamS-TeX is almost compatible with plain TeX and AMS-TeX and compatibility modes are supplied (see acompat.tex and pcompat.tex). LamS-TeX is organized in modules, which can be swapped in and out as needed to make more efficient use of limited memory. (Those files with "(.tox)" next to their names are modules.) Name: acompat.tex Description: LamS-TeX file which allows an old AMS-TeX file to be run through LamS-TeX. Keywords: AMS-TeX, LamS-TeX Author: Michael Spivak, The TeXplorators Corporation; 3701 W. Alabama, Suite 450-273. Houston, TX 77027 (U.S.A.) Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: alignat.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which defines the alignedat, alignat, xalignat and xxalignat math environments for equation arrays. Keywords: LamS-TeX, math Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: amstexl.tex Description: LamS-TeX file which provides the basic AMS-TeX macros. Keywords: AMS-TeX, LamS-TeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: anynum.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which defines \newcounter and \usecounter. Keywords: LamS-TeX, counter Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: bib.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which provides support for a bibliography. Keywords: LamS-TeX, bibliography Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: bibtex.tex Description: LamS-TeX file which provides support for BibTeX. Keywords: LamS-TeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: book.st Description: LamS-TeX document style for producing a generic book. Keywords: LamS-TeX, book Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Note: Also book.stb, book.stf and book.stt for providing extra macros. Name: cardord.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module for printing the value of constants and counters as cardinal and ordinal numbers. Keywords: LamS-TeX, counter Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: cd.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which provides extra support for commutative diagrams? Keywords: LamS-TeX, commutative diagrams Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: dblacc.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which provides support for the \accented command for putting multiple accents on a character. Keywords: LamS-TeX, accent Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: dvipaste.tex Description: LamS-TeX macros for using the program dvipaste, which provides a way to paste in tables that may otherwise be too big to include in your document using traditional means. Keywords: LamS-TeX, table Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1989 Archives: Note: Documentation in dvipaste.doc. Sample files join.tex, boxes1.tex and boxes2.tex. Name: islands.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which provides supports for floating insertions. Keywords: LamS-TeX, float Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: lamslogo.tex Description: LamS-TeX file which defines the LamS-TeX logo, \LamSTeX. Keywords: LamS-TeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: lamstbl.tex Description: Subset of the LamS-TeX macros that are most useful for producing tables with dvipaste? Keywords: LamS-TeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: lamstex.stb Description: LamS-TeX macros used when producing an index. Keywords: LamS-TeX, index Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: lamstex.stf Description: LamS-TeX macros used when producing a table of contents. Keywords: LamS-TeX, TOC Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: lamstex.stt Description: LamS-TeX macros used when producing tables. Keywords: LamS-TeX, tables Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: letter.st Description: LamS-TeX letter document style. Keywords: LamS-TeX, letter Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Note: A sample letter, letter.tex, is provided. Name: lists.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module for providing support for itemized lists. Keywords: LamS-TeX, lists Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: literal.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which provides support for typesetting pieces of TeX code verbatim Keywords: LamS-TeX, verbatim Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: lithl.tex Description: LamS-TeX macros for doing something magic. Keywords: LamS-TeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: paper.st Description: LamS-TeX document style for producing a generic paper. Keywords: LamS-TeX, article Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Note: Also paper.stt, which has something to do with tables. Name: pcompat.tex Description: LamS-TeX which allows LamS-TeX to format a plain TeX file. Keywords: plain TeX, LamS-TeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: places.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which provides extra support for floating insertions. Keywords: LamS-TeX, float Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: ptmatrix.tex Description: LamS-TeX macros for typesetting partitioned matrices. Keywords: LamS-TeX, math, matrices Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.0, 1991 Archives: Name: varref.tex (.tox) Description: LamS-TeX module which provides support for cross references? Keywords: LamS-TeX, xrefs Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: %%Section 8: PLAIN TEX Name: 10point.tex Description: Defines a \tenpoint macro for plain TeX, similar to the one mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 10pointss.tex Description: Defines a \tenpointss macro to switch to the ten point sans-serif font. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 11point.tex Description: Defines an \elevenpoint macro for plain TeX, analogous to the \tenpoint macro mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 12point.tex Description: Defines a \twelvepoint macro for plain TeX, analogous to the \tenpoint macro mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 14point.tex Description: Defines a \fourteenpoint macro for plain TeX, analogous to the \tenpoint macro mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 17point.tex Description: Defines a \seventeenpoint macro for plain TeX, analogous to the \tenpoint macro mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 20point.tex Description: Defines a \twentypoint macro for plain TeX, analogous to the \tenpoint macro mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> and J. Leon Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 2columns.mac Description: The two column output format from Chapter 23 of the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, output, multi-column, two-column, TeXbook Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: 2side.tex Description: A two-sided format for plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, output Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: 7point.tex Description: Defines a \sevenpoint macro for plain TeX, similar to the one mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 8point.tex Description: Defines an \eightpoint macro for plain TeX, similar to the one mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 9point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: 9point.tex Description: Defines a \ninepoint macro for plain TeX, similar to the one mentioned in the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 10point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex, plain-cm.tex Name: aa.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting articles for the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, Springer-Verlag, journal, multi-column, two-column Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0, 25 Feb 1991 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file (aa.doc), three example files (aa.dem) two of them are files with the macros for the head ready to "fill in" the text (aa.big, and aa.tex), and a readme file. The package also includes a copy of laa.the, the thesaurus list for Astronomy and Astrophysics. There is also a variant, aa.mtm, of the macros for typsetting with the Monotype Times fonts. Name: address.tex Description: Generates form letters and mailing labels from an address list. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, formletter, mailing labels Author: Michael Wester <wester@spectre.unm.edu> and Jackie Damrau <damrau@bitbucket.ssc.gov> Supported: Yes Latest Version: 25 May 1992 Archives: shsu* Note: Package includes several auxiliary files, including a README file. This package is described in the paper "Form Letters with 3-Across Labels Capability," TUGboat 12(4):510-516, December 1991. This paper is also included in the address package. See also: bellmac.tex, label.tex, labels.tex, letter.mac, letter.tex, lettermac.tex, letter.sty, make-env.tex, merge.sty Name: amssym.def Description: Makes the AMS symbol fonts (msam and msbm) available to plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, amsfonts, mathfonts, AMS Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 5 Apr 1991 Archives: e-math* See also: amssym.tex, msam.sty, msbm.sty, amssymbols.sty, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.sty, amssymbl.sty Name: apalike.tex Description: Macros to make apalike.bst work with plain TeX and btxmac.tex. Keywords: plain TeX, BibTeX, bibliography, APA Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99b, 29 Feb 1992 Archives: labrea* See also: btxmac.tex, apalike.sty, apalike.bst Name: automagic.tex Description: Defines some fairly simple macros for automatically numbering section headings in plain TeX. Also has rudimentary support for a table of contents. Keywords: plain TeX, sectioning, autonumbering, TOC Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: autotoc.tex, toc.mac, toc.tex Name: autotoc.tex Description: Automatic Table of contents generation for plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, TOC Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: automagic.tex, toc.mac, toc.tex Name: badges.tex Description: plain TeX program for making name tags. Author: Piet Tutelaers <rcpt@urc.tue.nl>, <rcpt@heithe5.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: Package includes badges.ps, badges.readme and addresses.tex. Name: bellmac.tex Description: Form letter package for plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, formletter Author: Edwin V. Bell, II <bell@ukanvax.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1, 9 Oct 1986 Archives: ymir See also: address.tex, letter.mac, letter.tex, lettermac.tex, letter.sty, merge.sty Name: bibplain.tex Description: plain TeX macros for using BibTeX. Keywords: plain TeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Anthony J. Ferro <ferro@asucps.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: btxmac.tex Note: Probably obsolete. Use btxmac.tex instead. Name: blanks.tex Description: plain TeX macros for typesetting questions with blanks left for the answers. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX Author: Hal R. Varian Supported: ??? Latest Version: 19 Aug 1987 Archives: ymir Note: Includes an example file, blanks-sample.tex. Name: bnf.tex Description: plain TeX macros for formatting BNF grammars. Keywords: plain TeX, BNF Author: Erik Quanstrom Supported: ??? Latest Version: 10 Nov 1990 Archives: ymir Note: Includes an example file, bnfexample.tex. See also: ebnf.sty, bnf.sty Name: borders.tex Description: plain TeX macros for putting a black border around page. Keywords: plain TeX, output Author: James A. Brister Supported: ??? Latest Version: 28 Jan 1991 Archives: ymir Name: boxit.tex Description: plain TeX macro to put boxes around text, similar to the LaTeX \fbox command. Keywords: plain TeX, framebox Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Note: This is similar to, but inferior to, the \boxit macro presented in Exercise 21.3 of the TeXbook. See also: frame.tex Name: btable.sty Description: plain TeX macros for typesetting character tables of finite groups. Keywords: plain TeX, table Author: Bob Howlett <howlett_r@maths.su.oz.au> and Andrew Mathas <andrew@math.uic.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 6 Jul 90 Archives: ymir Name: btxmac.tex Description: Defines macros that make BibTeX work with plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Karl Berry and Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99j, 14 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea*, ymir Name: Caesar-CM Description: Macros to provide (nearly) perfect hyphenation at slight cost on TeX systems lacking good virtual font support. These macros allow one to supplement ordinary Computer Modern fonts with some extended Computer Modern prose fonts containing some or all the accented characters in the 1989 Cork norm for TeX-encoding of latin alphabets. For example, the distribution includes three basic prose fonts of the "TM" series due to Brouard-Sullivan-Taupin. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, accents, Computer Modern, Cork norm, virtual fonts, em, Macintosh Author: Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr> Supported: yes Latest Version: Sept 1992 Note: Caesar-CM is recommended for TeX systems lacking good virtual font support. Originally designed for OzTeX and Textures, it provides special comforts for these two. For Textures, there is support for all Adobe type1 fonts, covering roughly the same ISO Latin1 accented characters as the TM fonts. Archives: matups.matups.fr* [], rsovax.circe.fr* [], stuttgart Name: calendar.tex Description: Interactive plain TeX program for formatting a monthly calendar. Keywords: plain TeX, calendar Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: calendar.sty, yearcal.tex Name: capparmode.tex Description: plain TeX macros to typeset every paragraph with a drop capital. Keywords: plain TeX, dropcaps Author: David J. Braunegg Supported: no Latest Version: 1986 Archives: labrea*, ymir Name: cassette.tex Description: plain TeX macros to typeset labels for standard Phillips audio cassette boxes. Keywords: plain TeX, cassette label Author: David Strip <drstrip@isrc.sandia.gov> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1991 Archives: ymir Note: Uses, but does not require, two special fonts, dolby and cdlogo. See also: tape.sty %% Name: cell1.tex %% Name: cell2.tex %% Name: cell3.tex %% Name: cell4.tex %% Name: cellular.doc %% Name: cellular.tex Name: chbars.tex Description: Macros for producing changebars without \special's (with plain TeX). Keywords: plain TeX, changebars, output Author: Joachim Schrod <schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de> Supported: no Latest Version: 9 Oct 1989 Note: This is, in fact, a talk at EuroTeX '89 in Karlsruhe. (That's the EuroTeX where no proceedings appeared.) The talk attempted to push TeX to its limits and to show these limits. The author neither uses nors support this macro by himself; but if he receives repairs, he will incorporate them into a new version. Archives: darmstadt*, stuttgart, ymir, aston Name: cnoweb.tex Description: A plain TeX macro package for pretty-printing C code without using CWEB. Keywords: plain TeX, WEB, C Author: Jim Fox Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.2, 30 Oct 1989 Archives: ymir, shsu Note: Includes a sample file, pf.c, and a readme file, cnoweb.readme. Name: comment.sty Description: Macros for commenting out sections of documents in plain TeX or LaTeX. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, comment Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0, 19 Jun 1992 Archives: stuttgart, shsu See also: comment.tex, verbatim.sty Name: comment.tex Description: Defines macros for commenting out sections of text in plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, comment Author: J. C. Alexander Supported: ??? Latest Version: May 1986 Archives: ymir, aston See also: comment.sty, verbatim.sty Name: cpjour2.cmm Description: Obsolete Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting camera-ready copy for various two-column journals. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, journal, multi-column, two-column Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 24 Oct 1991 Archives: Note: Obsolete. Superseded by the PJour2 and PJour2g packages. Name: CPMoMu01 Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for preparing camera-ready monographs or contributions to multi-author books. Keywords: plain TeX, book, single-author, multi-author, proceedings, camera-ready Author: NTP Dept., Springer-Verlag Heidelberg <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest version: 1.0 Archives: dhdspri6* Name: cyracc.def Description: Definitions of accents and special characters required for use of the Cyrillic fonts arranged according to the AMS scheme. Keywords: generic, amsfonts, Cyrillic, AMS Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 31 May 1991 Archives: e-math*, ymir, stuttgart, aston, utrecht Name: declare.tex Description: Provides a method of locally allocating registers without interference with previously allocated registers. Keywords: plain TeX, allocation, register Author: J. E. Pittman Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1 Jun 1990 Archives: ymir Name: dmhgener.tex Description: Provides plain TeX with rudimentary support for sectioning commands, automatic numbering of chapters, equations, figures and tables, and bibliography entries and cross-referencing. Keywords: plain TeX, sectioning, autonumbering, xrefs, bibliography Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: doublecol.tex Description: Generic double column output for plain TeX, modified from Donald Knuth's routine in Appendix E of the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, output, multi-column, two-column, TeXbook Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: edmac.tex (.doc) Description: EDMAC is a set of plain TeX macros for formatting critical editions of texts in the traditional way, similar to the Oxford Classical Texts, Teubner and Arden Shakespeare. Support is provided for marginal line numbering and multiple series of footnotes and endnotes keyed to line numbers. Keywords: plain TeX, footnotes, line numbering Author: John Lavagnino <lav@binah.cc.brandeis.edu>, <lav@brandeis.bitnet> and Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@ucl.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.22 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart, utrecht Note: The documentation requires doc.sty and newdoc.sty to format, as well as egg.sty, which is distributed with the package. Name: epsf.tex Description: TeX macros to include an Encapsulated PostScript graphic. Keywords: plain TeX, dvips, epsf, PostScript Author: Tomas Rokicki <rokicki@neon.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 18 Jul 1990 Archives: labrea*, ymir Note: epsf.tex is part of the dvips distribution. See also: epsf.sty, psfig.tex, psfig.sty Name: figplace.tex Description: Macros which implement an alternate floating insertion routine for plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, output, floats Author: Joost Zalmstra <jjaz%nat.vu.nl@hearn.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 25 Oct 1988 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Name: FloatNotes.tex Description: TeX macros allowing \midinsert's to be treated by the user much like displays. In particular, it becomes possible to use a midinsert without a special label or title, in spite of occasional "floating" to a following page. The trick is to use a "floatnote". Keywords: plain TeX, \midinsert, newinserts.tex Author: Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr> Supported: yes Latest Version: alpha; Sept 1992 Note: Documentation is internal. Derives from W. Neumann's newinserts.tex correction/revision of \midinsert. Hence it is only valid with formats based on Plain TeX Archives: matups.matups.fr* [], rsovax.circe.fr* [], stuttgart Name: fnote.tex Description: Defines a plain TeX macro \fnote for automatically numbering footnotes. Also redefines \vfootnote to reset \baselineskip to restore single spacing within double-spaced text. Keywords: plain TeX, footnotes, autonumbering Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: fnpara.tex Description: Redefines plain TeX's footnote macros so that all footnotes on a page are combined into a single paragraph, a la pages 398--400 of the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, footnotes, TeXbook Author: Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@ucl.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 15 Sep 1988 Archives: ymir (but munged) See also: fnpara.sty Name: fontbl.tex Description: plain TeX program for displaying font tables. Keywords: plain TeX, fontchart Author: Roger L. Beeman and Pierre A. Mackay <mackay@cs.washington.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: See also: testfont.tex Name: fontchart.tex Description: plain TeX program for displaying magnified font tables. Shows bounding boxes and baselines of characters. Keywords: plain TeX, fontchart Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: See also: testfont.tex, fontbl.tex Name: fortran.tex Description: plain TeX macros for including verbatim program listings. Based on Dirty Trick #3 of Appendix D of the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, verbatim, TeXbook, vrbinput Author: B. H. Toby Supported: ??? Latest Version: Aug 1986 Archives: ymir See also: list.tex, llist.tex, vrbinput.sty, verbatim.sty, verbtim2.tex, misc.sty, lcustom.tex Name: frame.tex Description: Defines a macro for putting a frame around an \hbox; also defines a macro for producing an empty box of arbitrary dimensions. Keywords: plain TeX, framebox Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: boxit.sty Name: gkpmac.tex Description: plain TeX macros used to typeset "Concrete Mathematics" by Ronald Graham, Donald E. Knuth and Oren Patashnik. Keywords: plain TeX, book Author: Ronald Graham and Donald E. Knuth and Oren Patashnik Maintainer: Donald E. Knuth; Computer Science Department; Stanford University; Stanford, CA 94305 <op@cs.stanford.edu (Care of Oren Patashnik)> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: concrete.sty Name: headlinerule.tex Description: Redefines plain TeX's \makeheadline macro to include an \hrule spanning the width of the page. Keywords: plain TeX, header Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: HyAcc-CM Description: Macros allowing decent hyphenation for languages using accented characters when typesetting fonts with Computer Modern encoding. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, accents, Computer Modern Authors: Daniel Flipo <flipo@citil.citilille.fr>, Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr> Supported: yes Latest Version: May 1992 Note: Recommended for small TeX systems, and for European language typescripts circulated in the US or wherever CM fonts predominate Archives: matups.matups.fr* [], rsovax.circe.fr* [], stuttgart Name: index.tex Description: plain TeX macros for use with the MakeIndex program to make an index for a document. The macros work with MakeIndex in its default mode, so no extra MakeIndex "style" file is needed (even though that default mode is actually for LaTeX). For draft documents a switch will turn on "galley marks" for indexed words or phrases (a ruled box is drawn around the item). Includes macros for both creating the raw index file and printing the processed index. Instructions are provided for setting up more than one index. Keywords: plain TeX, index, MakeIndex Author: Eric Myers <myers@landau.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.15, 19 Jun 1992 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] See also: TeXsis Note: index.tex is also included in TeXsis (q.v.) Name: jns.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting articles for the Journal of Nonlinear Science. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, journal Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 July 1990 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, jns.doc, an example file, jns.dem, and a readme file. There is also a file, jns.amm, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. See also: jns.sty, jnsams.cmm Name: label.tex Description: plain TeX macros for creating mailing labels. Keywords: plain TeX, mailing labels Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: address.tex, labels.tex, make-env.tex Name: labeldefs.tex Description: Simple threecolumn output for a plain TeX newsletter, based on the example on page 257 of the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, output, multi-column, newsletter Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: LabelFig.tex Description: Semi-interactive macros for attaching TeX labels to imported graphics from outside sources such as Postscript. Keywords: TeX, graphics, PostScript Authors: Raymond Seroul <seroul@math.u-strasbg.fr>, Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr> Supported: yes First Version: July 1991 Latest Version: July 1992 Note: The interactivity derives from a canonical grid visible on the preview or preprint. As one can attach anything to anything, LabelFig.tex gives a simple paste-up environment. Documentation is internal. Archives: matups.matups.fr* [], rsovax.circe.fr [], stuttgart Name: labelmac3.tex Description: Plain TeX macros for creating mail labels for use with Avery 5160 laser printer labels. Keywords: plain TeX, mailing labels Author: R. Bharat Rao <bharat@herodotus.cs.uiuc.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 11 Oct 1991 Archives: shsu Name: lecmono.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting monographs in the Lecture Notes in Physics series. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, single-author, book, LNP, physics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: Nov 1990 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, lecmono.doc, two example files, lecmono1.dem and lecmono2.dem, and a readme file. There is also a file, lecmono.amm, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. Name: lecproc.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting proceedings in the Lecture Notes in Physics series. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, LNP, proceedings, physics, multi-author, book Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, lecproc.doc, two example files, lecproc.dem and lecproc.dem, and a readme file. Name: letter.mac Description: A stripped-down version of letter format from Appendix E of the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, letter Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: address.tex, bellmac.tex, letter.tex, lettermac.tex, letter.sty, merge.sty Name: letter.tex Description: Donald Knuth's letter format, an expanded version of the letter format in Appendix E of the TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, letter, TeXbook Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: labrea*, ymir See also: address.tex, bellmac.tex, brief.sty, letter.mac, lettermac.tex, letter.sty, merge.sty Name: lettermac.tex Description: Simple macros for writing letters. Keywords: plain TeX, letter Author: J. Daniel Smith Supported: ??? Latest Version: 23 May 90 Archives: ymir See also: address.tex, bellmac.tex, brief.sty, letter.mac, letter.tex, letter.sty, make-env.tex, merge.sty Name: LeXTeX.tex Description: A macro package for use with plain.tex for producing legal documents (including pleadings). Keywords: plain TeX, LeXTeX Author: Roger C-H. Horne <rhorne@cix.compulink.co.uk>, 7 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3QS, UK Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.005, Feb 1992 Archives: None as yet. Name: list.tex Description: Makes a verbatim listing of one or more files. Typical usage: tex list *.c \\end Keywords: plain TeX, verbatim, vrbinput Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: labrea*, ymir See also: fortran.tex, llist.tex, vrbinput.sty, verbtim2.tex Name: listing.mac Description: Macros for the LISTEX system by DCB. Keywords: plain TeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: llist.tex Description: Makes a two-up verbatim listing of one or more files. Typical usage: tex llist *.c \\end Keywords: plain TeX, verbatim, dvips, vrbinput Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: labrea*, ymir See also: fortran.tex, list.tex, vrbinput.sty, verbtim2.tex %% Name: longtocline.tex Name: lwebmac.tex Description: macros for the LWEB system by DCB Keywords: Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: make-env.tex Description: Print an address on an envelope according to strict USPS standards. Keywords: plain TeX, mailing labels, barcode Author: J. Daniel Smith Supported: ??? Latest Version: 12 Jan 1990 Archives: ymir Note: Includes a sample file, test.adr. Requires zip.tex and lettermac.tex. See also: address.tex, label.tex, labels.tex Name: mamath.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting camera-ready articles for manuscripta mathematica. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, journal, mathematics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: Jun 1990 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, mamath.doc, an example file, mamath.dem, and a readme file. There is also a file, mamath.amm, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. Name: manmac.tex Description: Macros used to typeset The TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, TeXbook, book Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: labrea*, shsu Name: mathmult.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting multi-author mathematics books. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, multi-author, book, mathematics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: Mar 1991 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, mathmult.doc, an example file, mathmult.dem, and a readme file. There is also a file, mathmult.amm, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. See also: amamult.cmm, lmamult.sty, mathsing.cmm, mathsing.sty Name: mathsing.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting single-author mathematics books. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, single-author, book, mathematics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, Oct 1990 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, mathsing.doc, an example file, mathsing.dem, and a readme file. There is also a file, mathsing.amm, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. See also: amamult.cmm, lmamult.sty, mathmult.cmm, mathsing.sty Name: memo.tex Description: Generate a memo banner. Keywords: plain TeX, memo Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: mftmac.tex Description: Special macros for use with MFT output. Keywords: plain TeX, METAFONT, MFT Supported: ??? Latest Version: Author: Donald E. Knuth Archives: labrea* Name: mhack.tex Description: plain TeX code for producing margin notes. Keywords: plain TeX, margin notes Author: Norman Walsh <walsh@cs.umass.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Sep 1991 Archives: shsu Name: model.tex Description: Rudimentary document style for ACM proceedings Keywords: plain TeX, ACM, proceedings Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: mrecog.tex Description: Mathmode control-sequence recognition for TeX/LaTeX. Allows math formulas to be typed as, for example, "$cos(pi log phi)\,d phi$" rather than "$\cos(\pi \log \phi)\,d \phi$". Keywords: plain TeX, math Author: Robert H. Wentworth <rhw@hoh-1.att.com> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v0.1 (beta), 26 Jun 1990 Archives: ymir Name: mssymb.tex Description: Defines names for all the math symbols in the old AMS fonts (msxm and msym). Obsolete. Use amssym.tex instead. Keywords: plain TeX, amsfonts, mathfonts, AMS Author: Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: Archives: Note: Obsolete. See also: amssym.def, amssym.tex, amssymbols.sty, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.sty, msam.sty, msbm.sty, amssymbl.sty Name: multihead.tex Description: Multiple line header for plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, header Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* Name: multip.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting multiple-author physics books in the so-called "Ergebnisse" format. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, multi-author, book, physics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: Mar 1989 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, multip.doc, and an example file, multip.dem. There is also a file, multip.amm, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. Name: multpghb.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting multiple-author physics books in the so-called "GHB" format. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, multi-author, book, physics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 12 Dec 1988 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, multip.doc, and an example file, multip.dem. There is also a file, multpghb.amm, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. Name: newinsert.tex Description: Bug fixes to plain TeX macros \midinsert and \topinsert. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, inserts, figures Author: Walter Neumann <neumann@mps.ohio-state.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 2 Apr 1990 Archives: shape.mps.ohio-state.edu:ftp/pub/osutex/OSUDEG/tools* [], ymir Name: nofill.tex Description: plain TeX macros for preserving line breaks and spaces in lines of text. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, nofill Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: null.tex Description: Empty TeX file. Useful when TeX prompts you for a file name and you don't want to provide a real file. Name: outline.sty Description: Reads structured files generated by PC-OUTLINE and formats them in plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, outline Author: Hal R. Varian Supported: ??? Latest Version: Sep 1987 Archives: ymir, shsu Name: paragraphs.tex Description: Demonstrates various combinations of \everypar, \hangafter, \hangindent, \indent, \lastbox, \noindent and \parindent. Keywords: plain TeX, paragraph Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: phoncard.tex Description: Formats a list of phone numbers into 9x9 blocks. Keywords: plain TeX, phonelist Author: Daniel R. Greening <dgreen@cs.ucla.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.03, 2 Jun 1992 Archives: ymir Note: Author will incorporate bug fixes if supplied, but will not fix bugs himself. Name: PJour2g Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for articles in Springer-Verlag Heidelberg journals with two-column layout. Variant of PJour2 (g=general). Keywords: plain TeX, article, two-column Author: NTP Dept., Springer-Verlag Heidelberg <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest version: 1.0 Archives: dhdspri6* See also: PJour2 Name: picmac.tex Description: Macros for drawing simple pictures in plain TeX. This is a subset of LaTeX's picture environment, with added support for quadratic splines. Keywords: plain TeX, graphics Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: labrea*, ymir Name: pjour1.zip Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting various 1-column journals. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, Springer-Verlag, PostScript, journal, mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file (pjour1.doc), a reference card (pjour1.ref), the macro file (pjour1.mac), a readme file, and an installation routine for MS-DOS. For each journal there are three example files (*.dem); two of them are files with the macros for the head ready to "fill in" the text (*.big, and *.tex), and a file (*.ini) with the journal specifics. To be used as TeX format file, which saves interpretation time at the average run. See also: pjour2 Name: pjour2.zip Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting various 2-column journals. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, Springer-Verlag, PostScript, journal, mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, OR, shock waves, geodesy Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file (pjour2.doc), a reference card (pjour2.ref), the macro file (pjour2.mac), a readme file and an installation routine for MS-DOS. For each journal there are three example files (*.dem); two of them are files with the macros for the head ready to "fill in" the text (*.big, and *.tex), and a file (*.ini) with the journal specifics. To be used as TeX format file, which saves interpretation time at the average run. See also: pjour1 Name: plain.tex Description: plain TeX format as described in The TeXbook. Keywords: plain TeX, fmt, TeXbook Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: v3.141 Archives: labrea*, ymir, stuttgart, utrecht, aston, shsu Name: plncs.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for producing camera-ready copy for the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, LNCS, multi-author, book Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, plncs.doc, and an example file, plncs.dem. Name: plotting.tex Description: plain TeX macros for plotting x-y graphs. Keywords: plain TeX, graphics Author: Laurence G. Yaffe <lgy@newton.phys.washington.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1987 Archives: ymir* Name: reference.tex Description: Provides rudimentary support for a list of references with labels and crossreferences. Keywords: plain TeX, xrefs, bibliography Author: B. A. Leland (XHEMIA:BAL) Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.1, 6/27/86 Archives: ymir See also: btxmac.tex Name: resume.tex Description: Resume document style for plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, resume Author: <parker@oz> (Lynne Parker <parker@rice-chex.mit.edu>??) Supported: ??? Latest Version: Jan 1986 Archives: ymir Name: resumemac.tex Description: Resume macro file for plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, resume Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* Note: Includes sample file, sample_resume.tex. %% Name: rightfig.mac Name: rotate.tex Description: Macros for rotating and flipping a TeX box. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, dvips Supported: yes Latest Version: 4 Nov 1990 Author: Tomas Rokicki <rokicki@neon.stanford.edu> Archives: labrea*, ymir Note: rotate.tex is part of the dvips distribution. See also: rotate.sty Name: scmac.tex Description: plain TeX macros for typesetting scripts. Keywords: plain TeX, scripts, drama Author: Na Choon Piaw Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.02, 1989 Archives: ymir Note: Also called scmac202.tex. Name: scorecard.tex Description: plain TeX macros for printing a baseball scorecard for one team, as well as summary statistics boxes (Pitcher's stats, Offense, Defense, and Pitching miscellanea, a Notes section, and a line score). Keywords: plain TeX, baseball Author: Matthew Wall <matt@cs.brandeis.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1, 28 Apr 1989 Archives: ymir Name: setstrut.tex Description: Automatic strut computation. Keywords: plain TeX, strut Author: Stephan v. Bechtolsheim Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1987 Archives: ymir Name: singlep.cmm Description: Official Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting single-author physics books. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, single-author, book, physics Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: May 1989 Archives: dhdspri6* Note: The package comes with a documentation file, singlep.doc, and two example files, singlep1.dem and singlep2.dem. There is also a file, singlep.am, for typsetting with the (obsolete) Almost Modern (AM) fonts. Name: split.tex Description: Defines macros which takes two pieces of text and boxes them side by side. Keywords: plain TeX, box Author: Eric Skinner <ers2f@uottawa.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: stables.tex Description: Macros for producing tables with plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, table Author: Robert Nilsson <ranhelp@venus.tamu.edu>, <ranhelp@tamvenus1.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0 Archives: ymir, utrecht See also: stables_doc.tex Note: Includes documentation, stables_doc.tex. Name: sterne.cmm Description: Obsolete Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting the "Handbuch f\"ur Sternfreunde". Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 22 Nov 1988 Archives: Note: Obsolete. Superseded by the CPMoMu01 package Name: sw.cmm Description: Obsolete Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting camera-ready copy for the journal Shock Waves. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, journal, multi-column, two-column Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: v0.9, 4 Dec 1990 Archives: Note: Obsolete. Superseded by the PJour2 package %% Name: tabledoc.tex %% Description: Documentation for tables.tex %% Keywords: plain TeX, tables, documentation %% Author: Ray F. Cowan %% Latest Version: 22 Feb 85 %% Archives: ymir %% Note: Note tables.tex on ymir? Name: tables.tex Description: plain TeX macros for typesetting tables. Keywords: plain TeX, table Author: Michael Ferguson <mike@inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1986 Archives: ymir Name: tbemacros.tex Description: Some new commands defined in the book "TeX by Example," (copyright (c) 1992, Academic Press). Keywords: plain TeX Author: Arvind Borde Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0, 10 Jul 1991 Archives: shsu, stuttgart, aston Note: There is also a file of examples, called tbesamples.tex. Name: tech-erg.cmm Description: Obsolete Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting articles for Technik using the "Ergebnisse" format. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 18 Nov 1988 Archives: Note: Obsolete. Superseded by the CPMoMu01 package. Name: tech-ghb.cmm Description: Obsolete Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting articles for Technik using the "Grosshandbuch" format. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 18 Nov 1988 Archives: Note: Obsolete. Superseded by the CPMoMu01 package. Name: tech-std.cmm Description: Obsolete Springer-Verlag plain TeX macros for typesetting articles for Technik using the "Stodola" format. Keywords: plain TeX, publisher style, camera-ready, Springer-Verlag, Author: Springer-Verlag <springer@dhdspri6.bitnet> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 18 Nov 1988 Archives: Note: Obsolete. Superseded by the CPMoMu01 package. Name: testfont.tex Description: TeX program for displaying font tables. Keywords: plain TeX, fontchart Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: See also: fontchart.tex, fontbl.tex Name: theapa.tex Description: plain TeX macros for use with the theapa BibTeX bibliography style (theapa.bst). Keywords: plain TeX, BibTeX, bibliography, APA Author: Young U. Ryu <ryoung@utdallas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0 Apr 1992 Archives: shsu, ftp.cc.utexas.edu []:pub/young/ See also: theapa.sty, theapa.bst Note: theapa.tex is not compatible with btxmac.tex. A compatible version may be available upon request. Name: toc.mac Description: plain TeX macros for typesetting a Table of Contents. Keywords: plain TeX, TOC Supported: ??? Latest Version: Author: Archives: ymir See also: autotoc.tex, toc.tex Name: toc.tex Description: plain TeX macros for automatically generating a Table of Contents. Keywords: plain TeX, autoTOC Author: Dan Zirin Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1987 Archives: ymir See also: autotoc.tex, toc.mac Name: treedef.tex Description: A macro to make aligned (horizontal) trees in TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, tree Author: David Eppstein Supported: no Latest Version: Feb 1986 Archives: ymir Note: Described in TUGboat, vol. 6 (1985), no. 1, pp. 31--35. Name: tgrindmac.tex Description: Macros for TeX "tgrind" (a TeX equivalent of UNIX 4bsd "vgrind"). Keywords: plain TeX, tgrind Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.4, 30 Mar 1985 Author: Van Jacobson <van@lbl-rtsg.arpa> Archives: See also: tgrind.sty Name: tugboat.cmn Description: Macros which are common to both the plain and LaTeX style files for TUGboat. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, TUGboat, TeX Users Group, common macros Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.10, 8 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea, stuttgart, shsu See also: tugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugboat.sty, ltugproc.sty Note: Previously named tugboat.com, but renamed to avoid conflicts with an MS-DOS naming convention. Please delete any files named tugboat.com. Name: tugbot.sab Description: Supplementary definitions for abbreviations and logos that appear in TUGboat. Keywords: plain TeX, TUGboat Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 1 Mar 1989 Archives: ymir See also: tugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugboat.sty, ltugproc.sty, tugboat.cmn Note: Obsolete; content incorporated into tugboat.cmn Name: tugboat.sty Description: plain TeX macros for preparing an article for TUGboat, the Communications of the TeX Users Group. Keywords: plain TeX, TeX Users Group, TUGboat, Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.11, 8 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea, stuttgart, shsu Note: Requires tugboat.cmn See also: ltugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugproc.sty, tugboat.cmn Name: tugbot.sty Description: TeX macros for preparing a document in TUGboat format. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, TUGboat Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 8 Jul 87 Archives: See also: tugboat.sty, ltugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugproc.sty, tugboat.cmn Note: Obsolete; superseded by tugboat.sty Name: tugbot.tex Description: Model "top-level" file for TUGboat article Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, TUGboat Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: 18 Aug 85 Archives: ymir See also: tugboat.sty, ltugboat.sty, tugproc.sty, ltugproc.sty, tugboat.cmn Note: Obsolete Name: tugproc.sty Description: plain TeX macros for the Proceedings issues of TUGboat, the Communications of the TeX Users Group. Keywords: plain TeX, TUGboat, TeX Users Group, proceedings Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.09, 8 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea, stuttgart, shsu See also: tugboat.sty, ltugboat.sty, ltugproc.sty, tugboat.cmn Note: Requires tugboat.sty and tugboat.cmn. Name: unouter.tex Description: Removes the concept of \outer from plain TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, outer Supported: yes Latest Version: Nov 1988 Author: \'Eamonn McManus <emcmanus@gr.osf.org> Archives: ymir Name: varindent.tex Description: Macros for making the indentation of each paragraph match the length of the preceding line. Keywords: plain TeX, paragraph Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: no Latest Version: no versions Archives: ymir Name: verbatim.mac Description: Support for verbatim listing of TeX source code. Lifted from tugbot.sty and ultimately derived from manmac.tex. Keywords: plain TeX, verbatim Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: verbtim2.tex Description: Produce verbatim listings of various sorts. Keywords: plain TeX, verbatim, vrbinput Author: Tim Morgan <morgan@uci-icsa> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: fortran.tex, list.tex, llist.tex, vrbinput.sty, verbatim.sty, misc.sty, lcustom.tex Name: web9pt.tex Description: ??? Keywords: Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: webmac.tex Description: standard macros for formatting WEB listings. Keywords: plain TeX, WEB, tangle, weave Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: WEBMAC4.0 Archives: labrea* Name: webmacss.tex Description: Modifies standard webmac macros to print Pascal text in sans-serif type. Keywords: plain TeX, WEB, tangle, weave Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Aug 1987 Author: Archives: ymir See also: webmac.tex Name: weirdtitle.tex Description: A weird title macro. Keywords: plain TeX, weird Supported: ??? Latest Version: Author: Archives: ymir Name: xrcs.tex Description: Tex interface to the RCS Revision Control System. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, RCS Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.25, 28 Jan 1992 [beta] Archives: aston, ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc/xppt*] %%Section 8.1: The New Font Selection Scheme for plain TeX %% Name: driver.tex %% Name: plainfsl.doc %% Name: plainfsl.tex %% Name: readme.plf %% Name: scripts.doc %% Name: xxxlfont.doc %%Section 8.2: Newsletter Macros Name: newsletr.tex Description: plain TeX macros for typesetting a newsletter. Includes support for multiple columns. Keywords: plain TeX, newsletter, multi-column Author: Hunter Goatley <goathunter@wkuvx1.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v01-014, 3 Jun 1989 Archives: shsu* Name: italic.tex Description: Defines macros for typeset text in italics and automatically insert italic corrections when necessary Keywords: LaTeX, font Author: Hunter Goatley <goathunter@wkuvx1.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 21 Aug 1991 Archives: shsu Note: Also available as a LaTeX document-style option, italic.sty. Name: quote.tex Description: TeX macros to make " expand into either `` or '' depending on context. Keywords: plain TeX, quote marks Author: Hunter Goatley <goathunter@wkuvx1.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 Aug 1991 Archives: shsu* Note: Also available as a LaTeX document-style option, quote.sty. %%Section 8.3: ScriptTeX Name: ScriptTeX Description: ScriptTeX is a plain TeX-based macro package for typesetting screenplays and scripts. Keywords: plain TeX, ScriptTeX, script, screenplay Author: Adrian McCarthy <adrian@lexcel.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.03, 24 October 1991 Archives: ymir* Note: ScriptTeX comes with a user's manual, stdoc.tex, and a demonstration file, stdemo.tex. Name: screenplay.tex Description: ScriptTeX format for producing a screenplay. Keywords: plain TeX, ScriptTeX, script, screenplay Author: Adrian McCarthy <adrian@lexcel.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.03, 24 Oct 1991 Archives: ymir* Name: stageplay.tex Description: ScriptTeX format for producing a stageplay. Keywords: plain TeX, ScriptTeX, script, stageplay Author: Adrian McCarthy <adrian@lexcel.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.03, 24 Oct 1991 Archives: ymir* %%Section 9: SLITEX %%Section 9.1: Standard Distribution Name: slitex.tex Description: SliTeX is a version of LaTeX for making black-and-white or color slides. It is part of the standard LaTeX distribution. Keywords: LaTeX, SliTeX, slides Author: Leslie Lamport Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.09, 25 Mar 1992 Archives: Note: SliTeX is documented in Appendix A of the LaTeX manual. Name: sfonts.tex Description: The Old Font Selection Scheme for SliTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, OFSS Author: Leslie Lamport Supported: yes Latest Version: 25 Nov 1991 Archives: stuttgart*, shsu Name: slides.sty Description: The standard document-style option for producing slides with SliTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, SliTeX, slides Author: Leslie Lamport Supported: ??? Latest Version: 17 Jan 1986 Archives: Name: splain.tex Description: A modified version of plain.tex for use with SliTeX. Keywords: LaTeX, SliTeX Author: Leslie Lamport Supported: ??? Latest Version: 25 Mar 92 Archives: %%Section 9.2: Other SliTeX Files Name: xxxslides.sty Description: Miscellaneous modifications of slides.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, SliTeX, slides Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.04, 28 Aug 1986 Archives: ymir, stuttgart, aston, utrecht %%Section 10: PHYSE Name: physe.tex Description: PHYS-TeX is a macro package for writing physics papers. Support is included for automatic numbering of chapters, sections, ..., appendices, pages, footnotes, equations, figures, references and tables. Also provides supports for tables of contents and lists of figures, tables and references. Keywords: PHYS-TeX, physics, autonumbering Author: P. Breitenlohner and A. Kabelschacht; Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physik and Astrophysik; Werner-Heisenberg-Institute f\"ur Physik; P.O. Box 40 12 12; Munich, Germany Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0, March 1986 Archives: ymir Note: A user's manual, physe.doc, is included. See also: physupdt.tex Name: physupdt.tex Description: Modifications and updates to PHYS-TeX version 1.0. Keywords: PHYS-TeX, physics Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 6 Apr 1988 Archives: ymir %%Section 11: PHYZZX Name: phyzzx.tex Description: PHYZZX is a macro package designed to make typing papers for Physical Review or Nuclear Physics as simple as possible. Support is given for cross-references, automatic numbering of sections and equations, footnotes, itemized lists, and numbered references, tables and figures. Keywords: PHYZZX, physics Author: Vadim Kaplunovsky and M. Weinstein; Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Stanford University; Stanford, CA 94309 Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Apr 1988 Archives: ymir Note: phyzdoc.tex is a user's manual; myphyx.tex is an example of how to modify the default PHYZZX format. The font definitions for PHYZZX are contained in the file phyzzx.fonts. phyzzx.local is an example of site-dependent macros. See also: revtex.sty %%Section 12: TEXT1 Name: text1.tex Description: TEXT1 is a macro package designed to provide many of the functions found in LaTeX (multiple columns, tables of contents, indexing, chapters, lists, boxes, margin notes, screening, etc.) while simultaneously maintaining full compatibility with plain TeX and making it easy to modify formats. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1, index Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v4.07, 2 Aug 1992 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Note: A user's manual for TEXT1 can be ordered from the following address: TEXT1 Distribution; Computing Service Center; Washington State University; Pullman, WA 99164-1220; USA. The TEXT1 macros are split across many files. Only the main files are listed in this Index. In addition to the macro files, the TEXT1 packages comes with an index processor, texix, written in WEB, with change files for CMS, VMS and the Macintosh operating system. Name: txt1v407.tex Description: The main TEXT1 macros. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1 Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v4.07, 2 Aug 1992 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Name: fixcol.tex Description: TEXT1 macros for two and three-column formats in the fixed mode. Keywords: TEXT1, plain TeX, multi-column Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 Jan 1986 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Name: flexcol.tex Description: TEXT1 macros for two and three-column formats in the flexible mode. Keywords: TEXT1, plain TeX, multi-column Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1 Jul 1989 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Name: letter.texinput Description: Sample letter format for TEXT1. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1, letter Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1 Apr 1987 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Note: Includes a model input file, letter.texmodel. Name: memo.texinput Description: Sample memo format for TEXT1. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1, memo Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 15 Aug 1986 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Note: Includes a model input file, memo.texmodel. Name: mergetxt.texinput Description: Sample merge letter format for TEXT1. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1, letter, formletter Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 20 Apr 1990 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Note: Includes demonstration files, mergelet.texmodel, mergelst.texmodel, mergetxt.texmodel. Name: paper.texinput Description: Sample student paper format for TEXT1. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1, paper Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 16 Nov 1986 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Note: Includes a model input file, paper.texmodel. Name: resume.texinput Description: Sample resume format for TEXT1. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1, resume Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 10 Jun 1988 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Note: Includes a model input file, resume.texmodel. Name: thesis.texinput Description: TEXT1 format for Washington State University graduate school theses. Keywords: plain TeX, TEXT1, thesis Author: Dean Guenther <guenther@wsuvm1.bitnet>, <guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 15 Jun 1987 Archives: cougar.csc.wsu.edu* [], ymir Note: Includes a model input file, thesis.texmodel. %%Section 13: TEXSIS Name: texsis.tex Description: \TeX sis is a collection of \TeX\ macros for typesetting physics documents such as papers and preprints, conference proceedings, books, theses, referee reports, letters, and memos. \TeX sis macros provide automatic numbering of equations, automatic numbering and formatting of references, double column formatting, macros for making tables and figures, with or without captions, including tables with horizontal and vertical rules. \TeX sis supports a wide variety of type sizes and a number of specialized document formats, and it even includes macros for making form letters for job applications or letters of recommendation. Keywords: TeXsis, physics, fmt Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.15, 3 Aug 1992 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Note: Includes a user's manual (Manual.tex), a UNIX man page (texsis.1), installation notes (INSTALL and Install.tex), a README file, a GNU emacs mode (texsis.el) and an example paper (Example.tex). For support for an index, see index.tex. Name: AIP.txs Description: American Institute of Physics style file for TeXsis. Keywords: TeXsis, physics, AIP Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.14, 9 Jul 1991 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Name: CVformat.txs Description: TeXsis style file for Curriculum Vitae. Keywords: TeXsis, resume Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.15, 7 Nov 1985 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Name: Elsevier.txs Description: TeXsis style file for North Holland publications. Keywords: TeXsis, proceedings Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.14, 9 Jul 1991 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Name: IEEE.txs Description: IEEE proceedings style file for TeXsis Keywords: TeXsis, IEEE Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.14, 9 Jul 1991 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Name: mtexsis.tex Description: The core set of TeXsis macros in a form designed to be used by casual users to print out new physics papers without having to install all of TeXsis. (Do you want to specifically mention the bulletin boards?) Keywords: TeXsis, physics Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.15, 3 Aug 1992 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Name: nuclproc.txs Description: TeXsis style file for Nuclear Physics proceedings Keywords: TeXsis, physics, proceedings Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.15, 30 Jun 1992 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Name: PhysRev.txs Description: TeXsis style file for Physical Reviews. Keywords: TeXsis, physics, journal, Physical Review Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.15, 30 Jun 1992 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] See also: revtex.sty Name: ruled.tex Description: plain TeX macros for typesetting tables with horizontal and vertical rules. Keywords: plain TeX, tables Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.15, 17 Jun 1992 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Note: Includes documentation, ruleddoc.tex. These macros are incorporated into TeXsis (q.v.), but may be used independently of that package. On the other hand, some of the documentation still requires TeXsis. Name: Tablebody.txs Description: TeXsis macros for making simple ruled tables. Obsolete: Use ruled.tex instead. Keywords: TeXsis, tables Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: v2.15, 20 Nov 1991 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Note: These macros are included for backward compatability and will eventually be phased out. Name: thesis.txs Description: TeXsis style file for theses. Includes two variants, \Yalethesis for Yale Graduate School theses and \UTthesis for University of Texas theses. Keywords: TeXsis, thesis Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.15, 19 Jun 1992 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] Name: WorldSci.txs Description: World Scientific proceedings style file for TeXsis Keywords: TeXsis, proceedings Author: Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige <texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.14, 9 Jul 1991 Archives: lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu* [] %%Section 14: YTEX Name: YTeX Description: YTeX is a TeX macro package which provides support for some of the document structuring and page layout commands of packages such as LaTeX but in a purportedly more flexible (but less well-specified) manner. Keywords: yTeX, fmt Author: Daniel C. Brotsky <bug-ytex@ai.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0, 1986 Archives: ymir Note: The main macros are split among the files ybase.mac, yfonts.mac, yuser.mac. A user's manual, yusage.tex, is provided. Name: plain-cm.tex Description: Extends the plain TeX format to include support for font sizes 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Daniel C. Brotsky <bug-ytex@ai.mit.edu> and BKPH and RAY Supported: ??? Latest Version: 17 Jul 86 Archives: ymir See also: 7point.tex, 8point.tex, 9point.tex, 10pointss.tex, 11point.tex, 12point.tex, 14point.tex, 17point.tex, 20point.tex Name: ytex.ieee Description: YTeX macros to generate IEEE style papers. Keywords: YTeX, IEEE, article Author: Michael A. Gennert <michaelg@wpi-cs.wpi.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir %%Section 15: GENERIC MACROS Name: 2up.tex/2up.sty Description: (Generic) TeX macros for printing a document two-up. Keywords: output, two-up Author: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 28 Oct 1992 Archives: princeton.edu* [], ymir, shsu, utrecht, stuttgart, aston Name: anti.tex Description: A TeX macro for typesetting a superscripted antiparticle. Keywords: TeX, generic, physics, antiparticle Author: Rich Holmes <rich@suhep.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1/88 Archives: ymir Name: apldef.tex Description: This file defines the 2-letter control sequences for using the font cmapl10 to typeset APL program code Keywords: TeX, generic, font, APL Author: Aarno Hohti <hohti@finfun.bitnet> and Okko Kanerva Supported: ??? Latest Version: Nov 1987 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart Note: cmapl10 was described in TUGboat 8(3), November 1987. Name: blackdvi.tex Description: Style files for disabling the color macros defined in colordvi.tex (q.v.) to allow easy black/white printing. Keywords: FoilTeX, dvips, color Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, colordvi.tex Note: This file is a duplicate (or should be) of the file with the same name distributed with Rokicki's dvips driver. They are included here with his permission. Parts of FoilTeX have been built with colordvi.tex and blackdvi.tex in mind so it is fully compatible with that driver for multicolor one-pass printing. New versions from Rokicki should always take precedence over those distributed with FoilTeX. Name: BoxedArt.tex Description: TeX macros for use on Macintoshes with TeXtures or OzTeX, assisted by a preprocessor called ArtDealer. Aims to speed the process of including PICT and PostScript graphics in TeX documents. Keywords: TeX, Macintosh, PostScript, EPSF Author: Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr> Supported: yes Latest Version: Sep 1992 Note: There is a documentation file, BoxedArt.doc. Archives: matups.matups.fr* [], rsovax.circe.fr [], stuttgart, shsu Name: BoxedEPS.tex Description: Highly portable macros for including EPSF files in a TeX document in a device-driver-independent way. Keywords: TeX, PostScript, EPSF, PostScript Author: Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr> Supported: yes Latest Version: Sep 1992 Note: This is subset of the larger, but less portable, system BoxedArt.tex. There is a documentation file, BoxedEPS.doc. Archives: matups.matups.fr* [], rsovax.circe.fr [], stuttgart, shsu Name: colordvi.tex Description: Style file for putting color in FoilTeX, LaTeX, or any other TeX documents. It use device independent (but driver dependent) \special keywords and syntax. Fully compatible with Rokicki's dvips driver and TeXView on the NeXT. Blackdvi.tex (q.v.) can be is used to no-op all the color macros defined in colordvi.[tex,sty] for easy black/white printing. The color names are generally derived from the Crayola crayon box of 64 colors. Keywords: FoilTeX, dvips, color Author: James (Jim) Hafner, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center <hafner@almaden.ibm.com> or <hafner@almaden.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Aug 1992 Archives: ymir, aston, stuttgart See also: FoilTeX, blackdvi.tex Note: This file is a duplicate (or should be) of the file with the same name distributed with Rokicki's dvips driver. They are included here with his permission. Parts of FoilTeX have been built with colordvi.tex and blackdvi.tex in mind so it is fully compatible with that driver for multicolor one-pass printing. New versions from Rokicki should always take precedence over those distributed with FoilTeX. Name: compare.tex Description: A TeX macro to compare two strings. Keywords: TeX, generic, string comparison Author: \'Eamonn McManus <emcmanus@gr.osf.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: cropmark.tex Description: TeX macros which redefine \shipout to place cropmarks on the page. Keywords: cropmark Author: Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 17 Mar 1992 Archives: shsu See also: pageframe.sty, quire.tex Name: dayofweek.tex Description: TeX macro for calculating the day of week and the phase of the moon. Keywords: TeX, generic, calendar, dow, pom Author: Martin Minow <minow%bolt.dec@decwrl.dec.com> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: dates.sty, dow.tex Name: daytime.sty Description: TeX macros for printing the time of day. Keywords: TeX, generic, time Author: Mauro Orlandini <orlandini@heasrc.gsfc.nasa.gov> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: shsu* See also: misc.sty %% Name: defstring.tex Name: diagrams.tex Description: TeX macros for drawing rectangular category-theory diagrams Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, category-theory Author: Paul Taylor <pt@doc.ic.ac.uk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 17 Dec 1990 Archives: Name: dow.tex Description: TeX macro to calculate the day of the week. Keywords: LaTeX, calendar, dow, date Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, aston See also: dates.sty, dayofweek.tex Name: emtrees.tex Description: TeX macros to typeset trees using \special commands implemented by emTeX. Keywords: TeX, emTeX, tree Author: Harald Boegeholz <hwb@texnix.stgt.sub.org> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 14 Jan 91 Archives: ymir Name: endnote.tex Description: TeX macros for producing endnotes. Keywords: generic, endnotes Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, aston Name: epigram.tex Description: TeX macro for typesetting epigrams. Keywords: generic, epigram Author: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: ymir* Name: fakebold.tex Description: The poor man's bold macro from Appendix D of the TeXbook. Keywords: generic, TeXbook, pmb Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: hep.tex Description: TeX macros for typesetting Dirac's bracket notation and "normal ordered" products. Keywords: generic, physics Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: inscrutable.tex Description: An inscrutable TeX program dedicated to the perl hackers. Keywords: TeX, perl Author: Andrew Marc Greene <amgreene@athena.mit.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 7 Feb 91 Archives: ymir Name: ipamacs.tex Description: TeX macros for typesetting using the Washington State University International Phonetic Alphabet fonts (wsuipa). Keywords: TeX, IPA, font Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir, stuttgart Name: laps.tex Description: TeX macros for vertical "laps" similar to \llap and \rlap. Keywords: generic Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: latin1.tex Description: Interpret the full ISO Latin1 (8859-1) input character set for TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, font Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: v1.3, 8 Aug 1991 Note: Obsolete: Superseded by xlatin1.tex (q.v.) %% Name: maybeload.tex Name: multido.tex/multido.sty Description: A loop macro with fixed-point addition. Useful for pictures. Keywords: generic, loop, fixed-point, picture, graphics, programming Author: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3, 06 Nov 1992 Archives: princeton.edu* [], ymir, shsu, utrecht, stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with a documentation file, multido.doc, which may be appended to the end of multido.tex on some archives. Name: prooftree.tex Description: Build proof tree for Natural Deduction, Sequent Calculus, etc., with shortening of proof rules! (preliminary) Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Supported: ??? Latest Version: 17 Aug 1990 Author: Paul Taylor <pt@doc.ic.ac.uk> Archives: Name: psfig.tex Description: TeX macros for including Encapsulated PostScript graphics in a TeX document. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, LaTeX, epsf, PostScript, dvips, dvi2ps Author: Trevor J. Darrell <trevor@media.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.9, 17 Oct 1991 Archives: whitechapel.media.mit.edu* [], shsu, aston Note: Also available as a LaTeX style file, psfig.sty. Name: pstricks.tex Description: PostScript (color, graphics, etc.) macros for (Generic) TeX. Keywords: PostScript, color, graphics, trees, rotation Author: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.92, 2 Oct 1992 Archives: princeton.edu* [], ymir, shsu Name: quotation.tex Description: Defines a simple macro for typesetting short quotations with an attribution. Keywords: generic, quotation Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir %% Name: redefine.tex Name: selectpage.tex Description: prints out selected pages of a TeX document. Keywords: generic, output Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: 2 Jul 1987 Archives: ymir Name: shadebox.tex Description: Macros for printing text on top of shaded boxes on PostScript devices. Keywords: generic, PostScript, dvips Author: <Leo@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 16 Jan 1992 Archives: shsu Name: tex.logos Description: Definitions of the TeXMaG, LaTeX, AmSTeX, SliTeX and PicTeX logos. Keywords: generic, logos Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: texnames.sty Name: time.tex (.sty) Description: Defines a macro, \now, which produces the current time in the format hh:mm A.M./P.M. Keywords: generic, time Author: Sunando Sen <sens@nyuacf.bitnet>, <sens@acfcluster.nyu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 6 Jan 1992 Archives: shsu Name: TreeTeX.tex Description: TeX macros for drawing binary and unary-binary trees, using a modification of an algorithm of Reingold and Tilford. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, binary trees Author: Anne Brueggemann-Klein <brueggemann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de> and Derick Wood. Supported: Yes (bug fixes only) Latest Version: 2.3 Archives: fidji.informatik.uni-freiburg.de* [] Note: The package contains a readme file, a file classes.tex, which includes a small library of classes of trees, and a file l_pic.tex, which includes the subset of the LaTeX macros that are required by the TreeTeX package if used with TeX. Documentation is available from the authors in printed form, free of charge. Write to Dr. Anne Brueggemann-Klein; Institut fuer Informatik; Universitaet Freiburg; Rheinstr. 10--12; 7800 Freiburg; Germany, or send e-mail to brueggemann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de. Name: underl.tex Description: Macro for underlining text. Keywords: TeX, underlining, emphasis Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir See also: xunderl.tex Name: undertilde.tex Description: Macro for putting a tilde under a character. Keywords: generic, accent Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: weekday.sty Description: TeX macros for calculating the day of the week from a given date. Keywords: generic, calendar Author: Dimitri Vulis <dlv@dm.com> and George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 21 Feb 1991 Archives: shsu* Name: wiggly.tex Description: TeX macro for drawing variable length wiggly lines horizontally under its argument in the same way as \underbar. Keywords: generic, accent Author: John S. Garavelli Supported: ??? Latest Version: 4 Dec 1987 Archives: ymir Name: xlatin1.tex Description: Interpret the full ISO Latin1 (8859-1) input character set for TeX. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, font Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1.25 1992/01/28 Archives: ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc/xppt*] Name: xunderl.tex Description: Improved version of the macro in underl.tex. Keywords: TeX, underlining, emphasis Author: Dirk Grunwald <grunwald@cs.colorado.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: 14 Jan 1991 Archives: ymir See also: underl.tex Name: xypic.tex Description: Macros for typesetting diagrams. Keywords: plain TeX, AMS-TeX, LaTeX, XY-pic, diagrams, graphics, commutative diagrams. Author: Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.6, 24 Jun 1992 Note: Comes with extensive documentation (xypicman.doc) which requires AMS-TeX version 2.1 to format. (The manual is also distributed preformatted.) XY-pic also requires several special fonts (xyatip10.mf, xybtip10.mf, xyline10.mf, xymisc10.mf, xyqc10.mf) which are distributed with the package. Numerous other files are also included. Archives: aston, stuttgart, utrecht, shsu, ftp.diku.dk []* [/pub/TeX/misc/xypic*] Name: zip.tex Description: Macros for making a barcode for a ZIP code. Keywords: TeX, zip, barcode Author: J. Daniel Smith Supported: ??? Latest Version: 24 May 1990 Archives: ymir See also: env.sty %%Section 15.1: Midnight Macros Name: border.tex Description: Macros to typeset borders around pieces of text. Part of the Midnight macros package. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, midnight, borders, frames Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 21 Oct 1991 Note: Documentation is provided in the file border.doc. Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], utrecht, shsu, ymir, stuttgart, aston Name: dolines.tex Description: Macros to help in defining macros whose arguments are separated by newlines and by empty lines. Part of the Midnight macros package. Keywords: plain TeX, midnight, newlines, lines, line breaks Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 15 Apr 1991 Note: Documentation is provided in the file dolines.doc. Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], utrecht, shsu, ymir, stuttgart, aston Name: gloss.tex Description: Macros for vertically aligning words in consecutive sentences. Part of the Midnight macros package. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, midnight, glossing, linguistics Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 26 Nov 1990 Note: Documentation is provided in the file gloss.doc. Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], utrecht, shsu, ymir, stuttgart, aston Name: labels.tex Description: Macros to print address labels and bulk letters. Part of the Midnight macros package. Keywords: plain TeX, midnight, envelope, mailing labels Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 24 Oct 1991 Note: Documentation is provided in the file labels.doc. Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], utrecht, shsu, ymir, stuttgart, aston See also: address.tex, label.tex, make-env.tex Name: loop.tex Description: A simple looping construct (meta-macros). Part of the Midnight macros package. Keywords: plain TeX, midnight, loop Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 26 Jun 1991 Note: Documentation is provided in the file loop.doc. Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], utrecht, shsu, ymir, stuttgart, aston Name: quire.tex Description: Macros for making booklets, printing double pages, and printing outlines and crop marks. Part of the Midnight macros package. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, midnight, book, cropmark, output Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 19 Jan 1991 Note: Documentation is provided in the file quire.doc. Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], utrecht, shsu, ymir, stuttgart, aston See also: pageframe.sty, cropmark.tex Name: styledef.tex Description: Macros to selectively input parts of a file. Part of the Midnight macros package. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, midnight, modularity Author: Marcel van der Goot <marcel@cs.caltech.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 16 Apr 1991 Note: Documentation is provided in the file styledef.doc. Archives: csvax.cs.caltech.edu* [], utrecht, shsu, ymir, stuttgart, aston See also: module.sty %%Section 15.2: PicTeX Name: pictex.tex Description: PicTeX is a macro package for drawing pictures under plain TeX or LaTeX. A manual is available from the TeX Users Group. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, PicTeX, graphics Author: Michael Wichura Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1, 21 Sep 1987 Note: The PicTeX distribution includes the following files: latexpicobjs.tex, piclatex.sty, postpictex.tex, prepictex.tex. Archives: ymir Name: texpictex.tex Description: Macros to modify PicTeX to draw lines by using tpic specials. (This removes the restriction on the slopes and lengths of lines.) Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, PicTeX, graphics, tpic, dvips Author: Dirk Grunwald <grunwald@cs.colorado.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: ymir Name: tree.sty Description: Macros for drawing binary trees with PiCTeX. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, PicTeX, graphics, binary trees Author: Edward M. Reingold <reingold@cs.uiuc.edu> and Nachum Dershowitz <nachum@cs.uiuc.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 2 Apr 1992 Archives: emr.cs.uiuc.edu:/pub/tex* [] %%Section 16: HEBREW TEX Name: TeX-Xet Description: A modification of TeX with support for typesetting in languages which read from right to left. Keywords: Hebrew Author: Donald E. Knuth and Pierre A. Mackay <mackay@cs.washington.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v3.0 Archives: huji Name: heb_macros.tex Description: TeX and LaTeX macros for typesetting Hebrew with the Old Code (7 bit) Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, and DeadSea fonts. Keywords: TeX-XeT, TeX, LaTeX, Hebrew Author: Rama Porrat <rama@noa.huji.ac.il> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3 Archives: huji* Name: heb_macros_newcode.tex Description: TeX and LaTeX macros for typesetting Hebrew with the New Code (8 bit) Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, and DeadSea fonts. Keywords: TeX-XeT, TeX, LaTeX, Hebrew Author: Rama Porrat <rama@noa.huji.ac.il> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3 Archives: huji* Name: heb_macros_pccode.tex Description: TeX and LaTeX macros for typesetting Hebrew with the PC system of Hebrew Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, and DeadSea fonts. Keywords: TeX-XeT, TeX, LaTeX, Hebrew Author: Rama Porrat <rama@noa.huji.ac.il> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1 Archives: huji* Name: hebcal.sty Description: TeX and LaTeX macros for computing the Hebrew date from the Gregorian date with the Old Code (7 bit) Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, and DeadSea fonts. Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, Hebrew, calendar Author: Michail Rozman <misha@iop.tartu.ew.su> Supported: yes Latest Version: 10 Mar 1992 Archives: huji* See also: hebcal_newcode.sty Name: hebcal_newcode.sty Description: TeX and LaTeX macros for computing the Hebrew date from the Gregorian date with the New Code (8 bit) Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, and DeadSea fonts. Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, Hebrew, calendar Author: Rama Porrat <rama@noa.huji.ac.il> Supported: yes Latest Version: 10 Mar 1992 Archives: huji* See also: hebcal.sty Name: hebrew.sty Description: LaTeX style file for typesetting Hebrew with the Old Code (7 bit) Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, and DeadSea fonts. Keywords: TeX-XeT, TeX, Hebrew, OFSS Author: Rama Porrat <rama@noa.huji.ac.il> and Sergio Fogel and Yael Dubinsky and Yaniv Bargury Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.2 Archives: huji* Name: hebrew_newcode.sty Description: LaTeX style file for typesetting Hebrew with the New Code (8 bit) Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, and DeadSea fonts. Keywords: TeX-XeT, TeX, Hebrew, OFSS Author: Rama Porrat <rama@noa.huji.ac.il> and Sergio Fogel and Yael Dubinsky and Yaniv Bargury Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.2 Archives: huji* %%Section 17: HYPHENATION PATTERNS %% This section is particularly unsatisfactory. It needs much %% more work. -- dmj Name: czhyphen.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for Czech. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Czech Author: Supported: Latest Version: 8 Nov 1991 Archives: stuttgart Name: eshyph.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for Spanish. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Spanish Author: Armando Jinich, Maria Garza and Max Diaz <max@east.aurora.com> Supported: Latest Version: 1990 Archives: stuttgart, ymir Note: Originally called silaba.tex. Name: f8hyph.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for French for use with 8 bit fonts? Keywords: TeX, hyphenation Author: Supported: Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart Name: fhyph.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for French for use with 7 bit fonts? Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, French Author: Supported: Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart Name: fr8hyph.dc Description: Hyphenation patterns for French for use with the EC/DC encoding. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, French, EC/DC Author: Jacques D'esarm'enien and Michael Ferguson <mike@inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0, 10 Jul 1991 Archives: stuttgart Name: ghyphen.max Description: Hyphenation patterns for German. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, German Author: Norbert Schwarz <Norbert.Schwarz@ruba.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.dbp.de (X.400)> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 10 Nov 1988 Archives: stuttgart Note: ghyphen.max comes with a list of words that are hyphenated incorrectly by these patterns. See also: ghyphen.min Name: ghyphen.min Description: Abbreviated hyphenation patterns for German for use with PC's (presumably this is for use with TeX implementations with little room for hyphenation patterns). Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, German Author: Norbert Schwarz <Norbert.Schwarz@ruba.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.dbp.de (X.400)> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 10 Nov 1988 Archives: stuttgart Note: ghyphen.min comes with a list of words that are hyphenated incorrectly by these patterns. The list is distributed in two forms: The first (liste.min) marks all the hyphenation points of the words, including incorrect hyphenation points, correct hyphenation points not found by the patterns and correct hyphenation points found the the patterns. The second (fehler.min) is a list in a form suitable to be used as input to the \hyphenation command to provide suitable hyphenation exceptions. See also: ghyphen.max Name: ghyphen3.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for German with umlauts. This is an experimental version for testing the integration of umlauts and `es-zett', but without `c-k'. Integration of 'es-zett' does n o t mean hyphenation into s-s, but words containing 'es-zett' may be hyphenated at different positions. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation Author: Norbert Schwarz <Norbert.Schwarz@ruba.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.dbp.de (X.400)> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 13 Feb 1992 Archives: stuttgart Name: hyphen.polish Description: Hyphenation patterns for Polish. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Polish Author: Hanna Ko{\l}odziejska Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart Name: hyphen.tex (or ushyph1.tex) Description: The standard hyphenation patterns for American English. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation Author: Donald E. Knuth Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: labrea*, stuttgart See also: ushyph2.tex Name: ihyphen.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for Icelandic. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Icelandic Author: Jorgen Pind <jorgen@lexis.hi.is> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 30 Jun 1987 Archives: stuttgart Name: ithyphen.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for Italian Keywords: TeX, hyphenation Author: G. Patergnani Supported: ??? Latest Version: 4 Mar 1988 Archives: stuttgart Name: nehyph1.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for Dutch. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Dutch Author: <celex@hnympi52.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1989 Note: This seems to be a subset of nehyph2.tex. Archives: stuttgart See also: nehyph2.tex, nehyph3.tex Name: nehyph2.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for Dutch Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Dutch Author: <celex@hnympi52.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1989 Archives: stuttgart See also: nehyph1.tex, nehyph3.tex Name: nehyph3.tex Description: A very short hyphenation file for Dutch. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Dutch Author: Peter Vanroose <peter@dit.lth.se> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart See also: nehyph1.tex, nehyph2.tex Name: portug.hyphen Description: Hyphenation patterns for Portuguese. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Portuguese Author: Pedro J. de Rezende <derezende@northeastern.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 13 Feb 1987 Archives: stuttgart Name: rgrhyph.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for the modern Greek language, using the reduced Greek fonts of Yannis Harambolous. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Greek Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1, 2 Mar 1990 Archives: ymir Name: rhyphen.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for Russian. These are designed to work with the University of Washington Cyrillic fonts (wncyr) with all ligatures disabled. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Russian, amsfonts Author: Dimitri Vulis <dlv@dm.com> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Note: These hyphenation patterns are described in "Notes on Russian TeX," TUGboat 10(3):332--336, November 1989. Archives: ymir Name: shyphen1.2.sh Description: Bourne shell script to generate hyphenation patterns for Spanish for use with 7- and 8-bit fonts. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Spanish, EC/DC Author: Julio Sanchez <jsanchez@gmv.es> Supported: yes Latest Version: 25 Sep 1991 Archives: goya.uu.es* []:info/src/TeX/spanish Note: This is a Bourne shell script that generates members of my hyphenation pattern family. No standard members are provided, though it is planned. Name: tkhypha.tex Description: Mechanically-generated hyphenation patterns for Turkish. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, Turkish Author: Pierre A. Mackay <mackay@cs.washington.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1987 Note: These hyphenation patterns were described in "Turkish Hyphenations for TeX," TUGboat 9(1):12--14, April 1988. The program which generated the patterns, turk_hyf.c, is also available. Archives: stuttgart Name: ukhyphen.tex Description: Hyphenation patterns for UK English. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, UK English Author: Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@ucl.ac.uk> and Graham Toal Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 17 Apr 1992 Archives: stuttgart Name: ushyph2.tex Description: Additional hyphenation patterns for American English, to be used with hyphen.tex. Based on the Hyphenation Exception Log published in TUGboat 10(3): 337-341, November 1989. Keywords: TeX, hyphenation, English Author: G. D. C. Kuiken <wbahkui@hdetud1.tudelft.nl> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1 Mar 1990 Archives: stuttgart %%Section 18: BIBTEX STYLES Name: abbrv.bst Description: Standard BibTeX bibliography style for producing bibliographies that are sorted alphabetically by author and labeled with numbers. Author names, month names and journal names are abbreviated. The entries are sorted more or less as suggested by van Leunen in "A Handbook for Scholars." Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99b, 23 Mar 1988 Archives: labrea*, ymir, stuttgart, shsu, utrecht Note: This is one of the standard BibTeX styles described in the LaTeX manual. Name: abstract.bst Description: This is a modified version of alpha.bst (q.v.) with added support for the "abstract," "comment" and "keyword" fields. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: David Kotz Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah Name: acm.bst Description: BibTeX style for producing ACM Transactions bibliographies. A lot like abbrv.bst of the "plain" family (sorted alphabetically by author and labeled with numbers, with author names, month names and journal names abbreviated), but names come out "Last, initials", and in \sc, and some dates are parenthesized. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, ACM Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 24 Jan 1988 Archives: labrea* Name: acs.bst Description: BibTeX style for the journal Advances in Control Systems. This is a modified version of unsrt.bst (q.v.). Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, journal Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: acsarticle.sty Name: agsm.bst Description: BibTeX style based on J. Pitson's "Style Manual for authors editors and printers of Australian government publications." It supports citations of the form "Williams (1992)" and "(Williams 1992)", depending on whether the citation is used as a noun or as a parenthetical note. Bibliography entries are sorted by authors name. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Peter Williams <peterw@archsci.arch.su.oz.au> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 0.99a Archives: archsci.arch.su.oz.au* [], shsu Note: This is part of the Harvard family of bibliography styles. The family is described in "The Harvard Family of Bibliography Styles," distributed with the package in the file harvard.tex. See also: dcu.bst, kluwer.bst, nederlands.bst, harvard.sty Name: alpha.bst Description: Standard BibTeX bibliography style for producing bibliographies that are sorted alphabetically by author with entry labels like "Knu66" formed from the author's name and the year of publication. The entries are sorted more or less as suggested by van Leunen in "A Handbook for Scholars." Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99b, 23 Mar 1988 Archives: labrea*, ymir, stuttgart, shsu, utrecht Note: This is one of the standard BibTeX styles described in the LaTeX manual. Name: amsalpha.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style similar to alpha.bst except that it includes a "language" field to indicate the original language of a reference. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, AMS-LaTeX, AMS, publisher style Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 12 Jun 1991 Archives: e-math* Name: amsplain.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style similar to plain.bst except that it includes a "language" field to indicate the original language of a reference. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, AMS-LaTeX, AMS, publisher style Author: American Mathematical Society <Tech-Support@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, 1 Jul 1991 Archives: e-math* Name: annotate.bst Description: Modified version of alpha.bst (q.v.) with added support for an "annotate" field. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Supported: Latest Version: Archives: utah Name: annotation.bst Description: Modified version of plain.bst (q.v.) with added support for an "annote" field. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Supported: Latest Version: Archives: utah Name: apa.bst Description: This is a modification of apalike.sty (q.v.) which incorporates features of Sake J. Hogeveen's astron.bst (q.v.). The modifications implement a "\cite*" command, which generates references in short form. For example, "Rogers \cite*{...}" would produce "Rogers (1992)". Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Alan R. Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: v1.1, 27 Jun 1992 Archives: utah Note: Requires astron.sty (q.v.). Name: apalike.bst Description: BibTeX style for producing citations of the form "(Jones, 1986)" and without labels in the bibliography. Author (and editor) names appear as last name, comma, initials. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, APA Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99a, 24 Jan 1988 Archives: labrea* Name: asaetr.bst Description: BibTeX style Am. Soc. of Agricultural Engineers Keywords: BibTeX, LaTeX, style Author: Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 12 Feb 1992 Archives: shsu Note: part of asaetr package (for TRANSACTIONS OF ASAE) See also: asaetr.sty, asaetr.tex, asaesub.sty, cmcscsl10.mf Name: btxbst.doc Description: The master file from which the standard BibTeX bibliography styles (plain, unsrt, alpha and abbrv) are generated. Contains extensive documentation of the code. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99b, 23 Mar 1988 Archives: labrea*, ymir, stuttgart, shsu, utrecht See also: plain.bst, unsrt.bst. alpha.bst, abbrv.bst Name: cea.bst Description: BibTeX style for Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Keywords: BibTeX, LaTeX, style Author: Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v0.1, 13 Mar 1992 Archives: shsu* See also: cea.sty Note: This is a hack and not official by Elsevier Sci Pub. Name: chicago.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style that follows the `B' reference style of the 13th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Citations formats include: "(author-last-name year)"; "(author-last-name and author-last-name year)"; "(author-last-name et al. year)"; "(author-last-name)"; "author-last-name"; "author-last-name (year)"; "(author-last-name and author-last-name)"; "(author-last-name et al.)"; "(year)" or "(year,year)"; "year" or "year,year". The reference list is sorted alphabetically by author. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, Chicago Manual of Style Author: Glenn Paulley <gnpaulle@bluebox.uwaterloo.ca> Supported: yes Latest Version: v4, 28 August 1992 Archives: shsu*, utah See also: chicagoa.bst, chicago.sty Note: This style must be used with chicago.sty. Name: chicagoa.bst Description: A BibTeX bibliography style that follows the `B' reference style of the 13th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, like chicago.bst, but also supports annotated bibliographies through the BibTeX field `annotation'. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, Chicago Manual of Style Author: Glenn Paulley <gnpaulle@bluebox.uwaterloo.ca> Supported: yes Latest Version: v4, 28 August 1992 Archives: shsu*, utah Note: This style must be used with chicago.sty. Name: dcu.bst Description: BibTeX style based on the conventions used by the Design Computing Unit, Department of Architectural and Design Science, University of Sydney. It supports citations of the form "Williams (1992)" and "(Williams 1992)", depending on whether the citation is used as a noun or as a parenthetical note. Bibliography entries are sorted by authors name. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Peter Williams <peterw@archsci.arch.su.oz.au> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 0.99a Archives: archsci.arch.su.oz.au* [], shsu Note: This is part of the Harvard family of bibliography styles. The family is described in "The Harvard Family of Bibliography Styles," distributed with the package in the file harvard.tex. See also: agsm.bst, kluwer.bst, nederlands.bst, harvard.sty Name: ieee.bst Description: Modified version of unsrt.bib (q.v.) for producing articles according to the IEEE's instructions. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, IEEE Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: 6 Feb 92 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ieeetran.sty Name: ieeetr.bst Description: BibTeX style for producing IEEE Transactions bibliographies. Numeric labels, order-of-reference, IEEE abbreviations, quotes around article titles, commas separate all fields except after book titles and before "notes". Otherwise, much like the "plain" family, from which this is adapted. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, IEEE Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 Jan 1988 Archives: labrea* Name: ifac.bst Description: BibTeX style for references according to the instructions of the International Federation of Automatic Control. Keywords: LaTeX, bibliography, proceedings, camera-ready, publisher style Author: Silvano Balemi <balemi@aut.ethz.ch> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.3, 24 Jun 1992 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ifacarticle.sty Name: ijc.bst Description: Modified version of unsrt.bst (q.v.) for producing articles for the International Journal of Control. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, journal Author: Silvano Balemi balemi@aut.ethz.ch Supported: yes Latest Version: 5 Jun 1991 Archives: ifa.ethz.ch* [], stuttgart See also: ijcarticle.sty Name: kluwer.bst Description: BibTeX style based on the requirements of Kluwer Academic Publishers. It supports citations of the form "Williams (1992)" and "(Williams 1992)", depending on whether the citation is used as a noun or as a parenthetical note. Bibliography entries are sorted by authors name. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Peter Williams <peterw@archsci.arch.su.oz.au> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 0.99a Archives: archsci.arch.su.oz.au* [], shsu Note: This is part of the Harvard family of bibliography styles. The family is described in "The Harvard Family of Bibliography Styles," distributed with the package in the file harvard.tex. See also: agsm.bst, dcu.bst, nederlands.bst, harvard.sty Name: named.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style which produces citations of the form "[author, year]" or "[year]" and provides access to the year and author information in separate macros. Must be used in conjunction with named.sty. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfps@research.att.com> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1988 Archives: ymir Note: The most recent version of this file can be obtained by sending mail to macros@aaai.org with subject "macros request". See also: named.sty Name: natsci.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style which produces citations of the form "(Gildea, 1987)", as required by the Natural Sciences bibliography format. Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX 0.98 Author: Stephen Gildea <gildea@erl.mit.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 08 Jan 87 Archives: clarkson See also: natsci.sty Note: This will not work with BibTeX 0.99a or later. Name: nederlands.bst Description: BibTeX style based on the requirements of the department of dutch of the University of Nijmegen, being more or less the standard practice among (dutch) historians and linguists. It supports citations of the form "Jansen (1992)" and "(Jansen 1992)" depending on whether the citation is used as a noun or as a parenthetical note. Bibliography entries are sorted by authors name following Dutch (and german) rules (regarding the `von' part of the name). Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Werenfried Spit <Spit@vm.ci.uv.es>, <Spit@ific.uv.es> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.2, 22 Apr 1992 Archives: archsci.arch.su.oz.au* [], shsu Note: remarks regarding the layout are welcome. The main aim of the style is to treat names regarding to dutch (and german) rules. Variations of style could be provided. This is part of the Harvard family of bibliography styles, which is described in "The Harvard Family of Bibliography Styles," distributed with the package in the file harvard.tex. See also: agsm.bst, dcu.bst, kluwer.bst, harvard.sty %% Name: paren.bst (mentioned in cup.sty) Name: plain.bst Description: Standard BibTeX bibliography style for producing bibliographies that are sorted alphabetically by author and labeled with numbers. The entries are sorted more or less as suggested by van Leunen in "A Handbook for Scholars." Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99b, 23 Mar 1988 Archives: labrea*, ymir, stuttgart, shsu, utrecht Note: This is one of the standard BibTeX styles described in the LaTeX manual. Name: siam.bst Description: BibTeX style for producing SIAM bibliographies. Numeric labels, alphabetic order, Mathematical Reviews abbreviations, names in \sc, titles in italics, book titles mixed upper-lower and article titles lowercase, commas separate all fields except before "notes". An author's name that is identical to the author's name of the preceding entry is replaced by a rule. Otherwise, much like the "plain" family, from which this is adapted. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, SIAM Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 29 Jan 1988 Archives: labrea* Name: theapa.bst Description: BibTeX style file for producing citations with a very flexible format. In particular, it can be used for citations of the form "(Jones, 1986)" or "Jones (1986)". It supports most features of the APA style. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, APA Author: Young U. Ryu <ryoung@utdallas.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.5.1, May 1992 Archives: shsu, ftp.cc.utexas.edu []:pub/young/ Note: Requires theapa.tex (for plain TeX) or theapa.sty (for LaTeX/AMS-LaTeX). Name: unsrt.bst Description: Standard BibTeX bibliography style for producing bibliographies that are labeled with numbers and with entries that appear in the order of their first citation. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@cs.stanford.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.99b, 23 Mar 1988 Archives: labrea*, ymir, stuttgart, shsu, utrecht Note: This is one of the standard BibTeX styles described in the LaTeX manual. Name: xppt.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style for use with the AMS-TeX amsppt document style. xppt.bst emulates the standard bibliography styles using the amsppt reference commands. Keywords: BibTeX, AMS-TeX, bibliography, amsppt Author: Hans Dybkjaer <dybkjaer@ruc.dk> and Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk> Supported: no [obsolete] Latest Version: v1.22, 17 Jan 1991 Archives: Note: Obsolote: Superseded by xppt.tex (q.v.) %%Section 19: OTHER Name: deprocldc.tex Description: instructions for using deproc.sty to format DECUS proceedings articles. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, DECUS, authors' guide Author: Barbara N. Beeton <bnb@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: 24 Apr 86 Archives: ymir Name: guidepro.tex (proceedings guidelines) Description: plain TeX instructions for TUG Proceedings. This file is the source for the article Guidelines for Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group. Keywords: plain TeX, TUGboat, TeX Users Group, TUG proceedings, authors' guide Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.05, 8 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea, stuttgart, shsu Name: LinoTeX Description: Selective typesetting mechanism for OzTeX and Textures on Macintosh micros. Useful when random pieces of a long TeX typescript require repeated testing, for example troublesome formulas, and graphics being integrated or labelled. Keywords: TeX, Macintosh, selection, region, interactivity, Author: Laurent Siebenmann<lcs@matups.matups.fr> Supported: yes First Version: 1991 Latest Version: June 1992 Note: Uses both Macintosh system macros and TeX macros. A similar mechanism has been available in some or all emacs TeX modes. Archives: matups.matups.fr* [], stuttgart Name: tubguide.tex (tugboat author guidelines) Description: TUGboat Authors' Guide. This file is an updated version of the file that produced the original Authors' Guide in TUGboat 10, no. 3, November 1989. Keywords: plain TeX, TUGboat, TeX Users Group, authors' guide Author: TeX Users Group <TUGboat@math.ams.org> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.02, 9 Mar 1992 Archives: labrea, stuttgart, shsu Name: elm.tex (essential latex mathematics) Description: An addition to essential latex, describing mathematics. Keywords: LaTeX, math, essential, primer Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Supported: no Latest Version: (only one version) Archives: aston* Note: Does not describe mathematics under the NFSS. Uses the obsolete ms[xy]m fonts. If I ever rewrite this for the NFSS, I will support it again. Requires amssymbols.sty. See also: essential.tex, symbols.tex Name: symbols.tex Description: A listing of all the standard LaTeX math symbols and the AMS symbols. Keywords: LaTeX, symbols, AMSFonts Author: David Carlisle <carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk> Latest Version: 2.00, 12 June 1992 Archives: shsu*, aston Supported: yes Note: If used with the NFSS, requires AMSFONTS2.1, and amssymb.sty. If used without the NFSS, does not show the AMS Fonts. *************************************************************************** LIST OF TEX ARCHIVES Much of the following information was quoted with permission from the May 1992 version of the `Supplement to the Frequently Asked Questions,' currently maintained by Guoying Chen <chenguo@spunky.cs.nyu.edu>. Wherever possible, I have had the information verified by the maintainers of the archives. Unless otherwise indicated, all of these archives are accessible via anonymous ftp. As a general rule, you can obtain information about the mail servers by sending a message containing only the word "help" to the address listed. Exceptions are noted below. In the "Archives" fields above, I refer to the archives by abbreviated names. In most cases, the mapping between abbreviation and archive is obvious. Whenever it is not, I have included the abbreviation in parentheses after the full archive name. On most archives, the TeX-related files are located in an obvious place, namely in a subdirectory "TeX" of the directory that ftp deposits you in. However, in a few cases the macros are located in a less obvious place and in such cases I've tried to provide some guidance for the user. dhdspri6.bitnet (Mail server only) Springer-Verlag Mail server: svserv@dhdspri6.bitnet Main archive for all official Springer-Verlag macros and other information. All packages are in ZIP archives and will be mailed UUencoded. e-math.ams.com [] The American Mathematical Society Contact: tech-support@math.ams.org System type: UNIX Home of AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX and the AMSFonts packages. Since e-math is not a general-purpose TeX archive, it doesn't allow submissions. TeX-related files are found in the directory ams. ftp.cs.ruu.nl [] (utrecht) Abbreviation: utrecht Department of Computer Science, Utrecht University, the Netherlands Time Zone: +0100 GMT Contact: Piet van Oostrum <piet@cs.ruu.nl> Suggested hours: Weekends and evenings (2000 to 0900 UTC) System type: UNIX Mail server: mail-server@cs.ruu.nl or uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!mail-server To receive the help file, send the following message: begin path your_complete_email_address send HELP end TeX-related files are found in the directory pub/TEX. Note: This archive was formerly called archive.cs.ruu.nl. ftp.cs.umb.edu [] Computer Science Department; University of Massachusetts at Boston System type: UNIX Latest versions of Karl Berry's modes.mf, Eplain macros, and font naming scheme, Lucida-for-TeX (without the actual fonts, of course) and web2c, the base of UNIX TeX, as well as the Sauter parameterizations of the CM, lasy, Cyrillic, etc., fonts. TeX-related files are found in the directory pub/tex. ftp.math.utah.edu [] Timezone: -0700 (Mountain Standard Time) Center for Scientific Computing, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA Contact: Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu> Mail server: tuglib@math.utah.edu System type: UNIX (SunOS 4.1.1) TeX User Group archives, awk, benchmarks (floating-point, integer, window system), elefunt (elementary function test package), IBM PC, IBM RS/6000, Macintosh, Stardent, VAX VMS (only a few utilities). The pub directory contains ls-lr file showing entire archive contents, plus 00*.cmd and 00*.lst files giving recent changes in directory listing and ftp command form. Each directory contains an index file summarizing its contents. pub/misc directory contains sources for several archive utilities. Indexed by archie servers. TeX-related files are found in pub/tex. BibTeX styles are found in pub/tex/bibtex. ftp.th-darmstadt.de [] Technical University Darmstadt, Computing Center System type: UNIX (AIX) Time Zone: CET/CDT, ie, +0100 GMT, +0200GMT during summer Contact: concerning TeX: Joachim Schrod <schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de> general stuff: ftpadmin@ftp.th-darmstadt.de About 100MB of TeX material, uses mirror software extensively. TeX-related fles are found in pub/tex. LaTeX styles are placed in pub/tex/latex, plain macros in pub/tex/plain. ftp.win.tue.nl [] Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands System Type: UNIX Time Zone: MET ( = GMT+1 = +0100 GMT ) Mail server: No (not yet, at least) Contact: <ftp@win.tue.nl> TeX-related files are found in pub/tex. ftp.uni-stuttgart.de [] Computing Centre of the University of Stuttgart (RUS), Germany Time Zone: +0100 GMT, +0200GMT during summer Contact: Barbara Burr <infoadm@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de> Rainer Sch\"opf <texinfo1@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de> Mail server: mail-server@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de System type: UNIX More than 400MB of TeX files. Works together with TeX.ac.uk. This archive is the primary source for emTeX, publicTeX, publicMF and all styles by Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf (multicol, verbatim, theorem, NFSS, ftnright, array). TeX-related files are found in soft/tex. goya.uu.es [] Spain Mail server: info@goya.uu.es This is not a general TeX archive, but it is the home to a few files for typesetting in Spanish. Those files can be found in info/src/text/TeX/babel and info/src/text/TeX/spanish. hearn.bitnet (Mail server only) Abbreviation: tex-nl Mail server: listserv@hearn.bitnet Contact: Johannes L. Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Home of the TEX-NL archives and the Babel system. Contains material of particular use to Dutch-speaking users, as well as material of more general interest. People who are on the bitnet/earn RSCS network can retrieve files by interactive commands, like SEND LISTSERV@HEARN GET TEX-NL FILELIST june.cs.washington.edu [] The University of Washington Contact: elisabet@max.acs.washington.edu System type: UNIX TeX-related files are in the directory tex. labrea.stanford.edu [] Stanford University, California, USA Time zone: -0700 GMT Suggested hours: Weekends and evenings. System type: UNIX Mirrored by: yallara.cs.rmit.oz.au [] Home of the archives of the Stanford TeX Project, e.g. tex.web. TeX-related files are in the directory tex. midway.uchicago.edu [] Time Zone: -0500 GMT Contact: Walter Carlip <oztex@midway.uchicago.edu> Home of various Macintosh TeX goodies (in macintosh/tex). Requests for any TeX-related things for the Mac can be sent to oztex@midway.uchicago.edu and Walter will see if he can find it. (How's *that* for dedication!) OzTeX and related files are found in pub/OzTeX. ftp.shsu.edu [] Sam Houston State University Contact: George D. Greenwade <bed_gdg@shsu.edu> Mail server: fileserv@shsu.edu System type: VMS Contains the usual TeX goodies. SHSU has a flat file system, so files are fairly easy to find. Miscellaneous individual LaTeX style files can be found in the directory STY; other packages can be found in top-level directories with obvious names (such as AMSLATEX, ASAETR, ARRAY, etc.) If you would like to deposit a file in Sam Houston State University's TeX-related archives, please ftp to pip.SHSU.edu ( and login as anonymous. Then: 1) cd TeX-archive (the incoming archive directory) 2) mkdir Your_own_directory_name (if necessary; whatever directory name you choose should be appropriate for the file[s] you are depositing) 3) cd Your_own_directory_name (if appropriate) 4) [m]put Your_files Please follow this by sending a mail message to: <FILESERV-Mgr@SHSU.edu> with a Subject: line of ARCHIVE SUBMISSION. Please briefly state what the files are and where you have placed them. Efforts will be made to move them as quickly as possible to Sam Houston State University's main ftp access host, ftp.SHSU.edu ( Due to space constraints, files in the TeX-archive directory tree are not stable and may be removed at any time. If you have any questions about this, please contact <FILESERV-Mgr>. noa.huji.ac.il [] The Computation Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Contact: Rama Porrat <rama@noa.huji.ac.il> System type: UNIX This is an archive containing Hebrew supplements to TeX, as well as the TeX-XeT program, which is TeX including reversing commands for right to left as well as left to right text. In addition to TeX-XeT, it also contains the Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa and DeadSea fonts. TeX-related files are found in the directory tex. TeX.ac.uk [] Abbrevation: Aston Aston University, Birmingham, UK Time Zone: 0000 GMT Contact: Archive-Group@TeX.ac.uk Mail server: texserver@TeX.ac.uk System type: VMS Home of the UKTeX newsletter, and a repository for all sorts of things. Aggressively tracks down packages for downloading. Claims to be the biggest TeX archive in the world. In addition to ftp and mail-server access, other services include - telnet access to browse directories - JANET access (UK only) Host: uk.ac.tex (JANET DTE 000020120091) Username: public Password: public Log in interactively to browse the directories - supply of TeX for Unix, VMS, MS-DOS and Mac on tape or disk as appropriate. Details can be found at the end of every issue of the UKTeX Digest, which is archived in [tex-archive.digests.uktex]. In an emergency, you can write to Peter Abbott Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET p.abbott@aston.ac.uk The UK TeX Archive's chief characteristics are - `exploded' filestore. This is not a set of compressed tar achives, but directories containing (where possible) ASCII individual files only (for ease of transfer in somewhat cranky UK network). Binary files are ASCII encoded. - support for VMS, Mac, DOS and Unix; we try to have up to date working copies of TeX, etc., for the major OSes. TeX-related files are found in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE]. To submit files to the Aston archive, send mail to archive-contributions@tex.ac.uk with details of what you want to add. JANET users can transfer material direct to [contributions], but should also send mail to indicate they have done so. theory.lcs.mit.edu [] Theory of Computation Group; MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Cambridge, Massachusetts Contact: William Ang <ang@theory.lcs.mit.edu> Mail server: archive-server@theory.lcs.mit.edu System Type: UNIX (SunOS 4.1.1) Home of the TeX Macro Catalogue, which can be found in pub/tex/tex-styles-and-macros.txt, along with a smattering of other TeX-related files. vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de (Mail server only) Heidelberg Mail server: listserv@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de wsmr-simtel20.army.mil [] White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, USA Time Zone: -0600 GMT Contact: w8sdz@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil (Keith Petersen) Suggested hours: Weekends and evenings Mirrored by: wuarchive.wustl.edu [] An archive of MS-DOS and other stuff. TeX-related things can be found in the directory pd1:<msdos.tex>. ymir.claremont.edu [] The Claremont Colleges, California, USA Time zone: -0700 GMT Contact: Don Hosek <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> Mail server: mailserv@ymir.claremont.edu System type: VMS The second-largest TeX archive in the world. Aggressively tracks down packages for downloading. Most TeX macros files are found in subdirectories of LOCAL:[ANONYMOUS.TEX.INPUTS], though the Babel system is in LOCAL:[ANONYMOU.TEX.BABEL] and MusicTeX is in LOCAL:[ANONYMOUS.TEX.MUSIC]. BibTeX files are in LOCAL:[ANONYMOUS.TEX.BIBTEX]. To submit a file to the ymir archive, ftp to fenris.claremont.edu ( and place the file in the directory pub/submission; then send a note to tex-group@hmcvax.claremont.edu to alert the archive staff of the new file. If you don't have access to ftp, send a note to tex-group with the sizes and number of files and they will work out how to receive it. *************************************************************************** GLOSSARY OF KEYWORDS Actually, this is more of a list of keywords right now. I've tried to clarify obscure keywords, while relying on many keywords to be self-explanatory. For example, any keyword which is the name of a language indicates that the macros provide support of some sort for typesetting in that language. Similarly, a keyword which is a name of a major TeX package means that the macros are meant for use with that package. A4 -- implements a page layout based on the standard A4 page size A5 -- implements a page layout based on the standard A5 page size accent -- macros for putting special accents on characters ACM -- macros for typesetting papers for ACM proceedings acronym -- macros for manipulating acronyms AIP -- implements a layout based on the American Institute of Physics journals algorithm -- useful for typesetting algorithms allocation -- macros which modify or extend TeX's allocation mechanism (i.e., things like \newdimen, \newskip, etc.) AMS -- macros which are either supported by the American Mathematical Society, or which provide support for the AMS fonts. AMS-LaTeX AMS-TeX amsfonts -- macros which provide support for the AMSFonts package, which includes the msam and msbm symbol fonts. amsppt -- modifications or extensions to the AMS-TeX amsppt preprint document style. antiparticle -- macros for typesetting anti-particles in particle physics. APA -- macros for producing citations of the form "(Jones, 1986)" and without labels in the bibliography. [what does APA stand for, anyway? -- dmj] APL -- useful for typesetting code written in the programming language APL ArborText dvips -- requires ArborText's implementation of dvips array -- modifies or extends the LaTeX "array" environment article -- implements a document style useful for typesetting documents such as journal articles. When applied to a LaTeX document-style option, it means that the option is primarily meant to be used with article.sty Austrian authors' guide -- guidelines or documentation for authors autonumbering -- support for the automatic numbering of such document structures as sections, theorems, lists, etc. autoTOC -- support for the automatic compilation of a Table of Contents. Babel -- Part of Johannes Braams' Babel system for foreign language support in LaTeX and plain TeX. barcode -- typesets the zipcode barcodes used by the US Postal Service. baseball Bezier -- implements Bezier curves (cubic or quadratic splines) bibliography -- macros for producing a bibliography BibTeX -- macros for use with Oren Patashnik's BibTeX bibliograpy database program BibTeX 0.98 -- requires an obsolete version of BibTeX binary trees blackboard bold BNF -- macros for typesetting Backhaus-Naur formalisms bold symbol -- macros for accessing bold versions of math symbols book -- implements a document style, or otherwise provides support, for typesetting book-like documents. When applied to a LaTeX document-style option, it means that the option is primarily meant to be used with book.sty bookform borders -- macros for putting frames around boxes box -- macros for manipulating boxes C -- for typesetting code written in the C programming language calendar -- provides various calendar functions for TeX camera-ready caption card cassette cassette label Catalan category-theory changebars chemistry chess citation -- macros which modify or extend LaTeX's \cite command, or which provide an analogous function classified -- macros for typesetting documents with "classified" ratings cmcyr color -- support for color graphics or other special effects comment -- implements a comment environment for TeX Common Lisp -- support for typesetting Common Lisp code common macros -- macros common to two or more document styles commutative diagrams -- graphics support for producing commutative diagrams counter Croatian cropmark crosswords currency Cyrillic Czech Danish date decimal DECUS delimiters diagrams discretionary dissertation documentation doublespace dow -- macros for calculating the day of week draft drama dropcaps -- typesets the first letter of a paragraph enlarged Dutch dvi2ln3 dvi2ps dvidrv dvidvi dvips dvitops e-mail pathname EC/DC emphasis emTeX -- for use with emTeX, a TeX implementation for PC's endnotes English enumerate envelope epigram eplain EPSF epsf eqnarray -- modifications of LaTeX's eqnarray environment equation equation number Esperanto essential eufm examination figure figures filename Finnish float floats flushleft fmt -- indicates that the package is meant to serve as the basis for a new format (.fmt) file. font fontchart -- prints out a font table similar to those found in Appendix F of the TeX Book fonts footnote numbering footnotes formletter framebox -- macros for drawing rules around boxes, similar to LaTeX's \framebox command or the \boxit macro in Exercise 21.3 of the TeXbook frames -- macros for putting frames around boxes French generic -- macros which should work with practically any TeX macro package German german glossing -- macros for vertically aligning words in consecutive sentences graphics Greek header -- macros for modifying the page header Hebrew hline Hungarian hyphenation -- hyphenation patterns Icelandic ICPR -- document style for the International Conference on Pattern Recognition proceedings IEE IEEE -- document style for proceedings published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers indent -- modifies the indentation of paragraphs index -- for producing indexes. initex input inrstex inserts -- modifies TeX's mechanism for floating insertions integral IPA ISO journal -- style file for typesetting journal articles LamS-TeX landscape language LaTeX letter LeXTeX limits -- modifies the behavior of subscripts or superscripts of math operators line breaks line numbering lines linespacing linguistics lists LNCS -- macros for typesetting articles for Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNP -- macros for typesetting articles for Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Physics logical gates logos loop -- implements looping constructs for TeX macro mailing labels MakeIndex -- requires Pehong Chen's makeindex program manpage -- for typesetting UNIX-style manual pages manual -- for typesetting manuals margin notes math math symbol mathematics mathfonts matrices memo METAFONT metafont MFT midnight -- for use with Marcel van der Goot's Midnight macros milstd minipage MIT Press -- document style for producing books compliant (more or less) with MIT Press's requirements modularity msam -- macros for using the AMS symbol font A (part of the AMSFonts package) msbm -- macros for using the AMS symbol font B (part of the AMSFonts package) multi-column multi-page newcolumn newcommand newlines newsletter NFSS -- requires Mittelbach and Sch\"opf's New Font Selection Scheme nofill Norwegian NTG numbers Object-Z -- for typesetting Object-Z specifications OFSS -- requires the Old Font Selection Scheme (i.e., LaTeX's original font selection scheme) operatorname optarg outer -- modifies TeX`s \outer primitive outline output page control page layout page style pagenumbers pagestyle paper paragraph parbox parse trees path name PC perl phonelist PHYS-TeX Physical Review physics PHYZZX PicTeX picture plain TeX pmb -- "poor man's bold," that is, a method of producing low-quality bold symbols when there is no real bold version of a symbol, as described in Appendix D of the TeXbook Polish pom -- macros for calculating the period of the moon portrait Portuguese PostScript PostScript fonts primer proceedings -- for typesetting articles for proceedins of various conferences prooftree publisher style -- macros which are either supplied by a publisher, or else have been written to implement some publisher's requirements quotation quote marks railroad -- macros for typesetting so-called "railroad" diagrams for describing the syntax of, for example, programming languages RCS -- interface to the UNIX Revision Control System register report resume REVTeX Romanian rotate rotation Russian Scheme -- for typesetting bits of Scheme code screenplay SCREENVIEW script scripts ScriptTeX section section numbers sectioning SIAM -- macros designed for publications of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SLaTeX slides SliTeX Slovenian Smalltalk programming language solutions Spanish speed SPIE Springer-Verlag -- macros either supplied by the Springer-Verlag publishing company or else written to satisfy their requirements stageplay standards documents string comparison strut style style-option subnumbering sum summation Swedish symbol symbols syntax checking table tables tabular tangle TeX TeX examples TeX tutorials TeX Users Group TeX-XeT TeXbook TeXsis TEXT1 tgrind theorem theorm thesis time timeline titlepage TOC toc tpic trademark tree trees TUG proceedings TUGboat Turkish two-column two-up UK English underlining UNIX VDM specification language verbatim virtual fonts vita vrbinput -- macros for inputting files and typesetting them verbatim weave WEB weird x-ref warnings xrefs XY-pic Young tableaux YTeX yTeX Z zip -- macros for typesetting zipcodes in barcode format *************************************************************************** APPENDIX: CONVERTING THE CATALOGUE TO A MORE STANDARD DATABASE FORMAT Steve Fisk <fisk@polar.bowdoin.edu> pointed out that many database programs would choke on the format of the Catalogue because (1) there are a different number of fields in a record (e.g. "Note:" is not always there) (2) fields can span several lines (e.g. "Description") (3) the Catalogue contains lines that are not records (e.g. the section and subsection headings) Here's a UNIX-specific solution to this problem: an awk script that reformats the Catalogue and removes all superflous lines. To convert the Catalogue to the format described above, do the following: 1) Put the following in a file called "script". ------------------------------cut here------------------------------ BEGIN { FS = ":"; \ counter = 0; \ x["Name"] = "Name: "; \ x["Description"] = "Description: "; \ x["Keywords"] = "Keywords: "; \ x["Archives"] = "Archives: "; \ x["Author"] = "Author: "; \ x["Latest Version"] = "Latest Version: "; \ x["Supported"] = "Supported: "; \ x["See also"] = "See also: "; \ x["Note"] = "Note: " } /^%/ {} /^[a-zA-Z]+/ && counter == 1 {$field = $1; x[$field] = $0} /^[ ]+/ && counter == 1 { x[$field] = x[$field] substr($0,4) } NF == 0 && counter == 1 && x["Name"] != "Name: " \ { printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", \ x["Name"], x["Description"], x["Keywords"], x["Archives"], \ x["Author"], x["Latest Version"], x["Supported"], x["See also"], \ x["Note"] ; \ x["Name"] = "Name: "; \ x["Description"] = "Description: "; \ x["Keywords"] = "Keywords: "; \ x["Archives"] = "Archives: "; \ x["Author"] = "Author: "; \ x["Latest Version"] = "Latest Version: "; \ x["Supported"] = "Supported: "; \ x["See also"] = "See also: "; \ x["Note"] = "Note: "} /^\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/ { if (counter == 1) {counter = 0} else {counter = 1} } ------------------------------cut here------------------------------ 2) Execute the command awk -f script tex-styles-and-macros.txt > newindex If all goes well, newindex should be in the required form. (Note that this uses the old awk; it should be easy to modify it to use the newer versions of awk if necessary.) *************************************************************************** COMING ATTRACTIONS %% This section contains incomplete entries. In most cases, the entry %% is incomplete only because I haven't had time to complete it. In a %% few cases, the entry is incomplete because I haven't had time to %% track down the authors for verification of the information. Name: autotab.sty Description: LaTeX documentstyle for creating tables automatically by reading data from a separate input file, which contains one entry per line. Keywords: LaTeX, tabular Author: Gabriele Kruljac <kruljac@ds0mpi11.bitnet> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0, 5 Oct 1989 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with a documentation and example file, autotab.tex. Name: bnf.sty Description: LaTeX macros for pretty-printing context-free grammars using the notation from "Elements of the Theory of Computation" by Harry R. Lewis and Christos H. Papadimitriou. Keywords: LaTeX, BNF Author: Hugh Osborne <hugh@cs.kun.nl> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.1a, 30 Jan 1992 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Packages comes with a readme file (bnf.README), a list of known bugs (bnf.bugs), and a manual (bnf.tex). See also: ebnf.sty, bnf.tex Name: chemstruct.tex Description: plain TeX macros for drawing chemistry structural formulas. Keywords: plain TeX, chemistry Author: Michael Ramek Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.0, Nov 1987 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Package comes with a manual, chemdoc.tex, which includes several example figures, each in a separate file. Name: crc.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing papers for the 1991 International Workshop on Robust Control. Keywords: LaTeX, proceedings, camera-ready Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: 16 Apr 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: This is based on birk.sty (q.v.). Name: floatfig.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to allow figures to "float" in paragraphs, i.e., to allow figures that only take up a fraction of the width of a page to be surrounded by flowing text. These macros are based on the plain TeX macros described by Thomas J. Reid in "Floating Figures at the Right," TUGboat 8(3):315, November 1987. Keywords: LaTeX, float, figures Author: Thomas Kneser, Gesellschaft f\"ur wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH G\"ottingen, FRG Supported: ??? Latest Version: v0.4, 08 May 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Packages includes a user's manual (floatfig.tex) and a sample file (example.tex). Name: abbrevfr.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: readme, README, README.initex Name: dumyhyph.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: english.sty Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: flisting.sty Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: french.bug Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: french.sty Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: french.tst Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frenchfr.doc Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frenchla.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frenchlb.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frenchlm.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frenchlr.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frenchlu.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frencht.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: hyconfig.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: hymltex2.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: hymltex3.tex Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: initex.bug Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: language.dat Description: Keywords: French Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: german3.sty Description: An experimental plain TeX/LaTeX style file for typesetting German using TeX version 3 (or later) and the DC text fonts. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, german, DC, TeX3 Author: Rainer Sch\"opf <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.de> and Bernd Raichle Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0c, 8 Apr 1992 Archives: stuttgart*, aston See also: german.sty, germanb.sty Name: letter.sty Description: LaTeX document style for typesetting letters in German. Keywords: LaTeX, german, letter Author: Dietmar Heinrich Supported: ??? Latest Version: 04 May 1988 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Includes a documentation file, letter.tex. Name: megatape.sty (.doc) Description: LaTeX document style for typesetting cassette tape labels. Modification of tape.sty (q.v.). Keywords: LaTeX, cassette Author: Martin Nickel Supported: ??? Latest Version: 16 Oct 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with a demonstration file, megademo.tex. See also: tape.sty Name: prelim.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to mark manuscripts as drafts by putting a line stating that it's a draft, along with the date and time of formatting, on every page. (Note: the default marker text is "ENTWURF", but can be changed by redefining a single macro.) Keywords: LaTeX, draft Author: Robert Tolksdorf Supported: ??? Latest Version: 31 Jul 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with a documentation file, prelim.tex, in German. See also: draft.sty, drafthead.sty Name: changebar.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for including changebars in a device-independent way. Keywords: LaTeX, changebar, output Author: David B. Johnson <dbj@titan.rice.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: chapref.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to produce separate reference sections for each chapter in a document. Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Peter J. Knaggs, School of Computing and Mathematics, Teesside Polytechnic, Middlesbrogh, Cleveland, England. Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston See also: chapterbib.sty Name: db.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option to generate listings, send out letters, etc., using a database. Keywords: LaTeX, formletter Author: George Panagopoulos <georgios@umiacs.umd.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.1, 20 Nov 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: The file db.sty contains documentation and a sample file. Name: hndout.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for producing Plymouth Polytechnic Computer Service handouts. For use with the 11pt article style. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: Jon Warbrick Supported: yes Latest Version: Jan 1988 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: laioobr.sty Description: LaTeX letter document style for ???. Has support for Dutch, British English, American English and German letters. For use with the Babel system? Keywords: LaTeX, letter Author: Werenfried Spit Supported: yes Latest Version: 6 Nov 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: lcaption.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for formatting of long captions with hanging indentation. Keywords: LaTeX, caption, float Author: Kresten Krab Thorup <Krab@iesd.auc.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 06 Jan 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston See also: hangcaption.sty Name: loval.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that defines a command for putting boxes with rounded corners around text, similar to the \fbox command. Keywords: LaTeX, box Author: Elmar Schal\"uck <elmar@uni-paderborn.de> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1, Feb 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with a documentation and demonstration file, lovaltest.tex. Name: nnfootnote.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that defines an alternate footnote command for unnumbered footnotes. Keywords: LaTeX, footnote Author: T Mark Ellison Supported: yes Latest Version: 26 Jun 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: pspic.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that redefines the standard LaTeX Picture commands to produce PostScript specials rather than using the LaTeX picture fonts. This is meant for use with Tomas Rokicki's dvips Keywords: LaTeX, picture, PostScript, dvips Author: Kresten Krab Thorup <krab@iesd.auc.dk> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.1b, 12 Apr 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: rmthm.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for customizing theorem-like environments by making it easy to change the font style in which theorems are typeset, specify an end-of-theorem marker, and suppress the numbering of some environments. Keywords: LaTeX, theorem Author: Nico Verwer <nico@cs.ruu.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: 14 June 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston See also: theorem.sty Name: sines.tex Description: TeX macros to calculate the sines of angles between -90 and 90 degrees by using the first three terms of the Taylor expansion of sin(x). Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, sine, math Author: Jim Walker Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: tabto.tex Description: TeX macro for tabbing to a position relative to the left margin in a paragraph. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX Author: Donald Arseneau <asnd@jack.triumf.ca>, <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: trigonometry.tex Description: TeX macros for calculating the sine of angles between -pi/2 and pi/2. Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, Author: Philip Taylor Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Originally published in TeXhax Digest, September 1989. Name: verbatimfiles.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for inputting entire files in verbatim mode. Also allows automatic numbering of the lines of the inputted file. Keywords: LaTeX, verbatim, verbinput Author: Chris Rowley <ca_rowley@uk.ac.open.acs.vax.> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: a4letter.sty Description: LaTeX German letter style for use with A4 paper. Keywords: LaTeX, letter, A4 Author: D. Heinrich Supported: no Latest Version: 14 Apr 1988 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: annotation.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that defines an "annotation" environment, for text that can be either printed or ignored. Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Tom Hofmann <wtho@cgch.uucp> Supported: no Latest Version: 30 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: cites.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that provides superscript reference numbers in citations and bibliographies, collapses consecutive reference numbers into a range of numbers without first sorting the numbers (e.g., 1,3,4,5,6,8,9 is printed as 1,3--6,8,9) and gives extra control over the appearance of citations and bibliography labels. This is based on Charles Karney's aip.sty (q.v.). Possibly only for use with darticle.sty? Keywords: LaTeX, bibliography, citation Author: G. Kruljac <kruljac@ds0mpi11.bitnet> Supported: no Latest Version: v1.1, 6 May 1989 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: deflist.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that defines a list environment that takes a single argument, the longest label in the list, and adjusts the leftmargin accordingly. Keywords: LaTeX, list Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: diagram.tex Description: LaTeX macros for typesetting commutative diagrams. Keywords: LaTeX, commutative diagrams Author: Francis Borceux <fborceux@buclln11.bitnet> Supported: no Latest Version: v2.2 Archives: stuttgart Note: Package comes with a user's manual, diagramdoc.tex. Name: expdlist.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that defines a variant of the description environment that allows easy customization. Keywords: LaTeX, list, description Author: Rainer Huelse and Wolfgang Kaspar <urz86@dmswwu1a.bitnet> Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0a, 20 Sep 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: This style is written with Frank Mittelbach's doc.sty (q.v.). Name: frenchponct.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that adjusts the space before the "double" punctuation marks (!, ?, ; and :) to follow French typographical rules (but only if space has already been left before them). Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, French Author: Y. Roy Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: frenchquote.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that defines facsimiles of the French double quote marks Keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, French Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: garticle.sty Description: Variant of article.sty for typesetting in German. Obsolete. See german.sty or germanb.sty instead. Keywords: LaTeX, German, article Author: Supported: no Latest Version: 8 Jun 1987 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with an 11 point style, gart11.sty. Name: joe.sty Description: LaTeX document style for the Journal of Economics. Keywords: LaTeX, article, journal Author: Supported: no Latest Version: 2 Feb 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: sfarticle.sty Description: Modification of article.sty to support a sans-serif font style and also to replace hardwired strings (like the name of the bibliography, etc.) by control sequences. Probably obsolete. See the BABEL system instead. Keywords: LaTeX, article, font Author: B. Simon and H. Partl Supported: no Latest Version: 29 Sep 88 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: sfart10.sty Description: 10 point document-style option for use with sfarticle.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: B. Simon and H. Partl Supported: no Latest Version: 29 Sep 88 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: sfart11.sty Description: 11 point document-style option for use with sfarticle.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: B. Simon and H. Partl Supported: no Latest Version: 29 Sep 88 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: sfart12.sty Description: 12 point document-style option for use with sfarticle.sty. Keywords: LaTeX, article Author: B. Simon and H. Partl Supported: no Latest Version: 29 Sep 88 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: unilogo.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option that defines a command for generating the University of Stuttgart logo at arbitrary sizes from 15mm to 75mm in diameter. Keywords: LaTeX, picture Author: Gert Willmann Supported: no Latest Version: 25 Nov 1988 Archives: stuttgart, aston COLORTEX Name: colorrgb.tex Description: Keywords: ColorTeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: guide.tex, gut91.tex, gut91gb.tex Name: euro.sty Description: Keywords: Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Name: mancolor.sty Description: Keywords: Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Name: rapport.sty Description: Keywords: Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Name: dirkslides.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: dirkslides-sample.tex Name: dinbrief.sty Description: LaTeX document style for German letters? Keywords: LaTeX, letter, german Author: Wolfgang Schwarz <blacky@ds0ita51> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 11 May 1992 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: Comes with a documentation file, dinbrief.doc. Name: ipebrief.sty Description: Letter style for the University of Stuttgart? Keywords: LaTeX, letter Author: W. Schwarz Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.2, 12 Feb 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: ipebrief_beispiel.tex, ipebrief_doc.tex, unilogo Name: ruspaper.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: B. Burr Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: rustitel.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: uni.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: usus.readme Name: us10.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: us11.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: us12.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: stickers.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Mark Overmars Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: stickerdoc.tex Name: ailetter.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: bridge.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: dblitem.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Norman J. Richert <richert@cl.uh.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: invertedparagraphs.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: logo-denk.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: regel.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: T. Birnthaler Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.0, 30 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: rnl-slides.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, SliTeX Author: Johannes Braams <J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl> Supported: yes Latest Version: v0.2, 25 Jan 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: sentences.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: shsulet.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: shsu*, stuttgart, aston Name: sqmac.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Michael Barr Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: sqsample.tex Name: sqrt.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: strukto.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: T. Birnthaler Supported: yes Latest Version: v2.0, 11 Nov 1989 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: tl-sample.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: yes Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: timing.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Ludwig May/Jens Leilich Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: read.me, timing.tex Name: tksbrief.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Torsten-Karl Strempel Supported: ??? Latest Version: 31 Dec 1990 Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: tksbrief.tex See also: privat.sty Name: privat.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Torsten-Karl Strempel Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1 Jul 1991 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: dina4.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: disstyle.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Gabriele Kruljac Supported: no Latest Version: v1.2 15 Jun 1989 Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: nl.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: rahmen.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: tabbingbox.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Note: tables-doc.tex Name: topnum.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: unfinished.tex Description: Keywords: LaTeX, Author: Supported: no Latest Version: Archives: stuttgart, aston Name: texinfo.tex Description: Keywords: Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: Name: semitic.sty Description: Keywords: Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: jTeX muTeX MusicTeX cmcscsl10.mf *Additional BibTeX styles The following BibTeX styles are all available from ftp.math.utah.edu in the directory ~ftp/pub/tex/bibtex. Name: aaai-named.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfps@research.att.com> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah Name: apalike2.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Eric Ho <eho@word> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 12 Jan 1990 Archives: utah Name: astron.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Sake J. Hogeveen <l42@nikhefh.nikhef.nl> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 1990 Archives: utah Name: authordate1-4.sty Description: LaTeX document-style option for use with the BibTeX bibliography styles authordate1, authordate2, authordate3 and authordate4. Keywords: LaTeX BibTeX, bibliography Author: David Rhead <David_Rhead@vme.nott.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Feb 1990 Archives: utah See also: authordate1.bst, authordate2.bst, authordate3.bst, authordate4.bst Name: authordate1.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: David Rhead <David_Rhead@vme.nott.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Mar 1990 Archives: utah See also: authordate1-4.sty, authordate2.bst, authordate3.bst, authordate4.bst Name: authordate2.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: David Rhead <David_Rhead@vme.nott.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Mar 1990 Archives: utah See also: authordate1-4.sty, authordate1.bst, authordate3.bst, authordate4.bst Name: authordate3.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: David Rhead <David_Rhead@vme.nott.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Mar 1990 Archives: utah See also: authordate1-4.sty, authordate1.bst, authordate2.bst, authordate4.bst Name: authordate4.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: David Rhead <David_Rhead@vme.nott.ac.uk> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Mar 1990 Archives: utah See also: authordate1-4.sty, authordate1.bst, authordate2.bst, authordate3.bst Name: bbs.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style that produces bibliographies more or less in the format of Behavioral and Brain Sciences. It was adapted from apalike.bst, incorporating features of Sake J. Hogeveen's `astron.bst'. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Alan Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: v1.1, 15 Feb 1991 Archives: utah Note: Requires astron.sty. Name: cbe.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style that produces bibliographies more or less in the Council of Biology Editors format, which is used by Evolution, American Naturalist, and lots of other journals. It was adapted from apalike.bst, incorporating features of Sake J. Hogeveen's `astron.bst'. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Alan Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: v1.1, 1990 Archives: utah Note: Requires astron.sty. Name: cell.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Thomas Schneider <toms@ncifcrf.gov> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.23, 29 Jun 1992 Archives: utah, ncifcrf.gov []:pub/delila/cell.bst Name: cell.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: ncifcrf.gov []:pub/delila/cell.sty Name: humanbio.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style that produces bibliographies more or less in the format of the journal Human Biology. It was adapted from apalike.bst, incorporating features of Sake J. Hogeveen's `astron.bst'. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Alan Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: v1.1, 1990 Archives: utah Note: Requires astron.sty. Name: humannat.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style that produces bibliographies more or less in the format of the journals Human Nature and American Anthropologist. It was adapted from apalike.bst, incorporating features of Sake J. Hogeveen's `astron.bst'. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Alan Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: v1.03, 29 Jun 1992 Archives: utah Note: Requires astron.sty. Name: is-abbrv.bst Description: Modification of the abbrv BibTeX bibliography style (abbrv.bst) that has support for ISBN and ISSN fields and for a PERIODICAL bibliography type. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.02, 12 Sep 1991 Archives: utah* See also: is-alpha.bst, is-plain.bst, is-unsrt.bst Name: is-alpha.bst Description: Modification of the alpha BibTeX bibliography style (alpha.bst) that has support for ISBN and ISSN fields and for a PERIODICAL bibliography type. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.02, 12 Sep 1991 Archives: utah* See also: is-abbrv.bst, is-plain.bst, is-unsrt.bst Name: is-plain.bst Description: Modification of the plain BibTeX bibliography style (plain.bst) that has support for ISBN and ISSN fields and for a PERIODICAL bibliography type. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.02, 12 Sep 1991 Archives: utah* See also: is-abbrv.bst, is-alpha.bst, is-unsrt.bst Name: is-unsrt.bst Description: Modification of the unsrt BibTeX bibliography style (unsrt.bst) that has support for ISBN and ISSN fields and for a PERIODICAL bibliography type. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.02, 12 Sep 1991 Archives: utah* See also: is-abbrv.bst, is-alpha.bst, is-plain.bst Name: jbact.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Thomas Schneider <toms@ncifcrf.gov> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah Note: Requires jbact.sty. Name: jbact.sty Description: LaTeX Keywords: LaTeX Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah See also: jbact.bst Name: jmb.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style for the Journal of Molecular Biology and Journal of Theoretical Biology. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Tom Schneider <toms@ncifcrf.gov> Supported: yes Latest Version: v1.21, 29 Jun 1992 Archives: utah, ncifcrf.gov:pub/delila/jmb.bst.Z Note: jmb.sty Name: jtb.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style that produces bibliographies more or less in the format of the Journal of Theoretical Biology. It was adapted from Sake J. Hogeveen's `astron.bst'. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Alan Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Supported: no Latest Version: v1.1, 1990 Archives: utah Note: Requires astron.bst. Name: namunsrt.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah Name: nar.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style for the journal Nucleic Acid Research. It was adapted from the standard unsrt.bst style file. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Tom Schneider <toms@ncifcrf.gov> Supported: yes Latest Version: v3.04, 10 Sep 1991 Archives: utah Note: nar.sty Name: nature.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Tom Schneider? (Ask Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu>) Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.05, 29 Jun 1992 Archives: utah, ncifcrf.gov []:pub/delila/nature.sty Name: nature.sty Description: Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah, ncifcrf.gov []:pub/delila/nature.sty Name: newapa.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Stephen N. Spencer <spencer@heinlein.cgrg.ohio.state.edu>, <spencer@cgrg.ohio.state.edu>, <71160.3141@compuserve.com> Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah, stuttgart, aston Name: newapa.sty Description: Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Stephen N. Spencer <spencer@heinlein.cgrg.ohio.state.edu> and Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu>?? Supported: ??? Latest Version: Archives: utah, stuttgart, aston Name: phaip.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: yes Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phapalik.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phcpc.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phiaea.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phjcp.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phnf.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phnflet.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phpf.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phppcf.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phreport.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: phrmp.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Charles Karney <karney@princeton.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 27 Feb 1990 Archives: utah Name: plainyr.bst Description: Modification of the plain BibTeX bibliography style (plain.bst) that sorts items by year, author and title, in that order. Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Michael P. Perrone <mpp@cs.brown.edu> Supported: ??? Latest Version: 26 Jun 1992 Archives: utah Name: science.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Thomas D. Schneider <toms@ncifcrf.gov> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.09, 30 Aug 1992 Archives: ncifcrf.gov []:pub/delila/science.bst Name: science.sty Description: LaTeX document style for the journal Science? Keywords: LaTeX, BibTeX, bibliography Author: Thomas D. Schneider <toms@ncifcrf.gov> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v2.03, 24 Aug 1992 Archives: ncifcrf.gov []:pub/delila/science.sty Name: control.bst Description: BibTeX bibliography style Keywords: BibTeX, bibliography Author: Thomas D. Schneider <toms@ncifcrf.gov> Supported: ??? Latest Version: v1.09, 30 Aug 1992 Archives: ncifcrf.gov []:pub/delila/control.bst =========================================================================== % Keep these lines at the end of the file! % Local Variables: % fill-column: 72 % End: