%% BEGIN tvz-hax.sty
%%  93/03/03
%%  These are some lousy hacks for typesetting the code
%%  and User's Guide  in the Seminar and PSTricks packages.
%%  Tim Van Zandt tvz@Princeton.EDU


\input article.sty
\input fancybox.sty    % Version 0.93 or later.


\hfuzz 1pt


% Just in case I'm using AmS-LaTeX.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOGOS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    \csname reset@font\endcsname
      \bf A}%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PAGE STYLE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Headings:
  \def\sectionmark##1{\markright {##1}}}%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Table of Contents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Tight up spacing in TOC:
    \begin{center} \Large\bf Contents \end{center}
    \def\numberline##1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss##1\hskip 1em}}%
  \markright{Table of contents}%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% This expands the date, as defined in \filedate.
    January \or February \or March \or April \or May \or June \or
    July \or August \or September \or October \or November \or December

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% code and examples %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% This is an environment for putting samples of code. It is like
%% a variant of \begin{quote}\tt ... \end{quote}. It is NOT verbatim.
  \@latexerr{Bad nesting of environments.
    Perhaps missing \end{\@currenvir}}\@eha
  \hfuzz 1pt
%% Various things to make it easier to write code and examples:
  \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12
  \catcode`\(=1 \catcode`\)=2
  \catcode`\+=0 \catcode`\\=12
  +gdef+|(\)          % \| = character \
  +gdef+{({)          % \{ = character {
  +gdef+}(})          % \} = character }
%% Define some functional font commands:
\def\MainFont{\tt}            % For macro definitions.
\def\UsageFont{\tt}           % For in-line macro names.
\def\InlineFont{\tt}          % For other in-line snipets of code.
\def\DisplayFont{\tt}         % For displayed code.
\def\MetaFont{\sl}            % For meta arguments.

%% END tvz-hax.sty