%% BEGIN pstree.readme
%% April 14, 1993
%% tvz@Princeton.EDU

This directory contains some new tree macros for PSTricks, plus a few
other new features (including a matrix macro for graphs and commutatitve
diagrams). If you ever make trees, then you really should
try these out.

These will be incorporated into the next release of PSTricks.
Any comments and improvements in the meantime would be greatly
appreciated, including better examples.

These macros are unstable, both in that they probably have bugs and
also in that the interface could change a little. But they are already
well documented and are very complete.

These have been tested with PSTricks v0.93a. I think they should also
work with v0.93, but definitely not earlier versions.

The files are:

  pst-beta.tex   : Use this instead of pst-node.tex. If you are also
                   using pst-coil.tex or pst-plot.tex, you should
                   input these BEFORE pst-beta.tex.

  psn-beta.pro   : This is the PostScript header file that is used by
                   pst-beta.tex (instead of pst-node.pro).

  pst-doc1.ps    : The first part of the documentation. Includes revised
                   documentation for the node commands.

  pst-doc2.ps    : Second part of the documentation.

  changes.tex    : Changes for this beta release.

%% END pstree.readme