=== Auto1 Binary Distribution ===


    Nico Schl\"omer

These files are public domain.


To make use of the package, you need the original Auto 1 TTF files as listed below.

 md5sum                            FILENAME
304a8c10220f6494d2a6001dcc65a42d  Auto1-BoldSmCp.ttf
bb6f16789ab406d98c8c28813fd42bbe  Auto1-Bold.ttf
88be917d478495b313bad9b1420c0aa6  Auto1-BlackItalicLF.ttf
32cd6d0c6217af27126a30ee5010c36b  Auto1-LightSmCp.ttf
22bb547da157257551b1a652c5582d3f  Auto1-ItalicLF.ttf
2832344f4dc56f14bde6388dc1d8da63  Auto1-BoldItalicSmCp.ttf
428222079ffd1d653a5563549c53545b  Auto1-LightItalic.ttf
668a8fefc3b9b7ec29bebaea2319acba  Auto1-Regular.ttf
b05a39ef6fb3220b732f46a274e0c843  Auto1-BoldItalic.ttf
1d7336a8b2c4d4c4bc4f79b362c52afb  Auto1-LightLF.ttf
713c3c14d1d978e4bcc6a59d21f12893  Auto1-LightItalicSmCp.ttf
ebb17df426905ef164389a6c9b2477c5  Auto1-BlackSmCp.ttf
97517a6562306ca72ca9d3629f055c12  Auto1-BoldLF.ttf
079f3c77f03e8918b32328a448ce2789  Auto1-BlackItalic.ttf
45b577abd63288652c50112fdbaa3893  Auto1-BoldItalicLF.ttf
de521edc0edb2c60fb1be7eac5004334  Auto1-Light.ttf
dc85e4972c85887155cb4f510af54bb4  Auto1-BlackLF.ttf
c853120d959886a0c91db0f22b765d5e  Auto1-RegularLF.ttf
7e34b8b874030fc53a1bee376abdcedb  Auto1-Black.ttf
263b13c90a19a4aa5658bc4b05e227f6  Auto1-ItalicSmCp.ttf
a9ac233da3671d6413e5642737e3841f  Auto1-LightItalicLF.ttf
c36832d07119089923315eda1ece525e  Auto1-RegularSmCp.ttf
741b7d6a85619e88a493db6cee490258  Auto1-Italic.ttf
ccfb9a78465cb4181f63bc84801842a5  Auto1-BlackItalicSmCp.ttf

Those are the fonts in version 1.110.
If you have LCDF Typetools installed you can determine the version with the otfinfo command. For example:

  $ otfinfo -v Auto1-Regular.ttf
  Version 1.110;PS 001.110;hotconv 1.0.38;2004


The Auto1 distribution comes in one archive that contains all the necessary files.


0) Select the directory you want to install the files into. Usually,
   this will be the local TeX tree. You can determine its path via the

  $ kpsexpand '$TEXMFLOCAL'

   In the following instructions we will assume that the path is


1) Unpack the archive directly into the TeX tree, for example:

  $ cd /usr/local/share/texmf
  $ unzip metrics-auto1-latex-x.x.zip

2) If you have an old TeX distribution you might need to move the
   encoding files and the map file into another directory:

  $ cd /usr/local/share/texmf
  $ mkdir -p dvips/auto1
  $ mv fonts/enc/dvips/auto1/* dvips/auto1
  $ mv fonts/map/dvips/auto1/* dvips/auto1

3) Refresh the file database and run updmap:

  $ mktexlsr
  $ updmap  --enable Map=Auto1.map

(On recent teTeX distributions you might have to call updmap-sys instead
of updmap depending on in which tree you installed the files.)

4) Happy TeXing!