%% BEGIN pst-user.sty
%% Macros for typesetting pst-user.tex v0.93, 0.93a.

\input tvz-user.sty
\input art12.sty
\input npsfont.sty
\input pstricks.tex
\input pst-node.tex
\input pst-coil.tex
\input pst-plot.tex

\def\thetitle{PSTricks: User's Guide}
\let\theheadertitle\thetitle  % Used with twoside option.

% Paragraphs are marked by large space rather than indentation:
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 7pt plus 1pt minus 1pt

% These are for 8.5inx11in paper:
\oddsidemargin 5cm
\evensidemargin 5cm
\textwidth 11.5cm

% Total bottom margin 1in, text height 8.8in
\textheight 8.8in
\footskip .625in

% No headers, 1in top margin
\headheight 0pt
\headsep 0pt

% Marginal notes always on left.
\marginparwidth 3.5cm
\marginparsep .5cm

% Now adjust margins for different paper size:
% The a4 option sets \paperwidth and \paperheight for a4 paper:
  \divide\@tempdima 2
  \divide\@tempdima 2

% Now adjust left and right margins for twosided printing:

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SECTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Section headings use customizable fonts, leave less space above
% and below, and may overhang on left.

  {-3ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\secfont}}
  {-2.75ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}{1.25ex plus .2ex}{\subsecfont}}
\def\secfont{\sf\LARGE\bf}       % Section headings
\def\subsecfont{\sf\Large\bf}    % Subsection headings

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FONTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% See npsfonts.sty for the macros used below.
%% These font definitions require the NFSS.

  {m}{n}{ptmr},          %Times
  {m}{it}{ptmri},        %
  {m}{sl}{ptmri},        %
  {bx}{n}{ptmb},         %Times-Bold
  {bx}{it}{ptmbi},       %
  {bx}{sl}{ptmbi}}       %
  {m}{n}{phvr},          %Helvetica
  {m}{it}{phvro},        %Helvetica-Oblique
  {m}{sl}{phvro},        %Helvetica-Oblique
  {bx}{n}{phvb},         %Helvetica-Bold
  {bx}{it}{phvbo},       %Helvetica-BoldOblique
  {bx}{sl}{phvbo}}       %Helvetica-BoldOblique
  {m}{n}{pcrr},          %Courier
  {bx}{n}{pcrb},         %Courier-Bold
  {m}{it}{pcrr},         %Courier-Oblique
  {bx}{it}{pcrb}}        %Courier-BoldOblique
\newpsfamily[.965]{symbol}{{m}{n}{rpsyr}}         %Symbol



% A few tricks to avoid math fonts:

    \kern .3pt
    \kern .3pt}}


% The font commands:
\def\MainFont{\tt\bf\large}            % For macro definitions.
\def\UsageFont{\tt\bf}                 % For in-line macro names.
\def\InlineFont{\tt}                   % For other in-line snipets of code.
\def\MetaFont{\sf\sl}                  % For meta arguments.
\def\OpArgFont{\series{m}\selectfont}  % For optional arguments.

% <foo> is short for {\MetaFont foo}.
% Works with \Verb command and LVerb* environment,
% but is disabled in LVerb environment.
\def<#1>{{\MetaFont #1\/}}

% Short-cuts for coordinates:
\def\x#1{{\MetaFont x#1\/}}
\def\y#1{{\MetaFont y#1\/}}
\def\c#1{{\InlineFont(\x{#1},\kern 1pt\y{#1})}}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VERBATIM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



\renewcommand{\VerbatimSpace}{\ \ }

\renewcommand{\VerbSpace}{\ \ }





% Verbatim items:


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE ENVIRONMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% The Example environment uses the fancybox.sty macros
% 1. Save example verbatim to \jobname.tmp,
% 2. Input verbatim with \catcode`\"=14 (" is a comment).
% 3. Input again with \catcode\`"=9 (" is ignored).

% There are 5 example environments:
% 1. example   : center output
% 2. example*  : process output with no special formatting.
% 3. example** : Place on left side of verbatim input.
% 4. MEx       : Like example**, but contents put in picture environment.
% 5. MEx*      : Like MEx, but with grid.







    \hbox to \z@{\hss#1}\cr
    \hbox to \leftmargini{\hss}\cr


%% The macro definitions are stored in in the command sequence
%% \quickref as they appear in the text. This is much easier
%% than trying to output the stuff to an auxiliary file and having
%% to worry about catcodes.

% An entry in \quickref is of the form: \qentry{type}{entry}

%% For switching into landscape mode for the Quick Reference:
  \voffset 9in}

% This makes the Quick Reference:
    \oddsidemargin 0pt
    \evensidemargin 0pt
    \topmargin -.5in
    \textheight 6.5in
    \textwidth 9in
    \columnsep 60pt
    \footskip 0pt
    \footheight 0pt
    \headheight 15pt
    \headsep 40pt
    \parskip 4pt plus 1pt minus 1pt

    \hbox to .5\textwidth{PSTricks\hfill}%
    \hbox to \z@{\hss Quick Reference\hss}%
    \hbox to .5\textwidth{\hfill\thepage}}

% For page numbering in the QR:
\setbox\pst@boxg=\hbox{\UsageFont 99}
\def\refnum#1{\hbox to \refnumdim{\hss\rm\bf\pageref{#1}}}

% Section commands that add an entry to the QR:

% This is just an error checker:
    \@latexerr{\string\Section\space occurred inside
      \@currenvir\space environment}\@ehc

% The qr@ definitions:
  \refnum{\string#1}\endgroup\hskip 1em\string#1}}
\def\qr@param#1{\leavevmode\hbox to\hsize{\qr@@param#1\@nil\hskip 1em#1}\par}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PARTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\font\bighelv=phvb at 88bp

  \lower 20pt\hbox to \z@{\hss{\bighelv\Roman{part}}\hskip 2em}%
\def\@@@part#1{\markright{#1}{\sf\Huge\bf#1}\par\vskip 2cm\@afterheading}
\def\pnumberline#1{\hbox to\z@{\hss#1\hskip\@tempdima}}
\def\pnumberline#1{\hbox to2cm{Part #1\hfill}}

    \@tempdima 1em
    \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
    \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
    {\large\bf\leavevmode#1\hfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}}\par
\lpartskip 1.25em plus 1pt minus 1pt

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PARAMETER DEFINITIONS AND INDEXING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Like \MainEnvIndex, etc., but for parameters:

% Like \MainPar, but for parameters. Can optionally include =foo.
  {\MainFont #1\ifx#3=\relax=\MetaFont#2\fi}}

% Analogous to \n, but optionally argument can include =foo.
  {\UsageFont #1\ifx#3=\relax=#2\fi}}

% For listing parameter definitions in a {description} environment:
  \item[\MainFont#1=\MetaFont#2]%    % Set the definition in \MainFont
  \addtoquickref{param}{#1={\MetaFont #2}\hfill {\rm Default:} #3}%
  \hfill {\MainFont {\rm Default:} #3}\par}
    {\@warning{Parameter `#1' default not defined.}\@eha\@pitem#1=#2()}
    {\@pitem#1=#2(\csname default@#1\endcsname)}}

% Read in a list of defaults extracted from pstricks.doc:
    \expandafter\gdef\csname default@#1\endcsname&#2^%
  \csname @input\endcsname&defaults.pst^

% For putting parameter definitions in an Ex environment:
  \addtoquickref{param}{#1={\MetaFont #2}\hfill {\rm Default:} #3}%
  \hbox to\linewidth{%
    \MainFont #1={\MetaFont#2}\hfill {\rm Default:} #3}\par}
    {\@warning{Parameter `#1' default not defined.}\@Par#1=#2()}
    {\@Par#1=#2(\csname default@#1\endcsname)}}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MACRO DEFINITIONS AND INDEXING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% There are four commands for listing macro definitions:
%  1. \mitem   : List in a description environment
%  2. \oitem   : Like \mitem, but optional *[par] automatically inserted.
%  3. \object  : List in a description environment.
%  4. \Mac     : Short for \begin{Ex}\object foo\end{Ex}.
% In each case:
%  1. definition is delimited only by end-of-line.
%  2. {}, () and [] are literal, with contents set in \MetaFont
%  3. = and , are literal.
%  4. `foo' is for optional arguments.
%  5. <foo> is meta, as usual.

    \def(##1){\string({\MetaFont ##1})}}

  \catcode`\`=13 \gdef`#1'{{\OpArgFont #1}}


% For listing macro definitions in a "description" environment:

% For listing graphics object definitions in a {description} environment:
% The optional *[par] is inserted automatically.
\def\@@oitem#1#2\@nil{\@mitem{#1{\OpArgFont*[{\MetaFont par}]}#2}}

% For generic macro definition, usually to be put in a displayed env.

% For a single displayed macro definition:


%%%%%%%%%%% FRAMED WARNINGS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\setbox\bombbox=\hbox to\z@{%

    \em Warning:\hskip 1em

    \leavevmode\lower 20pt\hbox{%
      \hbox to0pt{\hbox to \linewidth{\hss\copy\filebox\hss}\hss}%
      \raise 10pt\hbox to \linewidth{\hss\large\bf\sf #1\hss}}}%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  MISCELLANEOUS  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Driver notes:
\def\drivers{\noindent\small Driver notes:\hskip 1em\ignorespaces}

% This makes " a short verb. E.g., "\foo" instead of \verb+\foo+.



%% END pst-user.sty